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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Who said anything about bowing? Bowing down to and respecting something are completely different things. Calling nature your future murderer is like calling a tasty meal **** because eventually that's what it'll be. By doing so, you ignore all the good things you got out of it. If you truly enjoy life, you should respect everything that led up to your existence, including the (what you consider) bad things, for if all that hadn't happened, you wouldn't be here enjoying your life. By extension, depriving future generations (of both mankind and other species) of their enjoyment of life by just not caring about nature is, quite frankly, egoistic. And I don't believe animals and trees to be better than humans. Which doesn't imply I consider humans to be the greatest species on this planet either. I do, however, have an enormous respect for mankind's ability to do science and gather knowledge. That knowledge should be preserved at all costs because it truly is the most amazing thing in the universe. I mean, in essence we're all just a bunch of particles, but a bunch of particles stacked together in such a way that collectively all those particales are in effect capable of being *aware* of the fact that that is what they are. Take a moment to consider what an incredible thing that is, and you might realize how valuable life - and the human species - is. You'll likely argue that eventually the universe will come to an end and therefore question the point of it all, but that's just ridiculous and means you do not really enjoy - and thereby respect - life as you say. So yes, if a few billion people have to be eliminated to prevent the end of all that we've built up, I'm all for it. I'd even sacrifice myself to such a goal. Luckily, I'm pretty certain there's plenty of people on this planet that contribute a lot less than I do (and even hold back our progress) and should therefore be the first to go.
  2. What a sad way of looking at life. If you don't enjoy living, please stop wasting the resources for those of us who do.
  3. Being completely ignorant to the problems of a planet you owe your life to doesn't take any balls either.
  4. All joking aside, Wals is certainly right in pointing out that the problem of fundamentalism won't be solved with violence. In fact I am quite aware that such actions would only make it more radical. I just jokingly named fundamentalists as a candidate for elimination because of some personal gripes with them and their ideas. But again, that is another discussion. Back to the discussion at hand, the best way (in theory) to reverse overpopulation (which imo we've already reached) would be birth control. One child per family. Good luck on implementing such a rule though. And Guard Dog, no one is coming for you. If anything, they'll be coming for your food supplies once those get scarce. With human population growing at its current rate, there *will* be conflicts for resources. It's a law of nature. I commend you for wanting to protect yourself in such situations, but you need not fear, we're still a while off. Enjoy these days while they last people, for mankind is facing a difficult future. This James Lee guy realized this and had the balls to spread the message. Sadly, the way he did it was retarded.
  5. Geez man, why the paranoia? You a fundamentalist or something?
  6. Gotcha. So, let me see here... you are not a fundamentalist, in fact you are the opposite of that. So what you are really advocating here is solving the excess population problem by killing off people whose social/politcal opinions you disagree with. Does that about sum it up? It's ok, you can admit it. No need to be condescending, that's exactly what I mean, and I feel zero shame in admitting it. Not only am I personally radically opposed to fundamentalism, its inherent irrationality is keeping back the progress of mankind as a whole. But that is another discussion. My personal gripe with fundamentalism aside, another good start might be to not keep the weak and crippled alive, and by extension anyone who takes up more resources compared to what they contribute to this world. Sustainable ecosystems (and thus the planet) are those where things are nicely kept in balance, so let's get rid of the leeches can we? Anyway, there's no denying it's a dirty job (at least from an ethical pov), but someone's got to do it eventually (from a realistic pov), whoever the victims will be. That or we're *all* sinking with the ship.
  7. So, what groups of people do you think we should be killing off then Pope? Let's start with fundamentalists. I can't decide if you are nihilistic or stupid. I thought those were the same thing.
  8. Overpopulation is probably the world's biggest problem, and if not it soon will be. Glad to see at least some people are realizing this, no matter how nuts their way of spreading the message might be. I mean, look around you. Most of us live on tiny strips of land, surrounded on all sides by many more people. Living in the suburbs myself, I am already frequently annoyed by my neighbors. I can only imagine how horrible living in a large city like NYC must be. And I'm only considering privacy here. It'll get a lot worse once scarcity of resources becomes a major issue. For some reason I'll never understand, we are focused on keeping the handicapped and dying alive (even going as far as forcing them to live). No wonder mankind is rapidly outgrowing its boundaries. The human species is becoming a plague to this planet. Don't misunderstand me, some compassion and ethics are nice, but it should be clear by now there's an upper limit to that. Global warming would most likely be a much smaller problem if the global population were half the size it currently is.
  9. Found it I believe http://www.blogsdna.com/1815/how-to-disabl...-build-7000.htm
  10. I just installed Win7 on my pc, and so far my only gripe with it is that I need to grant adminstrator rights for just about any action I want to perform. It's quite a hassle having to push enter after everything I do. Since I'm the only person using this pc, I was wondering if there was any way to automatically grant these rights for all actions?
  11. I've watched many matches on Youtube lately, and have yet to see a Hydralisk.
  12. Pope


    Saw The Pogues last night. Couldn't understand a single word though, as MacGowan was as drunk as he possibly could be.
  13. I'm halfway (just did the missions) and so far the story doesn't look that special. Then again, I'm only halfway.
  14. ^sounds like WarCraft III all over again
  15. I've been thinking the same thing. Been playing on Normal so far and I'm considering continuing on Hard because it's really too easy. And I'm definitely not an RTS veteran.
  16. With a damn good soundtrack. If you like orchestral scores that pluck at the soul. The Fountain's soundtrack certainly ranks amongst the best. I'm quite a fan of the film as well, in fact it's my favorite of Aronofsky.
  17. (Shutter Island spoiler ahead!)
  18. How is Inception's ending predictable?
  19. Inception my blind faith in Nolan proved to be justified once more, definitely best film of the year
  20. Finally saw Shutter Island. Would've liked it better if the ending was left more ambiguously, but I felt more like only one interpretation was the true one, and sadly it was the predictable one.
  21. I still like Mel. I will never like Tom Cruise though. Yay for bias.
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