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Everything posted by Pope

  1. obviously you've never met Mrs Pope before
  2. I wouldn't mind not being able to have an apprentice. Being one and then turning on your master sounds sweet enough for me. :D That'd be an interesting theme for KotOR3 though, if we were able to keep out KotOR2 character somehow.
  3. I actually thought she looked better in-game than she does on the box. Geez, what the hell am I arguing about? A bunch of freakin' pixels... <_< I wonder what Mrs Pope would say if she read this. lets hope she doesnt or your not gonna get some period naw she's always the one to come beg for it first B)
  4. I actually thought she looked better in-game than she does on the box. Geez, what the hell am I arguing about? A bunch of freakin' pixels... <_< I wonder what Mrs Pope would say if she read this.
  5. I fukkin hated those parts. I might've enjoyed em if they were done in a better fashion, though don't ask me how you could improve them. Maybe add an alternate fire mode (rockets or whatever)...
  6. Sheesh, that's the biggest bullsh!t I've heard in quite a long time...
  7. So are there gonna be any male Jedi too, or has the Jedi Order become a girls-only club?
  8. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=2326
  9. What? I'm guessing she used the Hawk to come to Peragus (if she's Revan), which is where you find it.
  10. Another little thing I've been pondering upon... Your character gets the Ebon Hawk somehow. But do we know exactly how you get it? I remember that you find it on Peragus. If Kreia is around at that time, that'll be another piece that fits the puzzle.
  11. no man, it's gonna be like in The Game: you think all Jedi are gone and that you are the last one, but at the end you wind up at a surprise birthday party!
  12. Yes but that's another thread, so shoo! I don't think this implies that Revan and Bastila are again central to the plot. They'd play an important role, but the focus would be on the Sith Lords and how you deal with them. Finding out that Kreia is Revan wouldn't be the game's main plot twist.
  13. The bond! Of course! I completely forgot about that. Heck, maybe Revan didn't even want to merge with Bastila. Maybe he/she was killed by the Sith Lords, but the bond with Bastila kept his/her spirit alive in her. Revan getting killed by the Sith Lords could also explain why he/she is not the biggest villain anymore if you choose the DS ending (why else would he/she disappear all of a sudden?), and would make it possible to solve the Star Forge problem (it was destroyed by the new Sith Lords). Pieces falling together, or simple pothead paranoia? :ph34r:
  14. I don't think I understand what you're saying here... Even after you reconnect to the Force, if they start asking you what happened with Bastila, how will you know? Use Force Crystal Bowl and look into the past?
  15. Through the whole game? Really? I didn't know that.... Wasn't it stated that the questions you're supposed to answer are at the beginning of the game? Even if it wasn't, I doubt you'd suddenly gain a power to look into the past.
  16. I have read many a great story with no plot twist.... Maybe they'll go the Basic way, and throw in so many twists that we give up on trying to figure it out. At the end, you'd find out the truth: the Jedi aren't extinct at all, they just pulled a The Game on you.
  17. Like you said, anything is possible with the force.... But your character is out of touch with the Force! :D
  18. Yes, you could. Do you seriously believe Obs is going to take every single little option you had in KotOR into account? If so, you're going spend a looooong time answering questions in the beginning of the game... I don't think killing Bastila was a little option...a little option would be if you won the Taris Arena Tournament.... True. Still, how would your (exiled) character know whether or not Revan killed Bastila?
  19. Yes, you could. Do you seriously believe Obs is going to take every single little option you had in KotOR into account? If so, you're going to spend a looooong time answering questions in the beginning of the game...
  20. Yes, but that doesn't necessarily have to mean she's out of the picture. I dunno... like I said, anything is possible with the Force...
  21. I did, in my original post in this thread. Sorry, I just came up with new things to say, and didn't feel like editing my first post. In my experience, people only read replies if their quotes are at the beginning of the post, figuring that all other quotes in that post are from the same poster. Whatever...
  22. It doesn't? Then how is Obs going to show Revan (who could have dozens of different faces)? Also, Palpatine was perfectly able to transfer his spirit from his weathered body to one of his clones, so it's not like it's a completely new thing in the SW universe.
  23. yes and I gave my own counter-arguments to both of them in this topic
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