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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Start a war
  2. That is even more depressing.
  3. Doesn't matter where we send him, as long as it's one way.
  4. You have a great future as a 2nd Lieutenant. Went back to Surviving Mars, had to reload the save as for some reason I forgot I have no untapped water sources near my main colony and then let my current source run dry, so 50% of the colony dies due to lack of water, that's a wrap. Massive pipe networks are bad as I need to have a chain of depots and drone commanders, bleh. Playing as Russia is nice, the drillers are inefficient and all but the colonists they free up makes up for that.
  5. Wonder if he's posted about battling Antifa commandos.
  6. Things said by Cheong aren't worth paying attention to.
  7. Game is still ****ing with me by letting me have a good run. Honestly am surprised I've not been defeated by some garbage lower level team more than I am not losing to Sparta or even beating Slavia
  8. Sailor Jupiter was the best one, so obviously that's why they used the hair.
  9. A watched package never arrives.
  10. A deserving person won the Nobel Peace Prize at least - https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/10/09/922415943/nobel-peace-prize-goes-to-the-dog-aka-the-mascot-of-wfp
  11. Tried playing the Syberia The World Before demo. Game doesn't even launch successfully, seems like admin mode is the key so I guess I'll try that. Rather disappointing.
  12. Does make him less hireable.
  13. Try sticking to things that exist
  14. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intels-long-awaited-fab-42-is-fully-operational Star Wars jokes apply here.
  15. The history of the Michigan Militia is rather interesting. I did get a chuckle out of their founder saying the OKC bombing was done by the Japanese after the US sponsored the gas attack in Tokyo.
  16. This will be great.
  17. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2020/10/08/feds-thwart-militia-plot-kidnap-michigan-gov-gretchen-whitmer/5922301002/ And https://www.wlns.com/top-stories/breaking-standoff-in-munith-linked-to-governor-kidnapped-plot/ Pretty wild.
  18. It is time for a revolution!
  19. On a good run in Brno, and naturally my players are upset because a lack of playing time, which is just due to them sucking at their job compared to the new guy. I like my CB who has 5 Determination and 8 Concentration which means he's useless in big games and makes tonnes of mistakes grousing and then having his teammates stick up for him, which causes everyone to do poorly. The games somewhat funny in how the players freak out, one guy misses 2 games due to being an offensive winger when I don't need that against Slavia or Viktoria and then bam, tantrum.
  20. Or maybe it wasn't that good ? It sucks a bit less now, though.
  21. People are funny, at the grocery store there is a queue for all the registers due to COVID measures. Some guy skipped the line of ~20 people as he had two beers, the teenaged girl at the front tries to tell him to stop and he just straight up ignores her. A teenaged guy comes up and tells him to go to the back of the line as well, and he complies.
  22. Good idea to have the second debate be virtual, but Trump isn't bothering.
  23. Looks nice if I increase the zoom to 160%
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