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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Blessed is the slave that learns to love the lash.
  2. Not hard to beat, to be honest. But I did catch the airplane. Now just imagine dreaming about 4 hours of being on a flight to Istanbul.
  3. Surprised that any personal benefits they can get from the union would not outstrip any loyalty they have for their political party.
  4. Sorry to hear that Azdeus. Good luck hunting him down, though. I mean, in a non lethal way. I'm impressed I dreamed a sequel to the dream from the night before. Less impressed with what I recall of the content though.
  5. Shame, was rooting for Melnikova.
  6. Scarface
  7. Today I learned of -https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/me-too/ba-p/610643
  8. Another day, another case of 40-50 people replying to a e-mailing list saying 'Remove Me'. That was high point of day, really.
  9. Well, would mean no meetings....
  10. I like how their rowers almost took out Italy with their incompetence.
  11. Said by someone before the nanobots kill us all.
  12. I replace YongYea with Microsoft Narrator as I read the webpage. Well, this is serious stuff, as opposed to gamers raging about trivial nonsense (I always like "They only care about money!!" as a revelatory accusation). But Blizzard still had cachet.
  13. Undoubtedly so the Anti-Christ, Kathleen Kennedy, can destroy him.
  14. Is useful attention though, people noticing the employees are getting angry does impact the management, much less than the lawsuit, for sure. Although maybe I'm overestimating their concern for reputational risks.
  15. No, think I am mistaken - 4 hours in person protest but 9-1800 is no work so. Good on them though, nothing changes without some sort of pressure.
  16. 4 hour walkout seems strange.
  17. https://gfycat.com/alertheftyamericanrobin
  18. I posted the video of Ashli Babbitt catching a 9mm slug in her neck multiple times and was no issue, heh. Kind of funny that
  19. Greek Alphabet not NATO. We're already up to Lambda, 11th https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variants_of_SARS-CoV-2
  20. You found that disturbing ? Looked like the usual fight videos I've seen (albeit this time outside of Spirit Airlines or a Wendy's).
  21. Can't find the Dead Hand track by itself.
  22. DIdn't know she wore a Goat on the back of her uniform, hah.
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