If you get sexually assaulted/raped when performing or prostituting, then you are no longer performing or prostituting but a victim by force, therefore it's not possible while "on the job". People seem to have forgotten that prostituting and performing is different from being a bagger at a grocery store or any non-sexual related job (I am now excluding contract differentiation as well). With that said, I still stand by my comment.
But how would that be linked to me defending rapists in any way? How is Gifted1 saying "Innocent til proven guilty" make him a rapist apologist? The internet is a funny place and again, it's moments on threads like these where non-members will look and not take the forum seriously anymore.
I do believe every rapist should be caught with and dealt with accordingly, as any other crime should be, there is no exception whether a murderer, thief, pedophile, drug pusher, etc. But as with other crimes, the court should treat sexual harrasment and rape the same as any other crime, rape victims aren't any more special than victims/families of murder cases and so on so not sure why people are saying that word of mouth makes anything justifiably worth condemnation. It just doesn't seem realistic and I'm glad we're not there in the systems.
What a bizarre set of semantics to reach the conclusion of yours I quoted. So they can't be raped on the job if it occurs while on the job it somehow changes the nature of the job. Okay.