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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Staying inside. Thinking about going back to work tomorrow. It will be nice for a change.


    Oh, here's my family. I was lucky to have a boy that looks just like me and a girl that, so far, looks nothing like me


  2. Depends a lot on the game. If I can see my character all the time and dialogue is voiced, I'd like to have my character a voice too. If I don't see my character all the time or if text is not voiced in general, I don't mind.


    I also agree that New Vegas is near-perfect. But the Level's spatial sequencing seems wrong at times. I do have a video that I feel demonstrates that Las Vegas/New Vegas/New Reno but with decent spacing.




    If I were to go back and remake this level I would only populate it with a few props. Art was a big deal for modders because it was one of the only things that was nearly impossible to match. But i feel the level design, or how the arts were placed in how far apart etc have a big impact on what we think fallout is. No doubt some many things were done right in the whole of New Vegas.


    But as we progress into the future of Fallout sequels, we see civilization return more and more. That isn't necessary , but it seems to reflect in how 'the-feeling-of-sparse' is coveyed in the world's prop population.


    variation is great. i also support the reuse of the props. but sometimes it is hurtful to see our feelings changed from fallout 1 to this new vegas.


    Although I already knew about limitations of camera, draw distances, and overall proportions that players will enjoy being a factor, i know some of the VEgas devs thanked Fallout 3 for being the guinea pig of that. ..


    tough call. now what we will see in New Vegas's Blue Negas or whatever teh DLC is. Blue moon I guess? Well from that trailer things are much more sensible. the characters themselves beg the game's truthfulness and so one does not mind the new assets or better yet the lack of the re-use of the same-old.


    Good point, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

  3. It's actually pretty common in the old country. For some reason americans seem to believe that baby needs to talk to be potty trained...


    We just started puttin him on the potty every 30-60 minutes once he was able to sit and pretty quickly he realized the benefit of that over walking around in pissed pants.

  4. prosperlikewoah


    I brought the baby home. Really hating having mother in law around. Sister in law, on the other hand is working out a bit better. After having pretty ****ty relationship for last few years we managed to hit it off on a right note this time, I wouldn't mind having her around a bit more. But I do desperately need a reason to send the mother in law home early. I can't wait until October.


    Weather's nice. My liver is better too - pee stopped smelling weird.

  5. Started reading Sapkowski's Witcher books. Thought to try them in English, but by Ausir's recommendation ended up getting them in Russian. I guess it's harder to screw up Polish to Russian translation.

  6. My son was real mellow, someone even once explained that he's a so called "suckerchild", a kid that's so nice that he suckers his parents into having a second child, which ends up being a hellspawn. I guess I'll find out soon enough if that is the case.

  7. Raising kids is absolutely exhausting. I don't even know what a good night's sleep is anymore. Throw in feeding, bathroom duty, bathing and cleaning, general safety, playtime and everything else that goes into being a decent parent, and it really amounts to an insane amount of responsibility.


    That being said, I spend most of the day smiling about them and I wouldn't have it any other way.


    I dunno, once my son turned 2, things became much easier.

  8. I've always wanted kids, probably partially because I've never grown up myself and because I didn't have that strong of a family. So I always thought about how awesome it would be to become a kick ass dad.

  9. I stopped feeling daft punk after Discovery. At this point, they seem to have passed the torch to Justice, Danger and many other fresh and inventive french electro acts.



    Not a huge fan of this guy, his first album was brilliant, second was ok and then he got rich. This last one has some nice tracks on it, like this one. Reminds me a lot about my life before kids.

  11. Still no baby here, instead we went out and bought a new car yesterday. Basically I noticed a nail in one of our rear tires on Wednesday evening, so on Thursday I put the spare on and made an appointment to fix/replace it for next day. So since we have an extended warranty, we went to the dealership and while the shop was looking at the tire to figure out if it was salvageable, we looked at cars again. Well, long story short, we found out we needed to replace the tire and since we had a Subary, which is awd, we needed to get 2, but because they were so worn warranty would only cover a small portion and we would have to pay half a grand. So we decided to just get a new car and put the money down as a deposit and the dealership gave us a loaner Forester until our Outback gets delivered.

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