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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Yeah, lots of stupid choices to go around there - cops in Kenosha are too scared to tell these people to GTFO, I guess, and leads to this nonsense. https://www.channel3000.com/militia-member-says-kenosha-police-sought-to-push-protesters-toward-them-on-night-of-deadly-shootings/
  2. Nah, can't take one dog out without the other crying and they are too big for my lap to carry both. They do need to learn to be apart though, so maybe it is a good idea to do so in 5 minute sprints.
  3. Sat out on my step listening to Electric Avenue on loop while reading.
  4. Yes, but you wrote "I also appreciate the red herring of right wing militia being the source of crime and murder in our country. Sure. I mean, I have no doubt the folks here are certain of that fact. ". Which would be true if anyone had said that there was only source of crime and that right wing militia or as quoted white supremacists were it. No one here has said as much, the remark about BLM/Antifa is due to some members here seeing Antifa or BLM as The Great Satan.
  5. https://cbsaustin.com/news/local/multiple-boats-in-distress-sinking-at-trump-boat-parade-on-lake-travis Doesn't seem anyone was hurt, so is kind of funny.
  6. Well, good that it wasn't some elaborate plan to assassinate/kidnap you
  7. Fair enough, I haven't come across any test with it (granted have not looked much) but was something that stuck out to me as being a bit odd. Sure sucks in Canada, NCIX used to be good for me but they died (and lost all my personal info...) so have to go with Newegg pretty much or CC which has dubious customer service.
  8. Sounds pretty suspicious, to me.
  9. Well, they have been reporting about white supremacists in the cops and military (the Marines that liked using SS imagery for some reason), latter also has issues with gangs. History Channel is to blame for this, all the Nazi crap they showed in the 90s snd 00s
  10. Seems like a slow wind down rather than ending, troops are still there and in Afghanistan as well. So, yeah stiill seems like a lot talk. Well I guess he did veto a cut to heatlhcare his administration came up with, good to fix problems you make yourself
  11. The cooler airflow is interesting, wonder if CPU coolers are going to get adversely affected a lot in practice.
  12. https://streamable.com/roost9 It's like FM in real life.
  13. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-russia-vaccine/results-of-russias-covid-19-vaccine-produced-antibody-response-the-lancet-idUSKBN25V1I2 Russian vaccine had good results https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31866-3/fulltext
  14. Save scummed to maybe not have my team be total crap. Nope, lost to a SCOTTISH team. Shame I can't decimate my team for such a disgrace.
  15. What an odd reason to hope it's not. Don't really see his support for the military as being more standout or different than previous Presidents - basically all talk and no show
  16. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-54003527 Well, guess it's good they didn't drone her.
  17. Antisocial as in being against the norms, think the ASBOs in the UK. Or just browse Facebook or Reddit to see the loons/racists/douchebags/Chelsea FC fans.
  18. So services would have to tolerate with a lot of antisocial types being on their service ? It's not illegal to be a prick, after all.
  19. SCOTUS sided with the baker, as well. So the ideal end point is no rules on content in a social media platform ?
  20. Well, those were fake Hinds. That apparently were armed with AKs based on the effect the gunfire had on them
  21. Can't wait to see the criteria his hatchetman Barr comes up with to label cities "anarchist" - https://www.axios.com/trump-memo-cut-funding-anarchist-democratic-cities-ac658965-a427-4149-87f4-58c1f9a8506a.html
  22. Python, Java and Java/TypeScript aren't the be all and end all, y'know. One could say real men don't work with those. Sure would be somewhat funny to have to go to a court and have due process in order to be banned from Twitter or Facebook or Reddit (that last one would be the most so), as I'd imagine any hypothetical government involvement in making sure rights are observed on a platform would work out with.
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