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Everything posted by Aristes

  1. I think I took the CBEST also, but I can't remember. I know that it's pretty much required for teaching in California these days, but I actually hate teaching school aged kids. I love 'em, but I hate having to reign 'em in. Sometimes, I think teaching k-12 is more about law enforcement than teaching. Of course, that's not to put down teachers. I have a lot of respect for them. Oh, and I bought the book that the LSAC publishes and that includes the a number of practice tests.. I agree, my blue friend, taking the test with as many of the same conditions as possible is the best way to go. I can probably find more practice tests online also.
  2. I noticed it was down Saturday before I went out. I was surprised when it was still down Saturday evening when I returned. No biggie, since I was gone most of the weekend, but I would have missed it this week.
  3. I'm taking the LSAT in September. I took the GRE about a five years ago and did very well on it, but the two tests are not exactly the same. As I understand it, there is a large section of the LSAT that assesses problem solving. Almost like a logic puzzle book. Any advice from folks on this one? I almost didn't create a thread on this issue, but this is the sort of anonymous place to ask a question that could come in handy for this. I'm thinking about buying an LSAT preparation book. I was hoping that someone might have taken the test and have some decent insight into how I can improve my chances.
  4. Beethoven's Symphany No. 7 in A major, Op 92: II Alegretto -- London Symphany Orchestra & Josef Krips
  5. Save a Prayer -- Duran Duran
  6. Something Stupid -- Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman
  7. This is kind of a non-issue for me. Personally, I don't care, but I do know some folks want to be able to do it. The only reason that I can see putting killable children in the game is for certain role-playing preferrences and for some sort of continuity. This ranks right up there with sex in games. I don't personally care about it and I don't understand the depth of feeling attached to it. But, hey, I hate romances in games which seems to be really popular.
  8. Just watched Terminator, rise of the latest franchise movie. It was a good flick. Nothing for the diaries, but I enjoyed it. Arnold was in the movie, in a sense. I almost laughed. If you liked the previous films, you'll probably like this one. Personally, I enjoyed all three of the predecessors.
  9. The picture is from get smart. As for 'M' rated games, give me a break. 'M' means it has violence, language, or nudity. The 'M' might stand for 'mature,' but it usually doesn't mean it. Hey, I like action flicks as much as the next guy. I like seeing hot chics kicking ass too. But asking for adult themes to be treated in an adult manner doesn't lead you to most of the 'M' rated games on the market.
  10. I kept not being able to sign on and then I kept getting booted. Even if my family hadn't started playing WoW and therefore sucked up all my MMO time, I would have ditched the game. I was excited by the idea of a Warhammer game much more than a Warcraft game, but I kept slamming into stability issues. "I still play WoW, not because of what the game provides as much as hwat my friends and guildmates provide....the social interaction, the shared experience." Yeah, this is true of me also.
  11. I Registered at the LSAC and arranged to take the LSAT. I plan on applying at least to UCLA and UCI. If anyone has advice or commentary, I'm happy to hear it.
  12. I don't see anything wrong with charging a fee for keeping the servers running. This is especially true of Blizzard, which does patch and add content regularly. Sure, there have been two expansions for which they've charged, but there has been even more content added without charge. Frankly, I don't see the issue. If you can't afford $15 a month for WoW (and you can reduce the monthly cost by paying for larger blocks at a time) then you definitely can't afford to buy a computer game every month. For myself, during the time that I was online most, I didn't buy other computer games. As I've spent less time playing, I have bought computer games again. I now use WoW as a way to keep in tough with family, and I see it no different than getting together to eat snacks and play PnP gaming or the like. I enjoy visiting with family and WoW provides a dynamic way for us to chat and do something together. Admittedly, without my family and some family friends, I would have dumped WoW a long time ago, but I would not resent the time I voluntarily spent playing. Nor would I resent paying for that time.
  13. It's been pretty clear to me that we're actually very much aligned in our essential views, Wombat. Hell, we even seem to be fans of a certain Russian novelist. The thing about my outlook is that I really want to have a more "meaningful" game, but I'll be happy with any sort of game. I can enjoy the endless navel gazing and sometimes outright weirdness of PS:T. I can enjoy the boot to the face gritty and campy Fallout games. Hey, give me a shotgun and a couple of imps and I can forget all about the dialogue. I didn't hate Oblivion. I actually liked it in various parts, but it was fairly shabby on the story and NPC side. It always amazes me that Bethesda can get such good talent and give them such crappy lines. For my purposes, though, I'd like to point out that I usually mean NPC as non-joinable but interacteable NPCs. I don't really like to let people in my party. Dogmeat is one of my favorite joinable NPCs from any game, and that's because he was my dog. Don't **** with my pet, man. I wish we had more pets like dogmeat in these games and fewer romances. Blinzler: Thanks for the info, bro.
