i've been going back and forth about this in my head. and what i've decided is similar to this:
yeah. i agree, except i am really hoping that SPECIAL is given an overhaul and implemented with a more discerning eye. not to mention Sawyer's dislike of VATS, i'd assume he'd at least tweak SPECIAL or skills to interact with VATS to make it less of a cheat/easy-out. but yes, the game will look the same. same crappy character animations, same low-res textures, etc. let's just hope other than a new "expansion" with a better story/dialogue we also get some better (or old-skool) role-playing. choices, consequences, rewards, punishments, creative character-building...you know, gee wally...kinda like FALLOUT.
yep, yep and yep. also...you have the greatest avatar i've seen on a Fallout-related forum. Jim Woodring is a personal deity to me.