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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Will get it and wait to get gouged on DLC on sales
  2. Those horses must be so annoyed having to trot like that
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/man-shows-sight-santa-fe-150800287.html Must be a false flag
  4. Listening to far too much gangsta rap today
  5. Well a lot of regular folk did get an invite due to their charity work, which is neat of them. It's a big deal for the CBC here, my mom and sister will probably have it on the TV but not a big deal - they have to put up with me watching the World Cup for example
  6. I like buggy ones.
  7. Some dude's comment on Death Magnetic's production http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/threads/mastered-by-muppets-death-magnetic.428856/
  8. Should be pretty easy to do so, the way that's slung she can't wield it quickly if you get close in. Kind of funny that she's attending Kent State too
  9. Great to hear that! Give him plenty of love. Oh yeah everyone will. I suspect he's a bit of a bastard and will try to milk it, but he is old so will give him the benefit of the doubt. Apparently he's making himself A Big Deal at the vet's office by demanding every woman he sees comes to him.
  10. Yeah I noticed that with Dreamfall Chapters. Bastards trying to force you to use Galaxy.
  11. Because she attacked him later, if I recall correctly.
  12. Dog had surgery and it went well, tough boy is wanting to come home already
  13. Does remind me of Borderlands, but must just be the way the trailer's presented more than anything else.
  14. And it's legal!
  15. Back to Overwatch competitive, torturing myself listening to people who think they are witty or a lot of French people snarking at Americans for not understanding French for some reason.
  16. Most likely Israel would be busy invading Lebanon and Syria, and the US will have the 'help' of Saudi etc instead unless they get them to go draw an F15 in the corner while the adults are working. Six months later we'll get "who would have thought international relations were this complicated?" It certainly doesn't help that the only time the US media as a whole ever gets behind Trump is when he's firing missiles at people. The preference for stupid 'strength' over nuanced sense isn't just from Trump. Israel trying both would be a disaster, I would wager, as well. Heck even one. Israel would 'win' even against both, but very much with the air quotes. Their main aim would almost certainly be to restart/ exacerbate the civil wars there to get their enemies fighting each other rather than doing prolonged fighting themselves. They might achieve it, but it seems unlikely since the single unifying strand in Syria and Lebanon is hatred of Israel, so anyone helping them will be viewed as a traitor. Plus there's the question of what Russia would do under such circumstances, and while Putin seems OK with some limited strikes by Israel he's temperamentally unlikely to back down if Israel tries more than that. Fundamentally though, any invasion of Iran will result in their proxies fighting whatever 'coalition' is scraped together throughout Lebanon to Iran, and that practically means that Iraq, Syria and Lebanon become involved whatever anyone wants; and that will involve Israel either invading pre-emptively or being dragged in. Fair enough, was thinking their aim would be something more than setting fire to the neighbour's houses. I had thought the aim would be to crush Hezbollah, which I doubt they can do without getting stuck in one messy and expensive conflict their public would tire of. Maybe I'm underestimating the IDF, though. Good thing I am not a head of a foreign office
  17. Most likely Israel would be busy invading Lebanon and Syria, and the US will have the 'help' of Saudi etc instead unless they get them to go draw an F15 in the corner while the adults are working. Six months later we'll get "who would have thought international relations were this complicated?" It certainly doesn't help that the only time the US media as a whole ever gets behind Trump is when he's firing missiles at people. The preference for stupid 'strength' over nuanced sense isn't just from Trump. Israel trying both would be a disaster, I would wager, as well. Heck even one.
  18. Inspired by Shady's post I was listening to Ice Cube. Coworker decided take my USB headset out for a call while I was out, so the audio reverted to the speakers on the monitors, so the office got 30 seconds of "Good Cop, bad Cop"
  19. Did anyone say Shady's a pimp?
  20. Yeah, invading Iran solo is going to work out so well for the US. Ah, wait forgot they can count on Israel - though wonder how much the IDF could spare for any invasion.
  21. Only reason I go to work.
  22. Yeah, it'd be great if pilots ejected after being made combat ineffective. Haven't played in a bit as finding the missions a chore, partly due to my lack of heavies.
  23. Well illegals will work for less and you can threaten them with ICE. Two wins!
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