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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Hey Gaunt's Ghosts explores the themes of...uhm...melodrama in war ? I just stick the Horus Heresy series, the literary equivalent of Paradox DLC at this point.
  2. Yep, while I like LFR as an idea it is pretty much the usual MP game hell once things go a little sideways. It is funny though that healing in LFR is harder than a real raid as you have dumbasses taking damage when they shouldn't Just about to get to Golem City, was a bit disappointed that I had to gun down a squad of cops in the subway station as the stealth option needed me to have the wall punching ability. Also disappointed the doors somehow managed to perfectly muffle sustained automatic rifle fire so the guys upstairs weren't alarmed
  3. WoW is a bit too streamlined these days but that is the market. I liked ammo and reagents and dungeon attunements
  4. I thought it was because they were all subbie types
  5. WoW always was pretty easy, though.
  6. Bunch of weirdos
  7. Seems like something that should be on ESPN
  8. Will have to dig a bit when I have time/not busy listening to 90's rap at work. I guess it doesn't matter so much w.r.t the legal view, would be odd for a man to be offended by "Happy Marriage Adam & Steve", at least to me.
  9. Listening to the music of today 25 years late.
  10. Did they ever say what was on the cake ? At least one amusing thing from is Trump's moron son proving he fails at ****posting
  11. Still working through DX:MD. Did the mission to sneak into the bank, interesting to see the viable approaches (wish I got remote hacking) luckily I cheesed it via the cloak. Seems weird to be running around a city in daylight in a DX game.
  12. Oby was this guy that used to make very OTT anti-western posts and generally wind up people. Well only a couple people fell for it, I rather enjoyed some of his posts - I remember he put up a cool drawing/painting of a suicide bomber approaching soldiers on a tank. You can explore his legend via Google https://www.google.com/search?&q=obyknven+site%3Aforums.obsidian.net
  13. If this is an alt... then who is the main? dun duuuun duuuuuuuuun I am oby.
  14. Ain't no one got time to read these days, man.
  15. Perceived favoritism, maybe. I just chose mine from 40k as I needed a name for this alt
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtM0iD3rxgw
  17. Or waifu pillows
  18. Murdering civilians is fun in DX:MD, nice touch as they reach at you before lifelessly falling to the ground. Wonder if icing the cultist dude in the courtyard will come back to bite me
  19. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/international-business/us-business/article-trump-blasts-canada-as-highly-restrictive-threatens-lumber-in/ US diplomacy at work, I guess.
  20. You poor bastard. I still need to play 3, bought it. DX:MD's download is 32 gigs, ugh. Better be worth the time I need to spend downloading it.
  21. Perfect music to start the work day with.
  22. Deus Ex Mankind Divided was $8.50 on Steam, seems a reasonable price so I splurged
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