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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Outside of SuperS, Sailor Moon is pretty consistent in all of its key strengths...and weaknesses. If you're the type of person that loves its strengths while its weaknesses are conversely the least important part of the show to you and thus forgivable, then it would make sense you love it...and that would be me, . Ah, it's a classic case of an "instantly take you out of the show and make you become skeptical and annoyed with everything the show does even slightly wrong because you've become hyper-critical of its failings and weaknesses as the result of the show having gleefully and unabashedly shattered its own illusion of meaningfulness and integrity forevermore" moment. Well, at least that's what it would be for me - though such moments usually happen early on in cartoons/animes, so at least there's that. Tamako Market seems to be an exception...inexplicable as it may be, . No kidding - I've noticed myself randomly and reflxively CTRL+A-ing long messages in other places as a result of this phenomenon.
  2. Other people forgive and forget stupid, ill-fitting moments in their entertainment all the time...that is, when they even notice them to start with - I'm sure many viewers of this movie didn't notice anything out of place with those kinds of scenes. However, majestic, we do not seem to be like other people - consistency and integrity in characters, framing, tone, and style are usually a requirement and not a suggestion for us. The only leeway I usually ever give anything is for something that's already had a good run and only makes minor unforced errors and/or indulgences. Even then, some of the questionable decisions some of my favorite shows made, such as in Steven Universe, still bother me when I think about them, .
  3. If they were taken out behind the woodshed in the first half, they were then repeatedly machined gun in the head in the second half.
  4. Wikipedia: "In exchange for additional financial support, Mobius announced that the game's initial release on PC users would be a timed-exclusive on the Epic Games Store. As it was originally announced that Fig backers would have received redemption keys on Steam for the game, some backers complained about the change; Linux users noted that as the Epic Games Store does not have a Linux-compatible front end, the change left them without any option." Perhaps something that was "fixed" sometime later once it was released on Steam? True...and in a sense, it ends up working out regardless - I'm perfectly patient in waiting for these situations to resolve themselves, .
  5. Didn't even know about that, to be honest. I did not back it or even follow it, nor pay anywhere near full price for it. Seems like they did Metro: Exodus one even worse, because Exodus at least gave the original Steam purchasers the game on Steam, while from what I'm reading, Outer Wilds did not (and in the process, screwed over their promised Linux support because EGS has no Linux client). Gross. I haven't been absolutely blown away with it like so many apparently have been, but I definitely like it and think it made correct decisions in balancing world (well, worlds) and gameplay...for whatever that is worth, .
  6. There's a mystery you have to uncover via exploring and investigating information you figure out (read the spoiler below if you want to know what it is - it's not really particularly spoilery since you already know about the loop reset mechanic, which I didn't going into it and which thus surprised me), which is also part of what makes it Subnautica-ish for me. A number of differences in the specific particulars of the gameplay, but it ends up feeling like a similar game even so. The game helpfully keeps a record of all important information you find in your space journal in between resets. I also didn't even realize this game qualified as "open world"...I guess it kind of makes sense, but it doesn't really feel like it's open world, because there aren't that many "planets" and the "planets" are incredibly small, which is really bizarre for its sense of scale but it's a good thing for actual gameplay, IMO. The world is probably...I don't know, somewhere between 1/100th and 1/500th the size of Breath of the Wild - it's not really even a comparison. howlongtobeat.com puts it at 15-20 hours length, which was right about where I was guessing it was - even for a 100%er, it's only at 25 hours.
  7. I'm starting to finally get desensitized to the deaths. For the first few hours, it was a lot of "I'm just going to close my eyes now until this is over"s. Accidentally falling into the sun, eaten by gooberfishes, shot out of repulsion cannons into dead space and suffocating, accidentally crash-landing into planets at a thousand kmph because I didn't slow down enough in time...not great.
  8. Earlier, I accidentally stepped onto a teleporter that I did not know was a teleporter and got flung to some far-away station I'd never seen before, looked around for approximately ten seconds before promptly falling into a black hole that I thought was safely far "above" me but turned out to actually be "below" me because its gravitational pull forced the issue, which then turned out to be a wormhole instead of a black hole and sucked me away to some other place that I had no idea what was either, where I then had no idea what to do especially since I was in space without my ship while running clear out of oxygen and thus perished. Good times were had by everyone...well, everyone except for me.
  9. The whole "reset every 20 minutes" mechanic doesn't much appeal to you, or is it something else?
  10. Outer Wilds (note: not The Outer Worlds). Somewhat Subnautica-ish, but without the survival/building mechanics...so also somewhat not Subnautica-ish. Space sure can make me sick.
  11. Are you deliberately trying to get majestic to never watch Samurai Champloo? Nope, I did not, you are wrong. Better luck next time, pal! "Hilarious" is one word for it, . Episode 22 of Samurai Champloo. Mushrooms, necromancers, and meteors. I don't know what to make of this episode. It was fine, but probably the weakest episode of the entire show thus far. Episode 23 of Samurai Champloo. Bills, yankees, and baseball. I don't know what to make of this episode...except that there's a little bit of a resemblance to that one Steven Universe baseball episode. Feels like I stepped straight off into crazy-town for these two episodes - hopefully the last three will be a little more connected to our characters and the plot, as the rest of the show has done a much better job of meaningfully tying both of those into the crazy rather than the other way around like these two did.
