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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Nearing the end of DX:MD, last 2 side missions I did have no solid ending, found some cop was bent and a shoe on him and found out some guy didn't kill his wife. Is pretty fun though as a stealth game so far, even if the AI's behaviour isn't the best (but exploitable as a tactic)
  2. Why is it called a driveway when you mostly park on it.
  3. Everything is ****
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiang_Kai-shek_rifle I guess.
  5. Suicide prevention on Reddit seems out of place. I feel like killing myself every time I browse that site.
  6. Watching this instead of working
  7. Don't think I ever heard that expressed in Mass.
  8. I feel like they owe me money for PoE
  9. Pft. I'm just here to kill time at work.
  10. I ,too, possess a pysche of iron.
  11. Heresy DOES come from idleness.
  12. Well, not sure they could shut it down or not, no time to react. Best question is why the Death Star supposedly has 6,000 fighters on board, yet doesn't think quantity has a quality of its own and just swamp them. Interestingly, I had thought that was Stalin that said that and turns out there's a lot of stuff people attribute to him that he probably never said.
  13. Huh? Not getting the reference here. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-election-vote-ford-horwath-wynne-pc-ndp-liberal-green-1.4696736 Progressive Conservative (lol, fricking Reform ate them, really) party won the provincial election in Ontario last night. Leader is the brother of the crack smoking, drunk mayor we had in Toronto that died in 2016 or so.
  14. Finished Golem City, sort of, in DX:MD. Not quite oppression porn but it was a decent setting.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/08/us/anthony-bourdain-obit/index.html Well that sucks, I liked his show and he seemed like a chill guy
  16. I am hoping he has some scandal and they turf him as leader.
  17. Can't see that approach working for anything, get people's backs up and then they don't listen. People like those are about as annoying as the "childfree" people opposed to them
  18. People still play UT99 so you're in luck !
  19. Could always vote Green or Communist
  20. Voted in the provincial election today, was surprised that we have a Libertarian and a Communist on the ballot. Sadly we still use first past the post which sucks as your vote is pointless unless you happen to be in a contested riding, mine is solidly NDP and even though we flipped Liberal in the Federal, that ain't happening with the Liberals being a wreck and the PC candidate being meshback trash.
  21. Its relevant insofar as people can think one thing, and then years later change their minds and think another thing. *GASP* Also, people are stupid and gullible, as evidenced by the approximate 3.8 BILLION Christians and Muslims that CURRENTLY belive in a sky overlord. BTW, has the worldwide infection rate of AIDS increased or are you just locked onto Africa since that specific place has had an AIDS rate increase? Well it does align with the EPA actions. Seems odd, but I probably think it's just them doing the usual of not collecting data to later aid in helping industry.
  22. I hear the Horus Heresy series is getting a TV show. Could be fun if it were animated.
  23. Old article https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/moscows-metro-dogs
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