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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Dead by Daylight is very popular, I saw. So I guess it's not total crap.
  2. Coworkers wanted to play Predator Hunting Grounds. This game is an utter waste of time, one out of our party always has people bug out, or have invisible enemies shooting at them - I assume this is due to how the hosting works. As for the game itself, can't imagine this will hold much of a playerbase for people to get through the progression grinds (nothing like getting clothing colours in the loot boxes).
  3. Passing it through rot13 E I R F Anagram of FIRE Ergo. We flame each other in this thread.
  4. The F-35 is the wonder weapon of our time.
  5. Eh, I find the best isn't all WFH or no WFH, but just being flexible is fine. For me, I don't mind as it's change of scenery and excuse to walk 3 miles a day. Others have 2 hour commutes which is no fun with families, etc. Even with that, some coworkers still like to come in every day just to see coworkers and sometimes collaboration is just easier in person than screensharing on Teams. Also WFH does run the risk of either the employee or the employer blurring the lines between work and regular life. Since the pandemic sent us all home, have noticed many of my coworkers work stupid hours and management also begins to assume people are available past hours they'd usually clock off at.
  6. Spyware
  7. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/30/us/politics/donald-rumsfeld-dead.html Rummy's dead. This is a known known.
  8. Your friend might end up testing the KaIden bot.
  9. He has Hunter Biden's laptop.
  10. Well, I guess the NSA is spying on everyone, and he's a subset of that group. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/560861-tucker-carlson-doubles-down-on-nsa-spy-claim-after-agency-denial Some dude online, no doubt.
  11. Because life yields to the conqueror.
  12. Making sexbots.
  13. I like the interactions between the priests, as well. The Subdomina always mindful of the sociopathic magi she has to serve with was great.
  14. England - Germany is a real advertisement for the sport. Well on bright side, Low's gone. Down side is the ****ing English crowing over this
  15. Well, then, forget that. D3's irritates me with my connection invariably dropping when I'm doing great in a GR But at least I have the excuse of friends around to pop in often, there. Guess will look at the list of games I own but never play....Star Ruler 2 is up!
  16. Well, given how Necrons view non-Necrons, it is a fair assumption he was offended as well. Was worried when I saw he had 99 HP, no armour though. Overall, game would have been worth paying for (got it as a gift), and is nice to see a 40k game that's not crap. I may get Inquisitor, coworker says it's fun and is Diablo in 40k apparently.
  17. Well...that was anti-climactic, the head boss ended up being offed by the blade of a Skitarii Sort of funnier for his line threatening Faustinus with doom and all right before I killed him. Didn't think my build was that great or anything so, guess it was all pretty easy.
  18. Well, you got your wish. Mbappe was useless this tournament.
  19. Motored through the two next bosses, the Void Admiral was pretty trivial, shooting him in the face with a Volkite gun was fun. The Flayed One boss was a fun fight, trying to rush up the stairs, one of my Skitarii heroically tased one and one shot 2 and killed another in the rear guard as his last action before the Deathmark blew him away, heh. Have to do the last boss now, I'm at 74% awakened so better not wait too much longer.
  20. I try to do an hour a day, keeps me in form. Hate is all that feeds the guttering spark of my soul.
  21. Well, Czech over Netherlands was a shock.
  22. Spent an hour arguing on the Internet.
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