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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I don't own any guns but I do have friends that can give me access to an armory if necessary.
  2. Add to that the Gramm Leach Biley Act passed under Bill Clinton which allowed investment banks to merge operations with FDIC ensures savings banks, undoing a depression era law (The Glass Stengal Act) that was passed as a lesson learned from 1929. Also a BIG factor was the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act passed under Carter by an all democrat congress that got the federal governmet out of the business or regulating banks and setting interest rates. I laugh when I hear liberals and democrats complain about Wall Street being out of control and needing regulation. They used to be regulated, it was the DEMOCRATS who removed the regulations in the first place, then passed laws forcing them to loan to bad credit risks and then acted surprised when the whole thing collapsed. It was almost like they wanted the financial system to collapse, I'd say it was a conspiracy but they are not smart enough for that. Merely incompetent and lacking any idea how economies actually work. So basically that economist doesn't know jack when he started to blame everything on the Republicans. It isn't all the Democrats fault either, but to blame just one side for this mess is just looking for an easy scapegoat.
  3. That is why I will not support a socialistic/communistic legal system. Why I will not support socialism or communism in any shape or form. Individual rights are paramount to me. If I worked hard and played it smart that I become a millionare I do not want the government to take that hard work away from me. i do not want that fortune that I made for myself and my family to be taken away from my heirs by the government. I would fight for these rights with my last breath, LoF, and I will fight against socialism and communism with all my heart. If our government does end up socialistic and communistic I will take up arms against it. The tree of liberty may need to be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
  4. What he linked was not truth, just one man's interpretation of the crisis. Hell, in my ever so humble opinion this crisis started with the Democrats under jimmy Carter with his Community Reinvestment Act which made it it almost criminal for banks not to give home loans to people who can't pay them back. the CRA was then expanded under another Democrat president, Bill Clinton, which in turn gave us the housing bubble that later burst under G.W. Bush. The CRA made Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac possible and started this whole subprime loan bull.
  5. You like watching sweaty men wearing tights pawing and grabbing each other? To each their own I guess.
  6. I do have to say one thing though, those who take loans that they cannot pay back are idiots and get what they deserve. Those who give out loans to people who can't pay it back are even more idiotic and deserve the consequences of their actions. This is why you do not take out loans or credit cards that you cannot afford. That is just the intelligent thing to do. If the people are stupid then they should reap from their own stupidity. I don't care who he is. He wants to blame everyone but the individual who places himself or herself in the situation of debt. "Oh, it s the Republicans fault because I decided to take a $200,000 loan I can't pay back. Shame on them for my mistakes! What? I should never be held accountable for my own financial ruin!" Another thing capitalism does is force an individual to take personal responsibility for one's own actions and inactions. You reap what you sow.
  7. It costs me my time and I have no wish to waste my time on socialistic and communistic load of bull.
  8. And the alternative is what, Yuusha? Communism? Where the individual means jack and ****? You harp and harp saying how evil capitalism is but you fail to give a workable system that still gives the individual the freedoms that the citizens of the US have. Freedoms that I will die to keep. Freedoms I am willing to kill to keep. Freedom of speech, press, religion, to bear arms, and so forth and so on. Tell me, Yuusha, is there even one communistic country on this planet that gives its citizenry the same level of freedoms that the citizens of the United States of America enjoy? No, there isn't. Because of that fact I will take Capitalism, with all of its flaws, over any dictatorial communistic regime. Communism is and always shall be my enemy.
  9. No sense of humor! You weren't naked when you said it.
  10. You could say that about anything that doesn't have proof. You don't have proof that God doesn't exist and I don't have proof that He does. By your logic He both exists and is nonexistant. Schrodinger's God.
  11. I go by what I know, not by belief. I know God exists due to my own personal experiences with the bugger. I choose not to worship Him.
  12. Well, duh. It is called "faith." Faith is not reasonable. Never has been and never will.
  13. If Imperialism is necessary for a country to do its best to serve its own people then that nation is obligated to use it. If another country does not wish to be under the thumb of Imperialists then that nation should do what it can to fight them. If they are too weak to do so then they get what they deserve. The proof of God's existence does not exist outside the self, Nightshape. The proof is within if He chooses to reveal it to you.
  14. Of course. The US government's first and foremost priority should be its own people. Just like any nation's top priority should be at.
  15. I would say the same thing about the Americas, Australia, and what not. A nation that cannot survive on its own does not deserve to exist as a nation. I was trying to make a joke about the whole trinity thingie. Joke Fail.
  16. Taking down the ogre with the above rogue.
  17. It's monotheistic, thank you very much. Oh, you don't follow the idealogy of the Trinity. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, three divine entities. Sure they are connected, much like the Hindu gods, to a single divine source, but they are three distinct individuals.
  18. Let Africans take care of themselves. If they cannot survive and compete then they have no one to blame but themselves. Survival belongs to those who have the will and strength to do so.
  19. Of course not. Its not your fault that you chose to follow a polytheistic religion that has done a great deal of evil in the past which also promotes cannibalism.
  20. Just because I hold a religion and its deity accountable for its followers? If you consider that pompous then, I guess I am.
  21. I am not just going to forget 2000 years of history just because in recent years that some Christians have changed their tune on matters. If progress continues for another 2000 years then maybe they will make up for the jackholes in the present and the past.
  22. Practiced today? When I think of Christianity I think of Rev. Phelps and his anti-gay followers. I think of Mr. Rhoeds who killed Dr. Tiller, in his own church, for performing abortions. I think of Pat Robertson and his cronies who said that we deserved the Katrina Hurricane that caused suffering to thousands of people. Christianity hasn't changed much, Gorgon.
  23. Over 2000 years of Christian history there have been points where Christians forced conversions. Hell, there were points where Christian sects tried to coerce conversions to their own sect. For example the Protestant/Catholic conflicts that went on for centuries and still rages on in some portions of the world like Northern Ireland. It has simmered down a bit in recent years, but it was at one point very common to see Christians fighting and killing those who wouldn't join their religious beliefs.
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