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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. That was in the press release, but depending on development progress I predict the real date will be sometime in Q2-Q4 2011.
  2. 18+, you have been warned: . Truly is the worst job ever.
  3. If people really want the game, they'll just import it. The one's that are really affected by this are retailers.
  4. [intelligence] So you fight the good fight with your voice?* *GDC 2009 Best writing award. /facepalm
  5. Fallout 3 was fun, only major flaws I could see are: -Writing -S.P.E.C.I.A.L. (higher levels and Broken Steel) -C&C (or lack of) -Lack of environmental lighting
  6. Am I the only one that thinks MoH would be better off going towards a futuristic setting (e.g. Battlefield 2142) than a MW knockoff (which many will inevitably consider despite differences)?
  7. An entire town financed by piracy? That's not gonna end well.
  8. Took the words right out of my mouth
  9. What about Old Vegas?
  10. How so?
  11. I honestly don't see NV getting released until mid-late 2011.
  12. I'm starting to become a fan of "class-less" rulesets (S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for example.) I find the flexibility very nice, although the obvious potential problem is allowing one's character to become a "jack of all trades" type if restrictions aren't put into place (Fallout 3 w/ Broken Steel suffered from this, and especially Oblivion.)
  13. I like. Achievements are dumb imo.
  14. Only in America What a truly ****ed up country I live in.
  15. Aye. Their holiday deals are like black friday.... all month long.
  16. Only because Herve is like cancer, he just won't go away.
  17. Just got back from the family get together, had a little too much wine for a family event. Pretty sure I'll be scolded because of it tomorrow. ohwell.
  18. Happy thanksgiving everyone!
  19. You can safely bet it is. Judging by the recent release of that novel they've been hyping for a bit now, an "official" announcement won't too far off.
  20. Jak II, I <3 Jak & Daxter. Why?
  21. "Decline of moral family values being introduced straight to our children."
  22. Playing Beyond Good and Evil for the first time (IIRC.) Oh my god OH MY GOD This game is amazing.
  23. Zevran betrayed me, guess that means I'm heterosexual.
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