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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. Re-visiting Bloodborne a little today. Was pretty sloppy for the first half of the video (first try!), but did better as the battle went on. Would've been pretty embarrassing to die to Cleric Beast, but give me a break, I haven't played this in years. And also, I was using a freaking d-pad because it's on Playstation 1.
  2. Milk Outside of a Bag of Milk Outside of a Bag of Milk I don't play many visual novels (...pretty much never, in fact), but I liked this one. My impression of the game was that I played as the imaginary friend (or perhaps therapist?) of a paranoid schizophrenic girl trapped inside her room trapped inside her brain with only you, the player, as her guide to try and help make sense of her unstable thoughts and surroundings. Why I am playing this incredibly esoteric game...I'm not a hundred percent sure - I guess because I saw some stylish-looking pixel art and it had overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam and it only cost a couple of dollars. Money well spent, I suppose.
  3. It's completely awful - went from racism to some pathetic and utterly generic attempt at being pro-military, great. One good thing about is that three syllable teams pretty much always have a shortened version, and it seems the internet has already dubbed them "the Commies", which feels appropriate what with the red and all.
  4. CLAMP's Clover (1999). Uh...I think I should stop watching anime. Or at least the weird stuff - I could certainly do a little more research before I try something out of the blue like this. It was basically a really weird 7 minute or so...music video-esque thing. Apparently, CLAMP's Clover is an unfinished manga that "takes place in a dystopian, futuristic world where children known as 'Clovers' have special powers". I guess I kinda got that, but it sort of felt like I was watching a Lincoln Park music video (but without the high energy angsty music). Rilakkuma and Kaoru: A short stop-motion show (thirteen 11-minute episodes) from Netflix about a single woman and her teddy bears. It's slow and sombre, and seems to primarily focus on how disappointing and sad life is...but also, you should try to make the best of it when and where you can. The last episode I watched was about them having a power outage during a storm and suddenly being host to a dead girl that had been run over and killed by a bus right in front of her first boyfriend. Seeing her boyfriend get comforted by another girl nearby while quickly forgetting about her made her spirit upset enough to turn her into a ghost...and more of a sad ghost than one doing any actual haunting. Yeah, that's fair. Did you listen to it at least 50 times? Because I do believe that's the key here, so if you haven't done that yet, you really ought to. It's just the right thing to do.
  5. One of my new 14 TB hard drives started groaning and clicking constantly about an hour ago. Well, let's load up the SMART data real quick... WARNING Number of retired sectors: 400 Number of unstable sectors: 48 oh hell naw, dawg, that ain't cool. sigh, this is going to be a long night. always a good idea to let your drives run for at least about a month before you start trusting them, folks.
  6. Gall Force: Eternal Story (1986). It was...pretty good, but not really what I expected - kind of feels like a very odd blend of Star Wars and Alien...and something else. It at least ranks as one of the better non-Ghibli 80s things I've seen, so there's that...albeit it's still very 80s (I mean, who wouldn't want a cheesy sad music montage after someone died - that's just what you do when you're in the 80s!). I'll also forgive a little unnecessary although not particularly offensive fan service (7 girls working together on a spaceship not always particularly caring about how they're dressed makes a sort of sense, I guess). I'll be curious to see how the next part continues on from this one (there are three parts to this particular story of Gall Force)...especially, uh, considering how this one ended. Lmao. Villain's a bit of a shonen brat, is he? Well, no, but you seem to forget...neither was Nanoha - in the early to mid 2000s. The 2010s Nanoha, on the other hand? Oh yes, very offensive, very brain-peeling. Now, I can't help but notice that Precure starts around the same time Nanoha did...and continues all the way up to present day. How odd! Well, for your sake, I hope history doesn't repeat itself - 2010s magical girl shows haven't exactly gone well for you so far, have they? Good thing it's only...873 episodes and 30 movies! P.S. I've been catching up on Cardcaptor Sakura episodes on Netflix (I forgot to "watch" the last 25 episodes or so), and I usually let the intro music of the third season run before I mute it. Yes, it does appear that I have been fully brainwashed. Also, it autoplays the English dub and I just heard English!Tomoyo and I nearly melted from the terribleness. I did try a couple of episodes of that show a few days ago, and I wasn't entirely sure what to make of it yet. I'll have to try a few more.
