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Everything posted by TwinkieGorilla

  1. I created a stealth-oriented thread a few pages back (too lazy to find it) but something I'd KILL to see is a viable ninja/assassin style character build who specializes in lethal poisons as their primary "weapon". EDIT: and to clarify, I mean pills, vials, syringes, etc. Not lacing the tips of arrows or blades.
  2. I'm sure there are...but compromising the integrity of the genre in order to lure them in is not the right approach. Teaching them the virtues which patience for this type of gaming requires is the answer.
  3. We are insulting the idea of playing make-believe instead of actually playing the game. We've already explained it to you but unfortunately we can't understand it for you.
  4. Yet it is, frequently, and people generally understand what it means. The idea is that somebody is more interested in being their character (i.e. dress up, house, fake rules, etc) than playing the game.
  5. Sounds legit. It wasn't your OP which ever had me concerned, fwiw.
  6. I'm pretty sure this is a troll thread, y'all. Probably one instigated by either a) David Gaider's post about coming here and doing exactly this or b) a troll reaction to the anti-romance sentiments. Either way, troll thread. Kind of disappointed in my fellow Codexians for falling for it tbh.
  7. You do realize Obsidian already serve a niche market, yes? And yes, that is exactly what they're going after with this game. There are some people who hear about a new or popular thing happening and want to be a part of it. They jump on board blindly without actually researching what it is or they actually think their pledge will give them the ability to shape the product around their personal desires. It happened on the WL2 forums during the entire process as well. People got so incredibly upset that this "party based" game which was advertised as a "party based" game was going to be a "party based" game. Go figure. Same thing happening here. "Oh no don't make it difficult like those classic cRPGs which you've advertised this as being!
  8. I'd pledge a few bucks more to ban romance troll threads.
  9. - Pandering to people who've discovered RPGs via consoles.
  10. Yes and that company's name is Bioware or Bethesda. I'm pretty sure Obsidian would prefer to sell to serious gamers not people who turn to The Sims when a game gets too...gamey. Funny that. Since most of the old-schoolers (you know, the target audience?) do which is probably why these were included as a stretch goal instead of "Sims-preferring girlfriend mode". Oh really? See, and here I thought this is actually the EXACT OPPOSITE type of game Obsidian would love nothing more to make. Since, you know, the whole sell was "a return to classic IE games" and not "Yet another cinematic, next-gen, mash the 'awesome!' button in order to win" type game.
  11. Hehe. Walked right into that one he did.
  12. Me personally...nah. But RPG Codex has a spot reserved and whatever it ends up being will likely make my (awesome!) idea seem like a calm day in the suburbs.
  13. Heh. Hint: You're cheating if you play on 'easy' too.
  14. Console command: Godmode Problem solved, no?
  15. I wouldn't like that either. That said, I'm working a goldang double today and am unable to actually watch the video and determine for myself what it actually is MCA might mean.
  16. I wouldn't concede that. I loved this about Arcanum and think it's a fantastic design decision. Ego stroking, not so much.
  17. Ah, but it's a slippery slope, isn't it? Before you know it everybody begins wailing the songs we see elsewhere, priorities become skewed and games become compromised because people demand the wrong sorts of things from games. A little sensitive you might think? Well just look where we are: On a forum for a game which needed the help of KICKSTARTER in order to become a reality. Why? Because at some point years ago people started demanding the wrong things from cRPGs.
  18. And you think this is important enough that developers of a game in which strategy is FAR more important than cosmetic fluffery should spend their time on such a thing?
  19. Serious question for you. I brought up Storm of Zehir earlier. Specifically how my main character picked up a Batiri mask which looks hilarious and ridiculous but has great stat enhancements which fit perfectly for my character. Would you not think your own character, were he or she real, would prefer utility over looks in an environment where one's own survival is tenuous due to their hostile surroundings?
  20. So...what is it you all imagine you're going to find when you look back here?

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