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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. I'm only 6 hours into FFXIII, but so far I'm loving the combat.
  2. ....and another that i will not bother with, thanks to mr. Yahtzee. If you use ZP as your main source of reviews, it doesn't seem like you'll buy very many games... I think he's only liked 3 games that he's reviewed (Bioshock, Portal, and... something else)... Not true. It seems like his approach is to treat every game as first class manure and then see if it gets better. Some do and don't get ripped as much, kinda like this one. Some he kinda likes and has to really nitpick to find flaws. Some are gems. Overall, so far I only disagreed with 2-3 of his reviews. So yeah, when I need a review, I go to ZP.
  3. felt numetal/industrial metaly. Been listening to Orgy and Snake River Conspiracy
  4. New from one of the elders of the internet
  5. Had a tooth removed yesterday, got a prescription to 10/325 hydrocodone. Couldn't restrain myself - spent rest of the day veeery relaxed. Then played FFXIII until late. Now i'm sleepy and still little high from all of the hydrocodone
  6. same thing. Was bored, borrowed a copy. Still wouldn't pay for it, but it's pretty entertaining FWIW. I can't believe I played FFXIII until 1AM last night...
  7. same thing. Was bored, borrowed a copy. Still wouldn't pay for it, but it's pretty entertaining FWIW.
  8. Got my iPhone replaced yesterday. That pretty much guarantees a free upgrade when the new one comes out.
  9. Wife stayed up after putting the little one to bed. Was good.
  10. This and player inability to sleep in owned bed make little sense, there should be more interraction like if You get caught sleeping in owned bed by owner or his ally You would be given a dialog option to settle situation same for sniping someone in paradise falls, the next time You go there someone should ask You 'Hey I heard (I think I saw) it was You that killed *name*, etc. and You could lie and pass 'speech check' or not, another thing if You try same thing being inside paradise falls among taxing eyes of mercenaries, means instant battle. I also red earlier that stimpacks in F:NV won't have instant effect also supposed weapon modification, this is wonderfoul idea! When I was First playing FO3 I was trying really hard to like this game (as a FO1/2 fan) but few things put me off the track, namely first is the combat, it is unrealistic and goofy, (I just 'catched' a rocket and *TADA stimpack* I am back on my feet on a vendetta, my head was crippled during the process but hey now I see crystal sharp, leg broken? not a problem! so now I should use a psycho, a buffout, med-x, jet and still ass kicking raiders on the run(with broken leg) and after all this discomforts I can lay to sleep and wake fully functional after a brief nap. Second Is the travel, it is painfully boring sometimes to relocate at the same pace with still cam like a player had swallowed a broomstick or something, even worse if encumbered, If I really like to transport my junk to a merchant at once I should be given an option to do so, eg. by using a radio for help (arriving party might as well rob You or hire a caravan to do so, and what if I travel light? should move faster, but not. I was like level 5 when things like this put me off but luckily I discovered a site and learned that FO3 is highly moddable and what do You know, It already has been! I am not much into eyecandy(besides EVE) so I searched for gameplay mechanics and found mods, namely Mart's Mutant Mod(MMM) Fallout Wanderers Edition(FWE) Weapon Mod Kits(WMK) Energy Visuals Enchanced(EVE), (they are mostly overhauls but works great together with FOIP patches) and I felt like I am being blessed, my prayers were answered etc. having blast playing FO3 with them(with tweaked graphics to the max after editing *INI files). Why do I write about this? after reading about stimpacks in F:NV I tought that some dev had played some of mods or red about it, but hey, why stop? why not use more of that great ideas in mods that already work and make a (more) perfect retail game. With above mods I am no longer daft and invincible, if I broke a leg I need a medical brace and some knowledge and time to heal it or face penalties or a doctor, If I eat so much strong drugs at once I also get some penalties like blurred vision, tweaching and altered colors and if I travel light I can also sprint for a time limited by action points, camera shakes and player breathes hard from fatigue, travelling is now less boring and if in trouble I can use it to escape the enemy or cover better ground to fight back or with a perk that comes with it I can try to tackle him! if he is weaker will be put to the ground, giving me time or opportunity to deal with him(or I can still pick Bloody Mess perk that makes people loose all limbs if they got hit with a stick! ..nah), if my weapon worns out I don't have to find another exact same to repair it! I can use prepped repair kits or other similiar gun or junk, this adds more diversity and joy to combat, even more diversity adds Mart's Mutant Mod(MMM), making me really want those random encounters to happen! I even fixed that awfull floating screen and mouse lag (I play on PC) with Fallout Stutter Remover that limit frame rates instead of syncing them 'V-sync' (lots of HW taxing games suffer input lag by not having such a simple mechanism), that made me use VATS or Bullet time(which is superb imo.) even less often beacause now I could place all that headshots by my own hand. Concluding this lengthy post I like games that add diversity and randomness to casual, in game repetetive routines like for eg.travel, this adds a lot to percepting a game and it's world. It will be great if developers would add frame limiting option and maybe a bullet time instead or coegsisting with VATS, players playing on PC will be enthusiastic *If any dev reads this* (I know I will be excited, hey gamebryo engine game that is playable on a PC! of course mods will come but it is already there, so why not use it. Now I get back to waiting for another 'better' (PC version) Fallout! Thanks. Right... Go on, by all means, do go on.
  11. Black Dynamite owns pretty much everything. That's all.
  12. I played FOBOS(POS) for the first time in my life over the weekend. I am now emotionally scarred.
  13. Burzum - Belus. Goddamn, old man still got it. Got more of if than the entire black metal scene. Proper effing legend, he is.
  14. Agreed, that's coming from a guy who works for one of the biggest backers of the bid:)
  15. I was replaying the Pitt other day and got to the top of the map for the first time(the place with something like 14 ingots) That was a great view! reminded me of the opening cinematic from F1
  16. fantastic voice acting in that trailer I guess I'll finally have something to spend that $10 gamestop coupon on.
  17. I'm building out a new group policy and preparing myself to hearing from all of the butthurt developers who will be pissed that I didn't include 10000 port range in the firewall exceptions.
  18. Oh it's absolutely fantastic. Especially Flat of the Blade, Paradise Circus and Saturday Come Slow.
  19. Damn Heligoland moved me to go back and add all of Massive Attack to my iPhone. Now I'm stuck listening to Massive Attack day and night.
  20. Sending him mega rays of healing: pew-pew ==============================>>>>>>>>
  21. Thinking about picking up Fallout POS, to put some perspective on it.
  22. His RPG reviews generaly suck. See Witcher, Fallout 3, ME1, ME2.
  23. Just finished my first playthrough yesterday, and I pretty much agree that
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