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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Spent whole weekend sick as a dog:(


    EDIT: as a testament to how crappy i feel, I took me 3 minutes to completely forget about my post. Sorry for the double post.

  2. I'm sick - stuffed nose and throat hurts. My two year old is also sick and is on nebulizer. And now my newborn is sneezing:( Because of all of that I had to sleep on the futon in the living room last night. As a result of that and the storm going on throughout the night I couldn't sleep and finally started watching Merlin

  3. The way I feel about Islam these days is similar to how i feel about Communism in SU, - yes the government shafted many people both abroad and internally, but regular people like my family and every other family i met didn't want to destroy american democracy or really suffered under "terrible dictatorship".


    Same thing with muslims - regular people just live their lives, and few are portrayed as terrible boogeymen representative of entire religions.

  4. I'm pissed at myself for walking in there in a remnant armor, but otherwise I'm enjoying it.

    What armor would you have preferred?


    desert ranger or some other medium armor that's cheaper to repair. I don't have monies to repair my armor and i'm dragging ass everywhere

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