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Everything posted by RPGmasterBoo

  1. You have no appreciation for experimental fantasy games. Sacrifice mages aren't even human. @Maria That's... umm... bad.
  2. I think they tried too hard to make them horrifying while not stepping out of a somewhat conventional form. They might have once been humanoid, but there's no real obligation for them to look so much like humanoids. Probably a product of the DnD mindset. On a single unit the spiky monolithic armor might look passable, on a band of them methinks they'd look like a porcupine. The shoulders are the the real problem. Reminds me of power ranger mooks for some reason. (Hurlock) Overall its neither terrible nor good. Depends on how many you'll have to go through in the game. God forbid them being the bread and butter enemies again.
  3. Melee is hard to play only because of weapon repair. Take that away, and it breaks the game. Humanoid enemies became irrelevant like, ten levels ago. Bad game balancing.
  4. And how well do you think these are designed Maria
  5. Sacrifice > long time no see old friend
  6. She wont. DC's attacks pass through the best of armors. I have every damage threshold upgrade and perk available, and the remnants power armor and I still become mincemeat - if they stunlock me. Otherwise I lose a chunk of health and they die.
  7. Heh... I suggest you stay FAR away from DeusEx series then. In DeusEx you'
  8. Apparently to make a successful topic you only need to have Bioware in the title.
  9. I'm goin through changeeeeeees http://www.imdb.com/list/7G2-Xed6MMo/
  10. Same here. Even the thermic lance cant reach them. Except in VATS where it one shots them. Curiously the alpha and mother deathclaws never charged me so I kicked their ass easy. The regular deathclaws are a nightmare.
  11. Basically I'm hoping to play a human being - not a superhero, though the gameplay videos are really throwing the spotlight on some of the ultra violent over the top stuff. On the other hand, it looks set to be the first sci fi game in years with an interesting plot that is not epic fantasy in a sci fi dress.
  12. Yes, that's it. Its more transhuman than cyberpunk. Doesn't mean its necessarily bad, except for the fact that all those "transhuman" visuals look similar (Mass Effect like, streamlined shiny shapes and surfaces). I hope this game can be played sneaky style. I'd like to do a playthrough with minimum casualties.
  13. I haven't played DX:IW... I realized what bothers me in the new DX, its the somewhat antiseptic appearance.. I was used to thinking of cyberpunk as really grimy, Blade Runner style.
  14. It doesnt look all that much like cyberpunk... or perhaps cyberpunk just doesn't look and feel as novel as before...hmm
  15. @Moose I urge you to say with an honest face that you think that its the only institution of its type. I'd also like to hear you say that they want your political system as much as you want to see them adhere to its rules. @Masterfade Its a slowly fostering anti Chinese propaganda. Washington is starting to perceive the Chinese as a threat and the media machinery is in full swing to make the public feel the same. A dangerous mix considering the factual inability of the US and EU to do anything concrete against China (that would not result in MAD). Hahahaha, we know those from personal experience in these parts.
  16. Let me rephrase: good and evil are subject to debate when discussing political matters that include vested interests of both parties. @Moose: some people might think that imprisoning people on a whim and torturing them is a bad thing too. Like in guantanamo bay. For example. In short: the us good, them bad mantra does not correspond to reality.
  17. Anyone who thinks the US and the west in general are much different than China is kidding themselves. They're nothing but two different brands of authoritarianism (and imperialism). China is more openly authoritarian and less of a cultural imperialist than US/EU. China is also much more honest about its policies than the double standards "human rights and democracy" drivel of the west. Which is nothing but a revamped "pax romana". Also, I've never been wronged by the Chinese which I can't say for the other lot. Also: matters like this are China's internal policy. Are they to be faulted for not allowing the west to tell them what to do in their own back yard? How is it that they as a civilization (as old as human history) - are obliged to follow the west's ideals and rules? Nonsense. China does as it has done since the dawn of time. Keep to your own affairs.
  18. Why are you provoking me? What's with this excessive sentimental mumbo jumbo? Women are a dime a dozen, stop blabbering and go find yourself a couple of consolation prizes. Think, what would Duke do?
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