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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Because Henry Gale didn't seem to know all that much about the hatch, for one.
  2. Haven't seen it yet. Any good?
  3. Just speculating here... What if Libby is a mole? You might argue there'd be no point in sending Ethan/Goodwin if there's already a spy on the plane. Indeed. But Ethan and Goodwin were Others. Maybe Libby is part of Dharma? Meaning the Others are not Dharma (I'm getting more and more convinced of this). Also, now we know Henry didn't enter the code (or did he?), and that he's an Other, it's almost certain the Others are not Dharma. After all, Dharma, for whatever reason, wants the button pushed. Even if Henry did enter the code, why would he lie to Locke about it, and thus try to show him it has no purpose, if he's Dharma?
  4. True. There's only 3 in the entire game, including the Hydra in the first level, and Ares himself. I don't know if you encountered the third one yet, but he's insane! :D Can't wait for part 2 myself. Good thing it'll be a PS2 game.
  5. Cool. I'll be giving the Revolution a chance.
  6. It seems Smokey's true name is Cerberus. I like it. I like it a lot. Fits perfectly with my idea of Dharma choosing which people are suited to participate in their project (also see the lists of good people Ethan and Goodwin were supposed to make).
  7. It's a joined effort. Never before has there been such a wave of fan-research. 4815162342.com was literally flooded the night of that episode.
  8. Even better: http://lost.cubit.net/pics/2x17/blastDoorMapOverlay.jpg Am I losing it or can't I edit my posts anymore? Edit: weird, I can edit this one, but not any previous ones
  9. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v645/t8rtotz/54copy.jpg This episode was the best ever. :D So much to speculate about... Did Henry fall on purpose to stall? Did he really enter the code? What's with the map? Who drew it? What's in the middle? How did the real Henry Gale die? Will Kate be having the hots for Jack again? What is Locke gonna do now that he promised to protect Gale no matter what? Awesome...
  10. I've no qualms with GameSpot anymore. Ever since they got the "We Say, You Say, They Say", their reviews have been pretty accurate, 'cause if they're not, you'll notice the difference between these scores. At least they're more trustworthy than IGNorance. That said, this was a pretty obvious April Fools. I almost believed Blizzard's Wisp prank though, but that's because it's not a very good one. The Two-Headed Ogre April Fools was gold.
  11. God of War Shadow of the Colossus Prince of Persia series Splinter Cell series Devil May Cry series (2 sucks though) Hitman series (looking forward to Blood Money) GTA series Manhunt The Warriors Killer7 Psychonauts
  12. lol, I used a very similar excuse
  13. No she won't. She's my best female friend ever and she'll never risk losing that. Besides, she's with a good friend of mine. Even if they did break up, and even if she would change her mind, I couldn't do that to him. Unless he let me. In a perfect world...
  14. At that moment, she just looked me in the eyes for half a second and then looked away. Afterwards, when we were alone, the usual. You're a guy, I'm sure you've been there.
  15. A few years ago at a city festival, me and two of my friends were sitting on a bench in a park, when a group of about 10 guys passed us and saw our booze, so they wanted some. At first I refused, but eventually my friends gave 'em some in order to avoid further problems. We left the park but returned there a few hours later. My pals were sitting on the bench again, and I was standing in front of them, complaining about how they didn't have the balls to resist some "lowlife scumbags". I went on a tirade, and then noticed their grim expressions. I looked behind me, and one of the scumbags was standing there. He immediately called all of his friends, who surrounded me and gave me some punches in my face. If you think you only see stuff like that in movies, take another guess... Another one: last year, also at a festival (a normal one, not in a city), I had the biggest crush I've ever had on a female friend of ours. I still kinda have btw, but back then she didn't know it yet. I had this masterplan to get her to her know I was crazy for her. Anyway, I've always been the photographer of our gang, so as usual I was taking pictures, including lots of her, sometimes when she wasn't aware of it. Then at a moment when we were all lying on the grass, my best pal was looking at the pictures on my machine, and suddenly he went "half of these pictures have <crush> on them!". That's when she found out. So much for my masterplan.
  16. That one's been out for a while now. Still waiting for the special edition though.
  17. Very true. It's not so much the gameplay I like in Blizzard games (I dug StarCraft though), but rather the settings and characters.
  18. I don't watch the previews anymore. Besides, they mostly give wrong impressions anyway.
  19. I predict Locke will become paralyzed again, thereby unable to reach the computer to enter the code, and will have to ask Henry to do it for him. PS: Henry is the best addition to Lost since the hatch.
  20. Been considering to get this one. I fear it'll get dull fast though.
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