  14. I'll see. If there's a deal that allows me to pick up all of the DLC, I might try that. I just don't want to spend money on the DLC only to have it offer very little in terms of expanding gameplay. I really enjoyed Fallout 3, though, so who knows? Hey, I'm also a Fallout 2 fan. It only gets love nowadays because Fallout 3 is the new target. haha I kid! I kid!
  15. The MMO I play most regularly and which steals the lion's share of my time is this one: http://forums.obsidian.net/index.php?act=idx
  16. Hey, if that's a crack about California, I resent it! haha
  17. I thought you were going to join a guild or something, Wals? As long as you don't join Napolean's band of crazies, I think that will help because you should have a dedicated server. Otherwise, just get to be friendly with a clan that has a good server with public time available for open gaming. I know a lot of clans open up servers for folks most of the time to give their own people a stable place to practice outside of the group. At least they did some years ago when I did stuff like that.
  18. I don't really mean like Ivan in the sense of giving a particular speech. I mean like Ivan in the sense that he conveys an idea that is at once unwelcome but at the same time convincing. In the same way, the classic Milton quote is less important than producing a character who, like Satan, can make an eloquent and heroic speech for why he is doing something the PC should clearly see as very bad. Note, this is were I point out that I don't mind thinking that the PC should think that Satan is bad. I just don't want the design team to take it on themselves to tell the PC Satan is bad. Let him put his best argument forward and if it convinces the PC, so be it. I don't know who Tim Schafer is, but I'm glad he and MCA agree on something. Are you Tim Schafer? As regards the age of the players and the designers, I have to say that I think this discussion is a prime example of why we're pretty much where we are. The very discussion is melodramatic. After all, we have someone like me making an impassioned plea for more adult themes and better NPCs. We have someone like bhlaab putting down melodrama with one breath and literally lamenting the commercial nature of game publishing (and offering us jars of his dead skin as well) in the other. We have someone like Entrerix who contends that Fallout is a work of art. Gorilla contends that Planescape is a work of art. Age is not a universal indicator of shared tastes. Even background and education only go so far. Hell, even the steadfast fans of Fallout don't agree about everything. Some think that anything more than a bark and two woofs is melodramatic while others want to have complex joinable NPCs. I take Oerwinde's testimony as to the more nuanced story in the Pitt as a good sign for Fallout 4, assuming Bethesda does it. I doubt I buy any of the DLC, but it's all a bit short for my tastes. I'll just hold out for New Vegas. At this point, I'm not even advocating a side. I'm just enjoying the discussion. ...And a discussion that doesn't warrant some sort of investment in the part of the participants isn't worth having in the first place.
  19. I keep telling you people, Democracy. doesn't. work!
  20. Aristes


    Yeah, I like Julliette much more than Kate. Of course, that doesn't say much. The Julliette/Sawyer thing is so much better than the Kate/Jack/Sawyer thing.
  21. At level 20 on one of my builds, I had eight 100s, one 92, one 50, a 39, a 38, and a 37. They have no room for higher level builds. Players will be completely maxed out by 50 without putting much effort into a skills based build. They have to do something, and it simply seems short-sighted that they created a system that didn't allow for significantly higher levels since that's virtually always one of the first things fans want to have.
  22. I don't disagree as to the idea of keeping New Vegas non-linear. However, Dogmeat is probably the most popular NPC in Fallout (and that's an assumpion) because he's a dog. It's not because he's a clever gambit to give the PC ultimate freedom. It is also true that, being a dog, he doesn't do the things that make some of the other NPCs so irritating. For example, he doesn't empty the clip of his sub machine gun into the back of your head. Otherwise, where are the great NPCs of the Fallout games? I'm not just talking about joinable NPCs, either. And why are so many fans of the original games asking for more meaningful dialogue and consequences for their actions? Look, I understand folks not wanting to slam into the wall of text that was PS:T. Yeah, it had it's great moments, but it also had its over-written melodrama. Nevertheless, the NPCs from Planescape have remained an example to the industry. I remember listening to one of the Bioware designers talking about how the team wanted to capture the feel of the PS:T joinable NPCs when they created KotOR. Like it or not, NPCs who offer some depth are popular. On the other hand, I agree about two important parts of your statement. First of all, NPCs need not be over-written nor melodramatic. In fact, I think most NPCs should have some sort of rationale and be able to express it clearly and concisely. I generally don't think there should be a lot of cut-scenes and none should be unskippable. Finally, while some NPCs might offer dramatic elements, the PC should never be required to add an NPC to his party and he should be able to engage joinable NPCs with as much or as little discussion as he desires. Plot/Quest critical NPCs should be as verbose or terse as necessary to further and enhance the story. For example, an Aristes NPC would go on for several paragraphs whereupon the PC would probably shoot him whereas a Bhlaab NPC would merely flip off the PC and be shot immediately.
  23. Over The Rainbow -- Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole
  24. Good Lord, bro, give us a picture!
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