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Darth Allanon

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Everything posted by Darth Allanon

  1. Only use cheats and glitches after you beat a game. If you use cheats your first time through a game it gets boring real fast.
  2. How far were you in the game? Planet? How much influence with Kreia?
  3. If you are dumb and lazy, you blast the control panel. If you are smart, you'd solve the puzzle for the XP points.
  4. I figured out the crystal restriction thing when I wanted the Quxoni crystal and the Solari crystal in the same lightsaber, so I tried and it worked.
  5. Do not reinstall Kotor 2!, try loading the save file a couple of times and it should work.
  6. You can always try tricking the game into thinking you've won. During the race get right in front of an object (as close as posible)(at any speed) and press the forfit button (Xbox-White) and (PC-not quite sure yet). You should run into an object and bounce off ending the race and winning it if done correctly.
  7. DeathScepter is right. To use a dark restricted crystal (if you are currently LS), just put a light restricted crystal on the lightsaber and the two restrictions will cancel out. And it also works vice-versa (if you are playing DS).
  8. After reading that webpage I've concluded that Darth Bane must be The Sith'ari. He got rid of the old Sith Order and pretty much started a new one, the Rule of Two.
  9. Still, you need at least semi-good graphics for the game to be good.
  10. In the Star Wars movies Mace Windu had a Purple lightsabor.
  11. Are you kidding me. Graphics are just as important as the plots. Without good graphics you might as well go read a book.
  12. Not always though. It really depends on how bad the glitch is.
  13. No, as long as she has a vibroblade/lightsabor and her original clothes on she'll sacrifice herself for you.
  14. I recommend doing all the quests that you might of skipped before going on to the last quests on the planet. It always helps me out.
  15. I think blue and purple single-bladed lightsabors are the coolest looking.
  16. That doesn't make any sense. Why would you start a sequel to a game that isn't finished yet?
  17. I believe it would, but I could be wrong.
  18. I only use duel-bladed swords/sabors if the character is a Soldier, Jedi Guardian, or Jedi Weapons Master. If not I have the character using single-blades, unless they already came with the Two Weapons Feat.
  19. Yah that's true, but your still better off with the Two Weapon Feat though.
  20. Single-bladed lightsabors have more accuracy than most other saber combinations. Accuracy=Deadly
  21. It's not a virus, it happened to me also. Just try relaunching the game and that should fix it. If that doesn't fix the problem try re-installing the game.
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