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Darth Allanon

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Everything posted by Darth Allanon

  1. "Welcome Home" is over-rated! and it is not "ok"

  2. Don't worry they're next! lol
  3. We could always kidnap everyone from LA and demand a KotOR 3. lol
  4. Hey there is no "free will" unless we KILL GOD! lol

  5. I'll never lose hope for KotOR 3. Never!
  6. What's your crit chance at?

  7. Why are you a ****ing Ally!

  8. You can see right through me.
  9. I think I'm going to get sick. :0
  10. In what proactive way does it benifit Gaspard?
  11. That's why you go to Koriban(sp?) as one of your last planets.
  12. Dude but still... Was Malak that hard? What difficulty were you playing at? Better not be easy or normal.
  13. Ya it can be! I can design just about anything on Photoshop, creatures to landscapes you name it. And about making Gaspards's creature- I am not going to waist my time or effort making something that doen't benifit me or anybody else.
  14. The Handmaiden looks hot as DS.
  15. How much of a n00b are you??? Is this the first time through the game or what?
  16. Awsomeness, Reven never destroyed the Republic. What made you think that? As I recall in KotOR 2, the Republic was still intact wasn't it?
  17. DeathScepter what do you mean by "the True Sith"?, the Sith where a species that existed on Koriban(sp?) with little to no technology. When the first Dark Jedi got banished to Koriban(sp?) they interbred with the Sith and later started to call themselves the Sith. The Dark Jedi we see in Star Wars are not actually Sith. There is no longer any "True Sith" left. They are long and gone.
  18. lol! Some of you guys need to get a life.
  19. Korriban all the way.
  20. I never pictured Reven as a Goth, but cool none-the-less. Dooku as a Goth, no way! Traya as a Goth, ya but not in a hot way.
  21. I can't recall any Jedi slipping from the LS to the DS by doing bad things they thought were right.
  22. I'm still wondering if there actually going to do a good job of fixing the game up.
  23. I can never remember any of my dreams
  24. Critical strike is the way to go.
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