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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. stiff animation? in an elder scrolls game?




    oh wait no nevermind...


    anyone else ever think the walking animations in morrowind made people look like they were suffering from horrendous wedgies?



    Yeah, but TH claimed that they spent significant amount of time on improving animation, while results speak otherwise. To me that means we're getting bethesda bs treatment again, and that the game will be as crappy as their other pseudo rpgs

  2. Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


    Few questions, if you will:

    Lots of snipers and camping? Lots of bunnyhopping? How's the pace on the MP maps?


    I'm about to upgrade my rig sometime later this year and I can finally see what's all the fuss about directX10 and 11, and as a sideproduct I'll be able play BF3, so that's why I'm asking.


    Nope, doesn't feel anything like the beta. most maps are huge with good split between people going infantry, support and vehicle. Teamwork is a must.


    Also, played a small paris map where action was really block by block - it took a lot of effort and coordination to be able to push towards objectives



    Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.


    Hows the network performance in a fully packed game, many bugs? After being burned by every pre ordered PC game for 12 months in a row I'm severely jaded but I like to hope Battlefield 3 isn't going to suck for me on launch day.


    There are bugs, just like in every BF game to date, but judging from DICE's response they're pretty serious about supporting the platform. There was a already a huge day one patch


    Battlefield 3. Lots of fun.

    Do you play the PC retail version, and if yes, how is Origin implemented?


    Yup, pc version. Origin is bit annoying, but you don't need to use it much at all, all of server searching and friend management is done through battle log which is awesome.



    Check out reddit BF3 community. There are few people from dice there: http://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield3

  3. Cons : lack of a proper mele system. You have to expend energy bars for a 'win button' animation. This means you often have to kill people even if you are trying for a non lethal approach. It's very unsatisfying to sneak up on someone and then have a red flashing error message. Apparently you can't lift your arms without expending two points of energy.


    It looks dated. Not terrible or anything, just slighly below par for comperable games. The architechture looks great, the actors, not so much.



    Pros: Everything else. It's very a la DX1.


    Kill people? there are non lethal takedowns - just tap the button instead of holding it.

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