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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Excellent Paladin spam worked the second time around, granted with 2 days from the limit.
  2. Any excuse to post this video by Gun Jesus, his Cobray videos are the best
  3. Elven Treachery is one hard level in Majesty, sort of weird as it is that way as it's the level unlocked after doing the beginner runs. Tried Paladin spam, but fell short of the goal - will try making money to pay them off and not push Paladins so hard - was fun to watch 12 of them wreck a bunch of elves.
  4. Early techo-barbarian prototype of a Devastator marine
  5. Could be he likes Miami Vice.
  6. What you all want is a CZ 75
  7. 550 Toronto men tell wives they are getting COVID tests “for no particular reason
  8. Security vulnerability in GOG Galaxy disclosed https://www.positronsecurity.com/blog/2020-08-13-gog-galaxy_client-local-privilege-escalation_deuce/
  9. Spent some time wondering why Youtube is giving me Muslim dating app ads. Based on what I've been listening to of late, would have expected they'd flag me as some sort of Communist.
  10. Birthday yesterday, ate too much, so probably should go for a long walk today
  11. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/israel-uae-announce-normalisation-relations-200813145645861.html Sort of odd to see this sold as "peace in the ME" as I don't really recall UAE being so hostile to Israel. Also, https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/511878-national-security-adviser-says-trump-should-be-a-front-runner-for as expected.
  12. https://apnews.com/083ef5555ef82c015e2f37f1822c0d78 Sort an amusing distraction
  13. Comments by a supposed Intel employee on what's going on inside - https://mobile.twitter.com/chiakokhua/status/1288402693770231809
  14. Got Planet Coaster as a birthday gift, so am playing that. First step is watching tutorial videos
  15. Not a bad take for the Postmaster General job, ~$2MM.
  16. Yep, is on list. Forgot I didn't finish reading Nothing terribly new, but is always nice to recover familiar ground. Hm, I've read a lot of stuff about Russia, lately.
  17. Never did read Don Quixote.
  18. Still would be more accurate than The Patriot
  19. Ah ok, never know with libertarians and the way Amentep said it, seemed believable as well. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/jared-kushner-kanye-west-2020-election-donald-trump-running-for-president-a9667361.html Jared's just trying to become a music star. Lord knows he can do anything.
  20. Hence my question. Is a Federal Post Office some sort of onerous infringement on liberty ?
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