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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/blackrock-may-raked-2-4-160353188.html Interesting to note BR had so much. Maybe it's WS ****ing over WS moreso
  2. If only Usagi was in Prometheus.
  3. Sailor Moon is a little bit weirder than I remember.
  4. Was a crime they left out Steven Seagal
  5. Wonder how much big firms have made off this. Also will be interesting to see what regulatory changes come out of this in the US, politicians seeing this as an opportunity and all.
  6. Well, he's not entirely wrong But don't hate the player, etc.
  7. I had no idea this was a thing. Best choice of naming for a product since Pimp Juice.
  8. The Chuck Norris appearance was painful
  9. They are in league with the sports equipment industry, all funded by The Illuminati.
  10. A financial regulation references it as well, sort of odd they fixed it in 2010 or so. Robin Hood cut them off, well from the current stocks they're yelling about - https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/28/robinhood-interactive-brokers-restrict-trading-in-gamestop-s.html Guess they have to use a real broker now
  11. It is amusing, additionally to see Reddit users being carried away with what they're doing, various comments about "defeating" Wall Street, etc. Pump and Dump doesn't need you to supply bad news though, once you've pumped it, you sell and that's that. Suppose you could decide to just **** around with the price for fun, but would think you'd want cash out of it, especially as you burn a bridge once you've done it (or have a high chance to). Sort of odd that this even happened though, could have sworn naked shorts were illegal in the US.
  12. Pretty glib interpretation.
  13. Oracle doing something nonsensical to me again - have a subquery, then a left join on the subquery, but that returns nothing when I can see the join should work. Then again, the issue of our devs writing cool things that either are a pain to maintain or have hidden issues they didn't think of is rearing its ugly head once more.
  14. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pedro_Pascal&diff=prev&oldid=997689192 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Golden_Gabe
  15. Well, hopefully they make good bank on it.
  16. Almost done the Shira Calpurnia Omnibus, has been enjoyable so far. Third story is interesting, reading about the set up for the astropaths. Must be my mind going but get confused on who's who with the amount of characters, the second book I had all but forgotten most of the flotilla staff so the ending where everything goes to hell was confusing, heh. That seemed a bit rushed.
  17. Ridiculous. It's Soros that wants to do that, but only to white people.
  18. Go into politics.
  19. WSB seems like they wanted to screw over the hedge fund. Wonder how it would be if they banned short selling
  20. Need Girls Und Panzer in real life.
  21. I'd go for option 2.
  22. Everyone knows a pimp is a Project Manager. The qualification is PMP, after all.
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