  12. To be fair, there's lots of things I've tried where I've had specific pointed criticisms...that I could've easily ignored if the work had grabbed me in other ways and made it so I wouldn't focus too much on what I didn't like, but it didn't, so those criticisms were front and center. Often times, the reality is if something doesn't appeal to you, it doesn't appeal to you, and nothing more needs to be said or done about it, move on, . P.S. When are you going to make a fan translation of the Miyu books for me? I'm not totally against the premise, but it looks like a typical Hollywood affair. On the other hand, I might prefer to watch Pretty Woman over this. High fashion is like...I don't even know, I don't think I could be less interested. Seems like a less than ideal date movie. I really am going to get back into this soon...
  13. Perfectly fine from everything I've ever done with it, and I think the general experience is that compatibility with everything is fine, but some games either suffer get a little faster or a little slower, depending on the exact game in question. The latest version of LTSC (2019) is basically a slightly stripped down version of Windows 10 1803, but only ongoing security updates and nothing feature-related. They're going to release one last final version of Windows 10 LTSC sometime within the next year or two, last I heard - most likely will be a slightly stripped down version of whatever the last major version of Windows 10 is. Might decide to upgrade to that when it comes out, I'm not entirely certain yet.
  14. Yes, even though I hate college ball, it was nice to see not-Alabama win. @Keyrock How confident you feeling about the 49ers game?
  15. Many of the primary strengths of Linux are also its weaknesses in that they make the OS difficult and annoying to use. Good for a number of specialized purposes, bad for most other things. The fact that there are so many "major" distributions and nobody can agree on which is the best even for just a general user also means no version of the OS will ever be ubiquitous enough to really take-off - everyone's too split across too many different versions. I'm not really ever expecting Linux's story to change. I'm glad I was able to find a more static version of Windows 10 to use (LTSC), otherwise I'd probably still be trying to use Windows 7. Static, stable, secure, and functional - the primary things I want in an OS, and LTSC gets the job done. ...On the other hand, you do have to steal it to obtain it for non-business purposes, but not really much of an issue.
  16. This show sounds an awful lot like how I felt when I watched Okko's Inn. It's fine, there's nothing wrong with it, I should be into it to some degree...but it ain't grabbing me for whatever reason.
  17. I believe you can just kill the Windows Update service and it will delay pending updates until the next shutdown/restart. (e): ...Until the next shutdown/restart AFTER the next shutdown/restart, that is, .
  18. I can't imagine the merciless mocking of the Packers if they hadn't won one early on into Rodgers' career. I think the Cowboys and the 49ers are the worst match-up for the Packers, so I'm appreciative of them playing each other right off the bat. Admittedly, the Packers always find a way to beat the Cowboys in the playoffs even when it makes literally zero sense, but still. If the Cowboys win, they have to go play the Buccaneers...unless the Buccaneers miraculously lose to the Eagles, I guess. It's nice to have the #1 seed. At least it didn't end up mattering, what with the 49ers winning.
  19. ...Did she actually do that? All I remember is her slightly lowering her shirt on one of her shoulders and the guy immediately being like "yeah, please don't", . Sorry about asking for the translation, I didn't know it was going to be that intense. Hey, practice...right? Glad they got one right, though! I think this was the episode where I really fully cemented in my brain that Myao was awesome. Something about the way she was genuinely offended with the painter when he wanted to paint her and then immediately abandoned her when he came across Ran really resonated with me, for whatever reason. I was mad at that jerk for the entire episode too...and the fact that she had grown wise to his stupid tactics at the end of the episode when Ran was finally convinced somehow felt perfect. Myao might be dumb, but she's not that dumb!
  20. Bob Saget. That came out of nowhere...as they tend to do, I suppose.
  21. Oh boy. The following story is not a joke: I have a friend who is somewhat of an anime watcher, although less these days than she used to be. Fire Force happened to be one of her boyfriend's favorite animes of the last few years and since she's someone that also likes anime, he insisted that they watch it together. Apparently, she hadn't watched any shonen anime since she was a teen, and...it did not go over well, because she thought the entire thing was a silly and ironic joke. It was not: he took it as seriously as it was apparently intended to be. Many arguments and hurt feelings later, they ended up breaking up like a month down the road. They'd been together for over a year, . When she sent me a clip of it, I basically had the same reaction as her, which was also essentially the same as RedLetterMedia's Mike's reaction to "A Dog's Purpose": Suffice to say, I am not the target audience for Fire Force, . @majestic Feel free to explain to me the title of episode 5.
  22. That's correct, but when you have a username as unwieldy as it is (four syllables!), you take any decent nicknames you can get while politely asking people to stop using the bad ones, . On a side-note, I took it not from the Bible, but from the titular demon/spirit in a children's book that I read...you guessed it, when I was a kid. @Hurlshot Haha, it's fine, . Whatever image you tried to link did not work - whoever visits it will be sent to some other random image instead. (e): Looks like you fixed it.
  23. I think a big part of the problem is the specific particulars of how I write (little word usage, sentence structure, and tone stuff) changes over time, so it's like even if I still agree with the base ideas of what I wrote, it feels like someone else wrote it for me.
  24. Lmao, I guess following it up would've been helpful, considering the discussion it spawned regarding entertainment and humor not being anywhere near universal. ...Except you did follow it up: Your follow-up was not very helpful, . P.S. Does anyone ever see some of their old posts and think their past selves must have been an alien?
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