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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Think Hanlan's razor applies
  2. The **** is wrong with people.
  3. The sun seems to have damaged Ted Cruz's mind.
  4. Was wondering how much coke he was on before I got to the emeritus part. Our emeritus prof used his security to verbally abuse us all "Why are you here instead of community college?" "This equation's virtue is AMPERE'S LAW YOU HOMUNCULI" "Asking me that question shows you are too stupid to be taking this course" Was good fun. As he's telling us we're ignorant trogolodytes barely worthy of life, everyone's just staring ahead immune to it all
  5. Kind of ignores that evil can come from without though.
  6. Reminds me of a lot of my lectures actually, such as our prof excitedly talking about the effect of a conductive surface on an antenna doubling it's effective length and just getting dead eyed stares.
  7. Doesn't look too bad a place, the vloggers hometown is Spassk-Dalny which is pretty depressing from her videos on it, hah. I'd heard of Khabarovsk from Football Manager, but for some reason thought it was somewhere near the Urals. This is what happens when you learn Russian geography from 80s flight sim maps, I guess.
  8. Was on during lunch when I was in school, 1230-1300. I came home for lunch so I'd watch it but I'd have to miss the last 5 minutes, so would miss the end of the story sometimes. heh. Should have just taped it but that'd just have pissed my mom off more From my younger coworkers, I realize that youth is indeed wasted on the young.
  9. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-02-25-cyberpunk-2077-developers-locked-out-of-workstations-following-cyber-attack-report-says More detail on the aftermath of the attack. Never understood why some companies want your passport information - 2 UK firms I've worked for have asked for that.
  10. It's like Heavy Metal. But it doesn't suck as much
  11. The moderators are called the Gorthstapo
  12. One bright spot was the speech the hick at 1:41 was trying to give while driving by, got a good laugh out of that. Probably not a totally fair view of the town, but if people feel emboldened enough to say crap like that - here in Toronto, they'd have the courtesy to go home and post about it on Twitter - it's not a really good look.
  13. The education system has failed.
  14. Amazed my coworker by explaining to her how to use lsof and ps to hunt down where a server was running from. Undermined it all by saying "Praise be the Omnissiah", perhaps. Other than that wasting time at work watching some lady in Khabarovsk vlog about her city
  15. Guess longer wait for patches.
  16. That looks too friendly for anything the NYPD would touch, though.
  17. The forum ? I know they have a weird feature to scroll within a thread independent of the page and it's awful on mobile, but works well (unlike this place... ). Could also check https://www.diablofans.com/
  18. The Globalist Lizardman Cabal has won.
  19. Why are they cancelling him ?!
  20. Ever since I started working, every meeting is worse than the one before it. So whenever you see me in one, that's the worst meeting of my life.
  21. Cyberpunk's dev meeting minutes?
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