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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Good trailer. That's about all. Wonder why they bothered with the nano-aug if that guy can do the stuff he can, though.
  2. I remember that drain being a real limiting factor for the most of the game during my playthroughs.
  3. Did anyone expect them to use IW as inspiration? Who knows, I'm not in the developer's head. But it's good PR to say you're drawing on the better loved predecessor. Will obviously wait until I play a demo (pffbt, unlikely) or get feedback from a valued source on it.
  4. Well, did anyone expect them to say they were using IW as inspiration ?
  5. Come now, don't play hard to be won over
  6. If so, that's a pretty good feature to include. Wonder if you can hide them like Blood Money.
  7. All that excitement over a trailer ? Odd. Not hopeful for the game, but who knows.
  8. I use that as my soundtrack to going into the office every day. Fitting as my company's about the same as UNATCO
  9. That's all ? Bit steep, no ? Ah ok, you've added more than just the artwork. Tight slick gameplay is what, exactly ? Definition of a AAA title seems to be a huge budget and a marketing expense to fit.
  10. I guess I don't have a good eye, but aside from maybe 2 bugs and one effect I've come across, not finding anything making the game shoddy or that they've completely fscked up. Aside from plugging through AP, recently decided to give Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising another go, mostly as I noticed the icon and said to myself "That's still installed?".
  11. I thought game developers screwing things up was the norm ?
  12. I'm more negatively driven about this though. I don't dislike Obsidian so I'm more interested in what they put out, and so far AP hasn't been a bad experience for me. Now companies I hate, say, Ubisoft well I'm committed to not buying anything of theirs, and easy too - nothing they've put out has really got me keen.
  13. That was better than most review sites. Well ok, that's supposed to be a compliment, even with the low bar. So far I'm not understanding how this game is receiving such hate.
  14. Alpha Protocol. Aside from my CPU/GPU temps getting insanely high (damn crappy AC), nothing to complain about relating to the game so far.
  15. Why, exactly ? If this was in international waters as I'm seeing in reports, boarding a ship that hasn't assaulted you is akin to piracy and attempts to repel the boarders are justified.
  16. Why, I read on the internet that it was the worstest game ever!
  17. Very believable he's disgruntled. Usually means a lot of the stuff he says is twisted accordingly too. Shame no one can find out who he/she is, heh.
  18. People are believing some random anonymous posting on the internet ?
  19. You've not played it though. And the "evidince" is hard to sift through, as the review scores are all over the place, so it's dubious as to this game being the worst ever or total crap.
  20. I remember why I only really read two or three review sites. Wasn't aware there was THAT much garbage out there
  21. This quote was amusing, heh.
  22. Range of scores seems to be widening.
  23. More off topic. Savatage! Will try to read/translate/ask some German guy to summarize that EG review when I'm off work, but glad to see the score wasn't too low.
  24. Man I'm glad I'm an engineer and sex is a foreign concept.
  25. I'm waiting for the Eurogamer review as well. A bit apprehensive at the outcome of that though
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