  7. Ah, that's why you're not supposed to talk about it - not until the end of the season, I think I suggested. It's probably for the best for all of us, because it also means you can power through it a lot quicker than if you're making an hour long post about every episode, . It also now makes sense why you were showing this guy in the last page, as I previously had no idea whom he was. I've gotten through 20 minutes of the first Gall Force film (Gall Force: Eternal Story). I expected silly girl shenanigans in space, but instead I've gotten twenty minutes of pretty serious planning and manuevering, as they're all fighting for their lives because the movie started with them literally in the middle of a battle that they were losing before making an escape with their ruined ship. I'll let you know how that goes when I finish it.
  8. If this has relation to what you were quoting, I can't figure out how. All I can assume is you finally bit the bullet and watched an episode of Pretty Cure, .
  9. Hm. Akira basically loses his mind after finding that the hysterical demon-hunters beheaded Miki and makes the transformation to full Amon and starts indiscriminately slaughtering demons and humans alike. He devours one of his best friends while in this state, a like ten-year-old girl that was a fellow devilman that he had been working with to hunt demons, which was honestly kind of horrifying and I had to look away. There was some sort of semi-Frieza knockoff that was the "big bad" of the demons that got dispatched fairly quickly, and...then it kind of just ended after Akira finally got to Asuka? Akira had finally regained control from Amon, and they had a stare-off for a moment, and then Akira just walked past him, the end - it didn't feel very resolved. IMO, Devilman Crybaby probably has a better plot and did better in slowing everything down and trying to flesh out as well as resolve things better, but there's so many stylistic things I dislike about Crybaby that it was still very difficult for me to enjoy, which is why these OVAs are "okay" while Devilman Crybaby was a bit less than "okay" to me. P.S. I added one more thing to the previous post, but it hardly matters.
  10. Studio Ghibli's Iblard Jikan (2007). It's a 30 minute "OVA" of art, I guess...and not much else, because there's no dialogue or really even much of an attempt at visual storytelling here. The most I can say is that I'm pretty sure I saw some stuff in there that was inspired by the fantasy visuals of Whisper of the Heart, or the other way around depending on when the painting these animations were based off were made. Apocalypse of Devilman (2000). The third and final part of the original Devilman OVA series. It's kind of crazy how much Devilman Crybaby took from these OVAs - it's not quite a 1:1 recreation, but...it's probably like 75% the same plot, and a number of scenes in Devilman Crybaby are obviously direct recreations of scenes in these OVAs. Anyways, just like the first two, it was O.K. - it starts with the part where Asuka gets on TV to basically set off mass hysteria and Miki loses her head, and things get much worse from there. Dragon's Heaven (1988). A sentient giant mech is left behind as a relic of a thousand year old war...and is reawoken by some lady passing by, and suddenly there's a lot of fighting, I guess? It's also only like half an hour long. Some similarities to Birth (which I mentioned trying to watch a while back) and Nausicaa, but it's not as bad as Birth was but also not nearly as good as Nausicaa either, so... Not the best day of anime, but hey, getting stuff out of the way is good.
  11. Lmao, that's...very coincidentally the thing I remember him most by. I have, on and off throughout the past decade, sung part of it in my head at random times. Kuala Lumpar, pygmies, budgies, Kuala Lumpar!
  12. Wow, man...you're like, so old and ancient for knowing that! I didn't follow Mr. Weebl for very long - while he had some decent animated stuff for the time, it turns out that his precise style of humor was not exactly to my taste...who would've guessed?
  13. Her voice is very strange...and kind of scratchy, which isn't something I hear in Japanese voice-acting a lot. I didn't much like it at first (in fact, it made me try out the English dub where I initially thought "hm, maybe I actually prefer the English this time"...until I heard the other characters that were not Ahiru, and went "nope"), but I was getting used to it by the end of the second episode.
