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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. So now that I've somewhat updated my pc and am making progress through the first one, I want to pick up the second one for when I'm done. I noticed that the collector's edition is down to $95 on Amazon. Anyone thinks it will go down even more? or should I pick it up now?

  2. That's cool, did they have any problems getting mortgage? I'd imagine banks wouldn't bee too happy about giving a 60 year old a 30 year credit.


    In other news, I'm thinking about adopting new moniker. How does autumnmute sound? :sorcerer:

  3. Had my old man and his family over yesterday - grilled some mean steaks and drank a bottle of tequila. Tequila was alright, bot not amazing - I went to the store to pick up a bottle of my beloved Riazul Anejo, but the dude in the tequila section recommended this other brand(don't really remember what it was) which was not even close to the richness of taste that is Riazul. Anyways, so the fun was had, more fun that I usually have with those folks, maybe the time away from them did do some good. Most importantly, the little one really loved his time with his granddad, and that's most important.


    Today I've been moving furniture, setting up nice "my" space for me, since out bedroom will soon be invaded by a screaming baby girl, as well as nice place for said babygirl - putting the crib back together, fitting the changing table to the top of her dresser and so on.



    The question is, what should I play today? DS3, ME[1or2], F:NV, RDR, LA Noire or one of other many games I have...

  4. So I decided to give my current desktop some updates while slowly taking time to learn a bit more about what's happening in the hardware world.


    It currently has a single core athlon, 2gb ram and 9600 gso. Obviously it's been neglected for a VERY long time. SO I found a relatively decent AM2+ mobo laying around(I think my old man gave it to me) with 4 gigs of ram. Ordered a 4 core phenom ii for it.


    Next I'll get some speakers, a monitor(that thing currently has old 19inch 4:3 lcd) and a video card and I'll be set while I read up about stuff and look for good deals for hardware for a more current build. This one will end up going into either home server or an htpc enclosure(already have a 2TB raid in it)


    So, the question is, what would be a decent graphics card for this thing? I'll end up having a 3.2GHz x4 phenom II, and 4GB of DDR2 RAM in it so far. I'll want to spend somewhere around $100-$150 on the card.


    Thanks d00dz, you've all(in particular, the Estonian) set me on this path back to PC supremacy(which doesn't mean I'll stop playing on my 360)

  5. So how's vocational education in UK?


    One of the many problems with providing poor a higher education is that many will simply fail, because of the lifestyles, lack of funds or whatever else. And yet we have this ludicrous idea of sending all poor to unis for [nearly]free, while vocational training is on a decline. As a result we end up with poor dropouts with no useful job skills, who continue sucking on governments tit.


    Mike Row did a great presentation to us congress about the state of vocational schools here only I can't be assed to find it right now.

  6. It's okay Nep I've got about 6 months before I hit 30 so it balances out.


    I know she's technically Estonian but from the border area... I dunno maybe a forum member from Estonia can explain things but from what I've seen is that they mostly consider themselves Russian.


    But yeah Baltic chicks are hot :)


    She's probably russian.


    Yeah, its a left over thing from communist days. Long story short, Estonia gains independence, Russia refuses to take back lots of Russian peoples, Estonia don't want them, Russian refuses them.


    Typical Russian tactic, they don't have Russian citizenship, but if anything happends to them, see what happend in Georgia.


    They'll choose to speak Russian instead of Estonian, they're responsible for some nasty rioting etc... They're just scum basically, a bunch of people left over from an era of occupation whom don't wish to integrate into Estonian society. That said, I can't recall if Russia has even admitted occupation.


    I suppose its a complex situation.


    Purkake can probably detail the issues far better than myself.


    Wow, good job talking out your ass. Anyone born in USSR has a Russian citizenship and Russia didn't refuse to take the people back. Also, most young people learn Estionian, the problem is with the elders - they spoke Russian their entire lives, do you have any idea how hard it is to learn a new language at 60?


    Clearly, you hold a ridiculous view of this situation, Estionians being seen as peace loving hippies and russians as total jerks, that's cool, I'm not that big of a fan of most of my own people. But I'm even less of a fan of those who can't take time to look at the issue in depth and reserve themselves to a knee-jerk reaction.



    Also, I'm sure you're aware of this, but calling someone's wife a whore gets you punched in the face IRL.

  7. It's okay Nep I've got about 6 months before I hit 30 so it balances out.


    I know she's technically Estonian but from the border area... I dunno maybe a forum member from Estonia can explain things but from what I've seen is that they mostly consider themselves Russian.


    But yeah Baltic chicks are hot :lol:


    Is she from Narva? It's a mainly russian city right on the border. My wife is from there.

  8. I got tired of apple's iAppLauncher platform and wanted something integrated. WinPho shines in that regard, very pleasant and easy to use.


    On topic, today i'm moving forward with figuring out my next steps after dropping off the project I was leading and getting in a really bad shape because I've ignored my thyroid for too long.

  9. So I've been away from PC gaming for a while, but recently I've decided to build me a nice new PC to play games on windows and code in linux. The problem is I know nothing about the current hardware...


    End goal is to play games like TW2 and BF3 and such pretty much maxed out. What should I get and why?

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