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Posts posted by vault_overseer

  1. Why were you hating it at one point?


    The story and the [intelligence] dialogs mostly. Well, some things in the game just didn't make sense, especially the notion that it's been 200 years since the war, because it definitely didn't look like it. All of the old factions didn't seem right - BOS, Enclave. The fact that, while the world felt pretty dangerous, there was still plenty of PA just laying around and people didn't seem to stick together much - none of the settlements seemed really believable(especially megaton - there is a church, but no trading hub/market???)


    I can keep going, but the idea is that once I managed to get all of these annoyances behind me(wasn't easy with the big ones), the game became pretty decent FWIW. Or maybe, quoting Ben Croshaw: "It is the game that finally made me lower my standards and I hope it's ****ing happy"

  2. After taking a hate-filled 6 months break from Fallout 3(Well, i did play through Broken Steel), I reinstalled it on my 360 and started playing it again. Oh yeah, got the last two expansions too.


    Well, since my hate has subdued a lot within last 2-3 months, I actually started enjoying the damn thing more than ever before. Environments are, after all, really ****ing nice and walking through the downtown DC can be pretty haunting.


    So now, I'm looking to finish up all of the quests I haven't finish in this playthrough and heading over to point lookout. The space ship is still pretty retarded from what I understand, yeah?

  3. ummm okay

    Bloody idiot. /facepalm


    Exactly. This game is delivering some massive amounts of win and the morons in the masses just can't comprehend its awesomeness through their thick skulls. It's incredibly upsetting that when someone makes a deep interesting game and it becomes just too much for an average gamer. When did our standards sink so low?

  4. I doubt Chris would be working on it. He's too busy at the present in the middle of crunch mode to have Alpha Protocol to be released.




    Josh will no doubt be in it and most likely to be the lead designer with the Aliens RPG on hold at the present. His points raised on the combat mechanics of Fallout 3 and its combat system reflected in the forum pretty much is the ideal guy to be behind the project to correct Bethesda's flaws.


    Obviously he won't be the lead on this title, but I really don't think he'll be able to stay away. Remember, we're talking about the guy who wrote Fallout Bible.

  5. I'm just gonna say this: Haaaaaaallelujah, Haaaaaaallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Halleeeeluuuujah!

    @_@ Another... Fallout!? :o


    *Joins in singing*


    Real Fallout :lol:


    OMG with Josh and Chris working on it, it will be freaking amazing. I always wanted to see New Reno from FPP.


    I'm pretty sure I'll faint at some point today, just like a teenage girl in the 60ies, who just saw the Beatles. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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