  14. First two episodes of Princess Tutu. What in the world is this show? I thought the second episode would be less weird than the first, but no, it's more. The main character's two friends are basically Tomoyo-fied verisons of the shadow puppet girls from Utena, there's a giant creepy anteater girl licking boys' faces, the ballet is...uh really something, the dollmaster and whatever the hell he's doing is really weird and feels kind of unnecessary, we got a cat teacher that insists they must all marry him every time they mess up...I just don't really know what to make of it.
  15. Me too. Go Rams*! *I have been cheering against the Bengals this entire postseason because every time I've ever cheered for them in the postseason, they lose. So...can't stop now, 3-3 so far!
  16. Gee, haven't thought about him in like ten years. Boy, the meta on making silly YouTube videos has changed a lot since his heyday.
  17. Not sure which is more heinous, KP. I imagine the client scientists ask themselves the same thing pretty frequently.
  18. I didn't watch much of last week's games after that Packers debacle, but holy crap Batman, the Bengals are going to the Super Bowl - words I didn't think I'd ever say in my lifetime.
  19. It's not that they're universally bad, it's more that they just don't feel like they belong to the show in my head for some reason. It's probably a function of it being arguably the least important part of the show for me by and large...meanwhile, it's apparently the most to a number of other viewers. Maybe also because a lot of it feels pretty tonally disconnected from the otherwise pretty silly lives of the group... Oh, yeah, I guess you said that before I wrote it. Worst example I can think of that I've experienced is still My Hero Academia. Multiple pauses for pathetic minute-long monologues in the same fight that would otherwise be 20-30 seconds long. Man, screw that show. It's just 50 episodes of edgy, boring shonen trash - what's the problem? Yes, what a terribly interesting subject, especially in a series where the heroes are just arbitrarily given new power-ups whenever the writers decide that the old one wasn't quite powerful enough for whatever reason even though it makes no functional difference 99.9% of the time. Oh, so Nanoha was actually a JRPG.
  20. In my first playthrough, I remember that I put a couple of hours in before restarting for whatever reason, and I was super confused upon my restart because I couldn't figure out where anything I recognized was. Took me a bit to realize that the starting position, although it stays in that safe shallows area, can move around a bit - I am not a smart man. Yeah, it's a good game. I put a few hours into the second game before I died and realized I must've accidentally chosen hardcore instead of normal, because it erased my save game...but before that, it seemed fine - sequels to games that had mystery/surprise elements rarely have the same mystique as the originals, though.
  21. Haha, that first comment broke my brain - started laughing out loud for a solid 30 to 45 seconds after I read it, starting with a Picard facepalm. The exact way they said that is phrased as if they were being completely sarcastic...and yet, in the back of my head, I knew that they were not being sarcastic, and so that juxtaposition was just hilarious*. I guess you have a better idea of who this garbage is made for now...and you're now armed with the knowledge that StrikerS (and even the original series) were complete aberrations. You really need to implement my "[X] doesn't exist after [this date] because I decided it doesn't anymore" OCD-avoiding cheat, at the very least. I mean really, what if I sent you an .mp4 entitled "Sailor Moon S Super Secret Lost Episode!" and it was actually the first episode of Sazae-san or something (+8000 episodes!) - would you still try to watch all of them? *Although the commenter probably meant that it isn't filled with idiotic pointless internal monologues or any kind of equal that I would agree do tend to unnecessarily burden any show that makes frequent use of them, what they said was "[no] pauses for talking", and that's a different thing entirely. Man, looking back, a lot of the parts of Sailor Moon's main story feel like they don't even belong in Sailor Moon to me. Any time I ever think about Death Phantom or Black Lady or the circus crap from SuperS or even the non-silly Hotaru/Professor Tomoe stuff from S...pretty much anything besides defeating Queen Beryl from season 1 and I guess the Sailor Starlight stuff from season 5 to a degree isn't even really like a part of the Sailor Moon canon in my head. The beatings will continue until morale improves the mind control situation improves.
  22. Unofficial reports are saying that Tom Brady is going to retire. Pretty crazy if that just happens out of the blue without anyone knowing it the entire season.
  23. You know, this guy is starting to sound a little like a moron. So...what's the deal with the skybeams? Is there some sort of humorous and stupid overuse of them in anime I don't know about?
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