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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I'd say violation, in the case it's willing vs them fighting tooth and nail but not wanting to go like Lavabit.
  2. Wasn't trying to, just that if you have nothing major to be stolen, it's not that big a deal. But yes, you're right in that people were just ignorant of what was going on. Though in FB's case, people have been on about them being the product for years, and there's Zuckerburg's famous quote as well about people trusting him.
  3. Well, Google doesn't have stormtroopers, yet. But yeah, always baffled at how much people overshare online - people need to lie more
  4. You should though, have to be careful these days
  5. Cities Skylines is one, though I wish I could create a proper ghetto.
  6. Time to find exactly where Gorgon lives.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaffir_(racial_term)
  8. Well, as long as no one is pushed by you, I guess.
  9. Someday GW will care about the licence for 40k and we'll get better games. Some day.
  10. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-03-27-netflix-is-developing-a-live-action-carmen-sandiego-movie Carmen Sandiego movie, wonder how gritty it will be
  11. Always is the off chance someone will be curious to know, and one article being from today was too fitting to not mention.
  12. Little better than if it was just Guatemala.
  13. Or someone was bad at estimating the size of a natural gas reserve. Though to be fair I don't think they felt they could not set it on fire. Should have used a nuke.
  14. Isn't he a colossal prick? Thought that was a key sign of humanity
  15. https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/fresh_kaffir_lime_and_02405 https://www.google.com/search?q=bbc+kaffir+limes
  16. No funky soundtrack, 1/10 trailer.
  17. Huh, is it possible that we of the Obsidian Think Tank could be incorrect in our detailed analysis on the effectiveness of walls preventing people from illegally entering places? One thing is fo' sho', if we do move forward with Trump Wall, we need to get the Moroccans to build it. Thought it was the expense of trying to fortify the southern border. Mind you, if there's a need for troops down there as in the Berm should send all the skinheaded badass cops from US cities to do a tour down there. They can play soldier
  18. Well, it seems like it is working to repel the guerillas (well, it isn't operating in isolation). Granted, it's not just a wall - minefields and 120,000 troops there.
  19. Sounds like a cop with a paper ego.
  20. Superman's too boring to be a jerk. A jerk would give him character. Apparently the teenagers group or whatever did release a manifesto, will have to read that. Got the impression the whole thing was like the Ten Years After song, heh.
  21. Why does everyone tell me it sounds fun . Been to England, but not Scotland. Problem is no direct flight, so have to deal with the risk of connections and my luck
  22. He was just a different sect of Nazi.
  23. Have to go to Scotland for a trip, so have to suffer through my UK coworkers. This is why I need to have kids, I can use them as a reason I can't leave the country for a week.
  24. Proof? Why did you have to ask?
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