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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. At least that's one accomplishment, they actually got someone to invest in interplay. For some reason, I can surprisingly keep a straight face at the mention of this. Well, it is only 6 cents per share right now. I thought a company couldn't be publicly traded/listed on the stock market if their share value was under $1.
  2. http://twitter.com/hervecaen Oh man.
  3. At least that's one accomplishment, they actually got someone to invest in interplay. For some reason, I can surprisingly keep a straight face at the mention of this.
  4. Interplay (10 years ago) > Bethesda This. Even if IPLAY won, nothing good would come of it. It's still Herve Caen's "IPLAY in name only."
  5. Yes. It's even easier than with a gamepad. Yes and yes. Good to know. I ran the benchmark and to my surprise my PC fared well with all high settings (exception: Anti-aliasing was at 2x.) I might keep it off for better performance, jagged edges don't bother me much since I played the PS2 religiously in the last console era.
  6. Has anyone played Resident Evil 5 for the PC? Does it play well with keyboard/mouse?
  9. I'm surprised that no one called out on the RPG/FPS "baby" marketing, because wouldn't that go to Deus Ex? As for Borderlands, I'll wait until the price drops. I've got a ton of other games that I should really finish anyway.
  10. Time flies fast. It's like we're all one big happy family.
  11. Now I have time to actually get around to pre ordering it.
  12. Especially when you disable the AI/despawn enemy NPCs and disable oblivion gate triggers.
  13. DA? I want to get excited about it, but its marketing campaign makes me nauseous Come on man! It's the new ****, Marylin Manson said so.
  14. Which is good for those who have designing skills of a dead rat. Like me.
  15. Well here's a rare sight.

  16. Or like this: DA ≥ BG, DA ≠ NWN1 Translation for any who may have need of it: Or more like: ∀x∃y(x≥DA → Release(y)=2002∧x<y) You win.
  17. All bodies in Bethesda games are terrible.
  18. Would of been nice if it allowed you to test your build in a small training/demo area.
  19. Try it again then. Maybe it's only disabled on the first run, but it certainly is able to be skipped here. For the record, I was referring to the "chantry says darkspawn R CORRUPTED HUMANS DERP DERP, join DA WARDENZ!!1" movie.
  20. First experience with the program: You can't skip the dumb intro movie. Hitting keys, mouse buttons do nothing.
  21. Alternative download: http://www.fileplanet.com/206215/200000/fi...aracter-Creator
  22. Does nightmare get rid of after combat health regeneration?
  23. Or like this: DA ≥ BG, DA ≠ NWN1 Translation for any who may have need of it:
  24. And insult he did...
  25. I hope that's the case because forcing me to group with an NPC (exception being temporary,) especially an unlikable/annoying one
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