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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Seriously. I think we're seeing a beginning of an awesome studio. The care and attention that these guys shown to the IP is unmatched. But the best part is that they made sure to make their forums absolutely transparent and open to all opinions. Unlike a certain other company.


    I'm very quickly falling in love with those canadians. If they approach Thief 4 with the same attitude, I be buying their every game, just like I do with OSI.

  2. I'd also like to say that as far as debut titles go, eidos montreal have done a really kickass job. now, if they can do this much justice to Thief franchise, I will be buying all of their games, like I do for OSI.

  3. Everything else is fantastic though. Don't dawdle to the first mission, by the way :(


    If you hurry too fast, I've heard that you can miss the first sidequest. Be sure to check Jensen's e-mail. I don't know if it's necessary for that sidequest, but it is related. If you hurry, you can check out the three related offices with no time problem.




    If you don't do it before the mission, it develops further after the mission, just check your office once you're back


  4. Guys, think about this again.


    Sony/MS have to be very very careful about what they're putting in their next consoles. We're in a recession, so chances are, thex won't release a 700$ console again.


    Also, developers need functioning hardware and 2+ years development time to have games ready for release. Right now, nobody has claimed to have seen new MS/Sony hardware.


    2015 I say.


    Recession doesn't stop people from wasting money on electronics.


    And there have been claims, nobody really knows about their validity though.

  5. Game is not crap, I'll bet 20 on it. Animations are fine for "social" bosses, otherwise they're passable. Certainly better than in bethesda games.


    Never said it was.


    Are they better than VtM Bloodlines in your opinion?


    The boss ones are better, others aren't.

  6. Why did someone copy a preview and paste it in there


    Money. I like the way this game looks but it smells like all the reviews are going to be 90+ by default.


    I though that was obvious considering amounts of hype this game has.

  7. Ok, I'm gonna get bitched at, but the truth is, I never liked DX. I always found it annoying, the music childish, the dialogs fake and cheesy, and the plot ridiculous.


    But I always enjoyed the premise. So I have high hopes for DXHR, reassured by some personal experience. Cooomeeee onnn, tuesday.

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