Yeah, about the FF games. There're plenty available for the DS, but which one would you recommend for a dude whose only experience with JRPGs has been The Last Remnant demo (and I even liked that one)?
According to Metacritics, FF IV and FF Tactics A2 are the best, with Tactics offering a truly deep TB combat system. How's combat in FF4 compared to Tactics?
Otherwise, I'm really enjoying my DS. I got stuck in Metroid because I can't manage to beat a boss while doing weird things with my left hand (in other words: D-pad + stylus + left trigger at the same time seems to be impossible for me to manage).
Worms is really cool, even though difficulty changes quickly from easy too "what how do I do this?" level each mission.
I'm also waiting for Zelda Phantom Hourglass, Resident Evil and Ninja Gaiden to arrive. Good times should be ahead.