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Everything posted by Oblarg

  1. I don't really disagree. I'm currently playing FO3 and having to empty 2 30 round magazines to bring down a charging raider is pretty disruptive to gameplay. For me, it's just LESS disruptive than chance to hit. They're the exact same mechanic, except one relies on a random number generator and the other doesn't.
  2. Yes. While the SC, MGS and Thief series all allowed the player to resort to action (yes, even Thief, you didn't carry around a sword for nothin'), they were very much focused on stealth. The DX and SS series allowed stealth but it was never the focus, and being a jack of all trades meant the stealth couldn't compare to those other three series. I do hope the stealth in AP is closer to the first three than the last two. I hope Obsidian takes the time to write KotOR2 quality dialogue. That's all I want. I'm not expecting another character as deep as Kreia (that would be *very* hard to do), but I do want good dialogue.
  3. Except, you know, for the entire branching dialogue/plot part? Er, what part of Comparing x to y isn't the same as claiming x and y are EXACTLY THE SAME are you not understanding? It's not idiotic to say that AP shares similarities with other stealth action games, because based on what we've seen it's true. That there is more to AP doesn't change this. Similar does not equal the same. If people are dismissing AP because they don't think it's individual parts look as good as other games ("Combat isn't as good as Gears of War.", "Stealth isn't as good as Splinter Cell", "It's not a real RPG like Fallout"), then they're missing out, but whining that they don't get it isn't going to change that. You misunderstand me. I was expressing my frustration with people who discount games on the grounds of them being "not as good as" <generic action game here>.
  4. Except, you know, for the entire branching dialogue/plot part?
  5. Every time I see people comment on Alpha Protocol, they make the same idiotic comparisons to Splinter Cell and MGS4. Do people not know what RPG means? /sigh
  6. All the same, AP is an RPG, not a shooter. While I understand the action is intended to be good (for which I am very thankful), it would be nice to see some of the RPG elements advertised.
  7. I was under the impression that most of the game doesn't even take place in Saudi Arabia.
  8. Or make it fall under none of the trainable skills and only useable in certain situations. Also, do the main weapon types still have unlimited ammo?
  9. This can only mean one thing: Feargus is gone for a few days so the devs don't have to fear his whip. They're probably dancing naked on the tables as we speak. The image. IT BURNSSSSSS.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Night_vi...xperimental.jpg http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?storyID=123010365 Did I just blow your mind? Yes, you did. Holy carp.
  11. Or the four-eyed headpieces, for that matter. PLEASE keep it somewhat believable, Obsidian. I don't want to be fighting super genetically engineered techno-soldiers from space. Please. No.
  12. On one hand, I'm sad because I have to wait. On the other hand, that's more time for them to polish. The last thing we want is a a rushed release (KotOR2, anyone?). This game has a lot of potential, it shouldn't go to waste. If anything, they should push it back, then. I'd rather wait longer than have game quality suffer.
  13. The game defaults to "Professional" if you have not inputted anything; after that, it will default to whatever you've chosen during the first option. Devs have been posting a lot recently.
  14. I've been spreading it around when possible. I have a thread up on the TSLRP forums at the moment, though admittedly that's a fairly small group of people. I hope it sells well, obsidian makes top-notch RPGs.
  15. Well, the graphics in those shots are definitely good. If the entire game looks like that then there's nothing to worry about. Oh, and the more I see that takedown animation, the more sexy it is.
  16. Quick! Take AP away from Sega and go to EA, they market the hell out of everything. Obsidian owns AP... right? No No No No No No No I hate EA with a passion. HATE.
  17. Seeing MT flying kick the guy in the face during the gameplay trailer was pretty epic, imo.
  18. I think those are simply footages from different stages of the developement put together into a one video. Some locations/objects/characters look splendid, with high res textures, while others don't. Same with facial animations. The purpule-hair girl has alot better facial animations during the convo with her than other characters. It shows progress and I'm glad to see it. I'm positive Obsidian will be able to polish most of the important stuff in time. Yeah, quite possible, early builds put together. Maybe it was done to show how the game has progressed from earlier builds to later builds? Would like to have something notifying which build is which. The desert part looked smashing and I understand it has been used for demo purposes lots of times in the past. It is logical for it to look better than the footage from the rest of the game because it was completed in advance. I believe we can expect the same kind of polish for the rest of the game, in due time. My thoughts exactly.
  19. Well, I'm planning to go pistols/stealth/CQC or pistols/stealth/tech, which is why I care so much about the jerky pistol animation. The dialog system looks very well polished, as does the interface. I'm pretty sure the areas which look low-res and crappy are earlier development stages, as there are plenty of stages which look great. Facial expression could use some work.
  20. During some of the footage (namely the middle-east combat scenes) the graphics are not in any way sub-par. There are other times, however, during which the graphics look awful. I'm under the impression that the bad-looking shots are from earlier builds. The only animation that really bugs me is the pistol firing animation, and that one shot of Thorton shooting an assault rifle with his head bobbing awkwardly.
  21. The graphics and animations need a good bit of polishing, but other than that it looks great, IMO. Though multiple takedowns would be nice.
  22. Pistol firing animation is still a bit jerky. The textures in some scenes (the middle east ones especially) are amazing, while they are pretty bad in others. I'm pretty sure polish from now until release can fix this. SMG's always dual-wielded is annoying, but not as bad as I had thought. I still hope there is more than one weapon ability per tree. Dialog system and voice acting looks to be top-notch. Thorton's voice is spot on for his character's appearance. The "What the hell is going on, why'd you drug me" line is an example of great voice acting. (Unfortunately, it still doesn't even come close to Eternal Darkness, but then again, nothing ever will). Do want.
  23. Action looks great, the pistol firing animation is a wee bit awkward though. UI looks nice and clean. I hope there's more to the stealth than staying behind people, sound is important too.
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