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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Oh come on, there is not a single person on this forum who hasnt at one point downloaded something not entirely legal. But in this case it was actually a friend of mine who gave me the info while he was complaining about delayed PC versions of games. The last game I copied was back in the days of the Amiga. So don't tar me with your brush eh.
  2. The idea that Russia didn't abuse its power is the most rediculious thing I have ever read. Stalin's Russia didn't just defeat Germany on the battlefield, they also excelled in regards to bodycount.
  3. Hippies are the genus, druids are a species of said genus. Biology 101. And to think I used to think you was an intelligent person but now well...
  4. I find the idea that Druids and hippies are homologous, to be hilarious. They're not. I also find it funny that people seem to think that Wicca, and Celtic traditional faith are the same. They're not.
  5. This thread requires some bill hicks quote.
  6. You're wrong. You're also ignorant.
  7. Man this book is a brick, I'm taking it slow, like one would with a fine wine, absorbing it all at once may be like drinking a bottle of vodka.
  8. The only difference I am aware of between PC and Console, is the control scheme, and that makes total sense. Shoehorning one or the othing into the wrong place leaves everyone with a crap solution. I'm looking at Oblivion. p.s. I think your post has confused a few folks.
  9. Metacritic sure ain't the best way to define how good a game is, it is misleading.
  10. It's not quite Frank Frazetta, but it's sure better than anything I can draw.
  11. That's actually the percentage of people who are employed in spain.
  12. Well, yeah. Its a FPS. Yeah, but COD is linear to the point of smiting you when you step off the designed path, it's basically an on rails shooter. Point being its MORE linear, than other shooters. COD's all about the MP anyways.
  13. I hated EA with a passion a boycotted all products for years. Now though, I don't think they're so bad, they're trying to do new stuff... They've trimmed the fat aswell... They still have some messed up internal cultural issues.
  14. I don't rate call of duty's single player, it's literally about as linear as a game could be.
  15. WTF? This is mental... Interesting though... Hmm, definately glad I pre-ordered it.
  16. I'm genuinely beginning to respect EA.
  17. and then everybody will start to cry that ISPs are killing the game industries, because they demand extra money for using their tubes, while ignoring the data caps same situation as with classical retailers, but i bet my left nut, that ISPs would want to have even bigger cut of the pie than retailers Oh please... This is tiresome, we're all going to find out eventually.
  18. *yawn* You speak to me as if I'm some kind of publisher, whom is also a spokes person. I am not! All I've done is say which direction the industry is going in, and why. Venting your anger at me personally, well that's just silly, obviously you feel very passionately about this, but what you need to realise is that second hand sales and rental services don't help the industry, they benefit retail exclusively, poor software is the result of lack of money for investment, this is see to be a result of the rental/second hand market. Also digital distribution should encourage prices to even out, as retail is currently taking a huge slice of the pie. Removal of retail should reduce prices, and increase quality because profits will be directed to the correct place. As far as the PS3 goes, it isn't hard to code for, it's just not as easy as the XBOX 360, hence the turn around and development of engines has taken longer, because it requires more man hours. The PS3 is starting to have its day, but lets just make it clear, as far as the PS3 goes, alot of people may very well have bought into alot of marketing *ahem*, or maybe they haven't.
  19. Nope. I'm not asking you to like it, I'm telling you what's happening. The industry is sick of the killing that retail is making HENCE, digital delivery avoids retailers, so its one less person taking a munch of the pie. and retail is sick of companies going digital... with no retail, no consoles, so suck it up, like all other industries which have to live with second hand sales, i dont see a reason why software or music should be the only exceptions allowed... and besides one or two more DRM server shutdown and you can bet your ass, European Commission and their US counterpart will have big drama running about it, because of the first sale doctrine, which is in almost every civilised world law... and on other half the future of internet in the eyes of every single ISP are download caps... good luck with digital distribution with harsh caps like most of EU and Australia/New Zealand have You can whine and complain all you like. You won't derail progress, and frankly if you don't see the harm that second hands sales are doing then you're not looking closely enough. The truth of the matter is that second hand sales, and piracy, have the exact same effect on the industry. You clearly aren't able to grasp the effects of that, it's getting stupid, if I walk into GAME right now, I cannot find new software, and they're actively encouraging me to buy second hand stock, to the point where the ratio of second hand to new is 3:1. For retail it is a cash cow, sale, buy back, sale, buy back, sale, buy back on and on. I'm saying what direction things are DEFINATELY going in, I think I'll trust what I know, over your comments. Despite your protests it will be moving in this direction, retail will likely end up shipping DLC codes in boxes as well as hardware. The PSP Go, will likely fail, but it is the first of its type. The XBox 360 has already begun to test the waters. I haven't even mentioned cloud gaming. Lets see what happends over the next few generations of consoles shall we?
  20. Nope. I'm not asking you to like it, I'm telling you what's happening. The industry is sick of the killing that retail is making HENCE, digital delivery avoids retailers, so its one less person taking a munch of the pie.
  21. I'm looking forwards to the SKY functionality in the UK starting, well tomorrow. AND I rarely use my computer outside of work now, well unless I am posting on here.
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