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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. You sure that all the poor are like that ? Did see one article that gave an example of a guy whose birth certificate was in paper but got lost in the county office and that'd cost money and time to resolve - which wasn't practical for him. So is ancillary costs to consider as well. I guess moving forward it shouldn't be too bothersome to find supporting documentation, etc. for kids born in 80's, 90s' (even with the US' backward ways ). Should institute national service - then you get a free ID card that way
  2. Probably would be a lot of murders if we all met in one place. Either due to inter-party violence or some sort of missile strike
  3. Someone will murder you for the money.
  4. That is something to be proud of, you've mastered estimation of work.
  5. Nah, both should be same. If they think you're of sound mind to hand a weapon to, booze should be ok as well. Of course, doubtful that the age for both to be true is 18
  6. Old enough to kill, but not for drinking.
  7. One other issue may be problems with supporting documentation for ID in some states. Don't think anyone'll actually take a honest look at it, though, which is a shame.
  8. Well I have no scrollbar on the right hand side, that's new. Ah, nope, it disappeared on other pages - guess FF is acting up again.
  9. I was surprised it came back up.
  10. You work for Rockstar? Nah, I wish. Even with that crunch it'd still leave my soul unscarred unlike my current job. Just not too trustful of some high up saying working long hours is purely 'voluntary'.
  11. https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/15/winamp-returns-in-2019-to-whip-the-llamas-ass-harder-than-ever/ Fresh llama ass whipping next year
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/15/middleeast/saudi-khashoggi-death-turkey/index.html?r=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Fjamal-khashoggi-report-cnn-saudi-arabia-investigation-2018-10 So they ordered interrogation, but not killing. I guess this will get them in the clear.
  13. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/328625/Red_Dead_Redemption_2_team_was_crunching_100hour_weeks_says_Dan_Houser.php Yep.
  14. Owner sounds like a prick if it's true he grabbed the guy and dragged him to the office to tell him to cover up. His face isn't that bad, I guess my years of looking at myself in the mirror have made me immune to such sights.
  15. Nothing really, Trump called him a 'democrat' whatever the hell that means to him. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/14/us/politics/trump-mattis-democrat.html
  16. Is the AI improved any? Last time I played about a year ago, my friend who was playing as Rome (I was playing as Seleucid master race) had the Senate take everything east of Illyria. Didn't matter because stupid AI would raise legions in the ass-end of nowhere and the concept of reinforcing cities seemed completely alien to it. That and the doomstacking approach to taking cities basically ruined the game for me. On the strategic level, no not really noticing much clever play on their part. Nothing outright idiotic either though. On the battle level, it seems less foolish than I recall it to be - at a river crossing they smartly linked up their two armies then crossed and tried to blunt my cavalry with their own. Unfortunately they spent their time running their men around so...exhausted troops broke on my line.
  17. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-interview-60-minutes-full-transcript-lesley-stahl-jamal-khashoggi-james-mattis-brett-kavanaugh-vladimir-putin-2018-10-14/ Poor Mattis.
  18. Yeah, to my disappointment the game probably won't end up burning and being a disaster for Roberts. Suppose it can live on with EVE like numbers, Roberts must have that many dedicated fanboys
  19. https://www.pcgamer.com/star-citizen-raises-more-than-dollar1-million-in-four-days-following-alpha-33-release Well, worst comes to pass, Roberts will have a lot of cash.
  20. Rome TW2. Like the civil wars I have now, even if these Senate loyalists took half my territory.
  21. Well the femoral artery is near there. Maybe one of those bean bag guns would be best
  22. https://www.haaretz.com/whdcMobileSite/middle-east-news/saudis-threaten-global-economic-repercussions-if-punished-1.6553930 KSA getting uppity
  23. Unless the side you're referring to is the "violent" side, then I'm afraid you're dead wrong. edit: wait, wait. Is this one of those times when we argue that nazis are actually left-wing? ou tell me:https://www.foxnews.com/politics/calls-for-civility-after-vandalism-violent-clashes-outside-gop-headquarters-in-new-york https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Congressional_baseball_shooting https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/410566-clinton-you-cant-be-civil-with-a-party-that-wants-to-destroy https://dailycaller.com/2018/10/08/antifa-protesters-portland-traffic-riot/ http://abcnews.go.com/US/sen-rand-paul-blindsided-kentucky-home/story?id=50933869 https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kentucky-democrat-reportedly-jokes-about-rand-paul-assault-he-can-be-beaten https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2018/09/25/ted-cruz-restaurant-brett-kavanaugh-protesters/1419181002/ http://www.startribune.com/rosemount-educator-on-leave-after-tweeting-kill-kavanaugh/495903561/ Of course some of this is all hat and no cattle. But I never once heard any prominent Republicans call for Obama's assassination. Or for Elena Kagans. Or Sotomayors. Of that their children should be kidnapped and raped. No one ever shot up a field of Democrats playing baseball. Or assaulted one in their home. Not saying there is no violence from the right. There definitely is. But generally the right leaning leaders are not calling for it. Not so the other way. Nazi, left wing, right wing... what it comes down to is are you so determined to have power over other people you are willing to hurt them or kill them to get it? Plain to see where that is going in this country at least. As for me I am a firm believer in the Non aggression principle. But I am also a firm believer in actively and forcefully defending myself. People heckling Cruz at dinner should not be mentioned in the context of violence, heh. But still what top Democrats have called for Trump to die or for outright violence? Clinton saying don't be civil is a big stretch. Also Republicans crying for that are going to be full of **** as Graham always is.
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