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Everything posted by uzivatel

  1. A support for quick resume would be welcome.
  2. I was hoping the portable Mass Effect game is going to be like that. Skills and biotics in Mass Effect 1 could translate pretty well into turn based system.I dont have iPod, but from what I have read the Galaxy game is average at best, which is shame since the art style seems pretty good and the story is said to be decent as well.
  3. Yeah, right... What is the point canceling pre-orders anyway? edit: had no idea you have to deposit some money if you pre-order games in some countries ... that kind of sucks, they should be happy you want to buy from them
  4. Not that Bloodlines was exactly finished until few patches later...
  5. I would not count on AP having (m)any mods anyway...
  6. Of course, the character would fit way better into Fallout universe... its like female Sulik who does drugs. How does she not fit into the ME universe? It just doesnt feel right. It looks as if they moved artist and writers from Dragon Age to Mass Effect 2 without telling them they are already working on another game.
  7. Seriously, is there anyone who isn't angry for some arbitrary reason? WTH Bio? Seems to be part of their "dark" and "mature" concept...
  8. With Activision running the show? I wonder how long they'll still be "Blizzard". As long as "Blizzard" games sell millions of copies.
  9. Of course, the character would fit way better into Fallout universe... its like female Sulik who does drugs.
  10. Thats so bad ... not even bad enough to be good, just plain bad.
  11. Which competition are we talking about? Risen? Dragon Age: Origins? MagnaCarta II? (ok, not this one, but I am seriously running out of 2009 RPGs)
  12. Why talk about Alpha Protocol on TGS? Its not like the game is really aimed at that market.
  13. Yes, I converted recently... I do play games on PC as well, but it cant run many new games any more
  14. Well, its possible. I have to admit I pretty much stopped caring about the franchise after they canceled RotWW. I did however read some rumors about their poor financial condition (they have lost distribution right for some big publishers) and there have been some layoffs, but all this does not necessarily mean anything big.
  15. I believe they are publishing their own games ... well, they created only one game.
  16. They would probably make waiting lists
  17. Why on earth would it be ok to pay a 'small fee' for something that should be fundamentally a given? I would only see steam as an acceptable vendor if and ony if each game could be tranferred from one steam account to another at will, without restrictions, limits or fees. The same applies for any scheme that ties games to accounts. Unlimited, unrestricted, free traferrability is a pre-requisite. That still protects the lawful purpose of restricting the use of the game to one person at a time without enforcing the unlawful purpose of preventing re-sale or loan of the game to others. The problem is core gamers are generally cheap idiots who would misuse the transfer mechanism ... look at the PSN, it has pretty generous DRM and gamers are abusing the fact.
  18. ... has me worried. Not sure I'm following. Mass Effect did have branching dialog and a plot deeper than the average console cRPG. Their of those accolades explicitly said Mass Effect was a good game, if that's your problem. Mass Effect doesnt seem to be very popular among many local forum residents
  19. Valkyria Chronicles or Chromehounds do have DLC and as far as I know those games were not a huge sellers.
  20. I dont think throwing some weapons and missions would work. They could probably make something like the GTA4 DLC only smaller scale - take some important NPC from the main story and make him/her the main character of the DLC (did someone require female PC?). He/she could use different weapons/equipment to make the gameplay feel somewhat different (sniper rifle?). The story could be somehow connected with the main story - let us see the main story from different perspective. Maybe even some decisions from the main story could affect the story of the DLC in some way (or maybe not). The dialogues should reflect the fact the main character of the DLC is not Michael Thorton - both main character dialogue options and NPC reactions should feel different (no JBs). I like the Laras Shadow DLC in Tomb Raider: Underworld - it was connected with the main story (and with the other DLC), but playing as the Doppelganger felt really different as the DLC introduced new gameplay mechanisms and changed/removed some existing. Now, why am I even writing this? If there is going to be DLC, they are working on it by now. Writers, artist, designer are probably finished with this game and unless they have moved to another positions (QA?), they have been working on other things for months.
  21. No fun. Seriously whats wrong with her weapons? It looks like someone put them on her at the last moment - her hand moves through one pistol and the other pistol seems to be stuck in her stomach.
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