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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. No, I feel great. Not that there's a chance California would leave, but I wish they would and create the People's Republic they always wanted.
  2. Obola favors individual rights for what he perceives are victim groups, not so much for anyone else. Also he didn't enforce marijuana laws, so there's an example. Of course I would argue that flaunting the law is the greatest threat to everyone's rights in the long term. Depending how you look at it, Hillary's popular vote margin came entirely from California: http://www.investors.com/politics/commentary/its-official-clintons-popular-vote-win-came-entirely-from-california/ Also as the article points out, because of how California election system works, Republicans don't have much of a reason to vote at all. Edit: Actually it occurs to me to make the comparison fair, you'd have to take out the most Republican states with combined population equal to California, then compare the totals, although that still leaves the question of how many illegal aliens voted, or more accurately non-citizens.
  3. Actual evidence of illegal aliens taking jobs from blacks: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/06/us/lawsuit-alleges-discrimination-against-blacks-at-national-job-agency.html?_r=1#pq=aCbCgc
  4. Americans living in Mexico afraid: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/12/16/expats-in-mexico-facing-anti-american-sentiment-weighing-their-options.html Funny how Mexicans living in America aren't.
  5. Moral principles are overrated especially when they haven't actually been tested.
  6. So your choice is between a libertarian and a socialist? Pretty much the opposite ends of the spectrum, you get the award for most confused ideology of the year. Edit: Btw, what do you guys think of this? http://www.captainsjournal.com/2016/11/22/pizzagate/ If the pizza owner is really Brock's boyfriend, that casts a whole new light on the matter. Edit2: Outsourcer admits there's plenty of technical workers in US, but they're more expensive: http://in.reuters.com/article/infosys-trump-idINKBN13C2IB
  7. Yes, reports of fake hate crimes have dramatically increased since the election: http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2016/12/14/muslims-tale-of-subway-terror-from-trump-supporters-exposed-as-a-faux-hate-crime-and-fake-news/
  8. Hard to believe Soviet stuff would work on L2, but I might be mistaken.
  9. Rules are made to be broken if there's money to be made.
  10. EA has the right to all Star Wars games now, don't know if they bought them or are just licensing from Disney. Therefore I suspect Bioware could still make K3 once they can no longer milk TOR, not that I expect anything good to come out of Bio these days.
  11. Yeah, I didn't mean to condemn all children's cartoons, just the really dumb ones. I actually meant to say Saturday morning cartoons, which were particularly dumb and badly made, but I don't even know if they have them anymore.
  12. Cornets captured from the Syrians? I doubt they have a whole lot of them.
  13. Democrats are right, there is election fraud, and it's coming from Democrats: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2016/12/12/records-many-votes-detroits-precincts/95363314/
  14. Since 1 you mean. It's hard to think of a more ridiculous story line, children's cartoons do better.
  15. Progs are all about totalitarianism, whatever the excuse, no surprise there.
  16. This is all really about Democrats' butt hurt, and blaming everyone but themselves.
  17. I find this amusing, Kerry warns of "authoritarian populism" while accepting an award created by an authoritarian populist: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/2016/12/12/kerry-warns-of-dangerous-currents-of-authoritarian-populism-in-paris/
  18. If it was the Russians, all they did was reveal the truth that our own press has been hiding, so they did us a favor.
  19. Wait, what was your moral objection? I guess I missed it. My moral objection was the tape where Trump talked about groping women seemingly confirming the accusations that immediately came out of his assaulting women. This has nothing to do with sexism or SJ btw Bruce, no one has the right to assault another person. Edit: No question Iran was involved in attacks on US forces in Iraq: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/09/30/the-shadow-commander
  20. Nothing new about it, you just didn't notice it until now, because your ox got gored. Trump is making truth cool again, among other things. http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/11/donald-trump-just-made-10-things-cool/ Edit: Also watch true masters of false narrative at work: http://thefederalist.com/2016/05/09/ben-rhodes-reveals-how-obama-duped-america-into-the-dangerous-iran-deal/ Sorry WOD snookims but you were equally fooled by Trump, you dropped your support for him because of sustained daily criticism, though misplaced, and then finally the sexism incident made you say " okay this is too much even for me " We supported your unexpected SJ sympathies but .....we were wrong in this case, its rare but it happens even to us You should have stuck by Trump, imagine the moral high gound you would have had on this forum? This would have been one of those almost inexplicable times where if you wanted you could REALLY have gloated because sometimes I think the guys do tease you a little and keep taking what you say literally Gloating is stupid because sooner or later everyone face plants. I finally decided to support Trump because doing nothing isn't an option when the good of the country is at stake, despite the moral objections.
  21. Nothing new about it, you just didn't notice it until now, because your ox got gored. Trump is making truth cool again, among other things. http://thefederalist.com/2016/11/11/donald-trump-just-made-10-things-cool/ Edit: Also watch true masters of false narrative at work: http://thefederalist.com/2016/05/09/ben-rhodes-reveals-how-obama-duped-america-into-the-dangerous-iran-deal/
  22. We have not effectively waged war against the supply side, open border is the prime example. I've nothing against acting on the demand side, in fact we need good policies in general which will also incidentally impact drug use. This is one of those intractable problems like ants, you try to control it even though you'll never eradicate it. I'm not sure what you mean by employers being part of the supply, not demand. Who do you think demands and hires the cheap labor? We have a huge border patrol already, right now they're ineffective because they're not allowed to do their job and because they couldn't patrol an open border if you increase them 10 fold. They don't even clear cut the dense vegetation on the border, how do you effectively patrol that? Of course even with the fence you still need patrols, and cameras and sensors and static balloons doing surveillance, but it makes it actually practical for the government to control the border, instead of the drug gangs. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2016/12/09/other-terror-threat-isis-wants-to-destroy-us-this-group-already-is.html I won't vouch for all his facts, but I think he's essentially right.
  23. Easier to stop it at the border than fight it inside the country. You could go all draconian against the employers, but I don't think it'll be accepted. Drug demand you can't do anything about period, you'd have to start over with humanity. Edit: Hey, look, turns out the first thing to do in combating the drug epidemic is getting rid of Obola: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/12/08/heroin-deaths-surpass-gun-homicides-for-the-first-time-cdc-data-show/?utm_campaign=buffer&utm_content=buffer20dff&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_term=.575bb5bdbc4f
  24. The main argument against the wall is that it is a stupid waste of money. Will it stop drug traffickers? Criminals? People who overstay visas? It'll certainly stop deported criminals from coming back. It will prevent drugs being driven through by truckloads, although obviously you'll never stop all drug smuggling. You don't stop enforcing the law because there'll still be crime anyway; the price of drugs will go up drastically. Supposedly 60% of illegals come through the border, so you take care of that part of it. The other 40% you have to actually track which visas have not exited, which amazingly they don't even do right now. Then you go look for those people immediately. If a particular country has a problem of too many overstays, you reduce or eliminate their visas until it becomes a manageable problem. Edit: ICE has admitted they don't look for visa overstays at all right now, so why would anyone be deterred from doing that?
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