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Everything posted by Bartimaeus

  1. but the old ones look kind of crappy, whereas the new one looks like it might actually be ok.
  2. ...isn't Saudi Arabia arguably worse by many measures?
  3. Although you're probably joking, they really don't love Marvel movies for the most part it seems to me - and I say that as someone who does not care for or watch any Marvel movies (but still enjoy their Marvel reviews). There's a few exceptions, but usually they're just like, "yeah, it's competent and fun I guess, whatever", which sounds about right to me.
  4. It's not unheard of, but not exactly common - it's something players can do when they feel they have no chance of being the starter and wouldn't be satisfied with being a backup (though in the case of punters, you never keep a backup punter, so more like he felt he was going to get cut by the Packers eventually and doing it now would give him a better chance of making it on another team, and hey, now he's competing for the job on the Browns, so it worked).
  5. Yeah, I never understood the appeal of haikus, personally - besides I guess that they all follow the same exact format, I suppose. @Sorophx: Pst...your middle line has 8 syllables instead of 7.
  6. Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
  7. yeah, it's pretty brutal right now (e): lol 4554 users are online (in the past 30 minutes) 1912 members, 2610 guests, 32 anonymous users (See full list) Bartimaeus, Biglevan, roverud, hgk, TheisEjsing, holbroal, ThunderZero, smjjames, Visty, s1rv4l0n, jackjoke, fyre237, Nenniana, xiechunmeng, dukeisaac, M_Gamer, sarnie, danny10, Dihn19, Somnambule, dunehunter, TheRealDrMcCoy, Amentep, osprey, Muskratful, Anathel, MordiganRomdeau, PeteNewell, Layomy, Graymaybe, ArnoldRimmer, krakenmoth, Scordard, Fev, onedge24, Ratcatcher, pantherite, FlintlockJazz, Noy, Honethite, metskeri, Dralec, Loudriel, wuluf, GA_Frank, JerekKruger, Xeno The Morph, Feuerschwinge, Frogun, agentg1303, IsLib, Fufu, Ganrich, Sancho357, Karras, Lanterne, SKidas, remiliasora, yobashaba, YaarPodshipnik, HappyTama, Vyrulisse, DukeSwellington, Nowdie, Tingel, m4dm4n101, ajwarz, Arawn_23, pdeines, shievan, RavenorG, Bullface, Raistlinek, tehSMK, Ted Moseby, Drakmour, drizztunio23, Nyhilla, threall, Feomax, 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KaineParker, Wcipe, imperius, Winter, Eronel, msimon, sayae, Qorem, a940x, Maranothar, Excel, av19455, Akumasu, OduOne, Mu57Di3, brent_o_battles, MISO-SHIRU-MG42, mrteddy, sankariterasmu, Druman, Vroum, tsundere1ftw, Clavius, Moragauth, Aggarnar, Silverbarr, prym, Rattenwurm, WaterSwon, Dienhart, Mrpopo, Martyriel, swimteampie, scarlet01772, mr ink 5000, Jusas, shxdragon, Boroded, badwithnames, laramieyancey, ElvisAronDeadly, MuteMode, rdgoock, Iselmyr, UnstoppableFish, eloj, Korvid, Neospirit, ironiceman, FortuneHunter, Artificer, MVSpie, aduro245, Sotof, Trolump, zamuta, SavageMatDOA, TheReaper43, theTyke, soraela, SirCobra, darkjad, Necro, kanimachine, Finchyy, Wulfhen, memset, MadDemiurg, Silvost, maanba, destrozates, jf8350143, donatello82, EeVee22, Mamoulian War, cowboy2280, BigHaHa, Atreion, lustdeus, sett746, Arkhos7, clumsyProphet, Galagraphia, taj, AscendantExile, Chemtrail, DrLabrus, firebolt8900, arkana, matt31619, sttagent, GTB, etrepum, rina_sav, Greygore, MyriadArrows, Lorle, Skorpionex, Arrorik, aphie, Daled, Appendy, AmyAetheling, Enoch, quidnaminferorum, krosty4782, Welperooni, eclap78, Ingvarrius, Roackeru, treza13, Bogzi, TrueZealot, tlewis, hanzzz, AceHaven, SquallPT, signals, dej_zbreee, Mоra, AKortik, Sulorg, PEDUCO4KA, Ondb, Inquisitor Eisenhorn, Destrolas, RabbleRouser, Reposter, rdaek, Okinogi, KarnosSoulblight, Dr. Hieronymous Alloy, Montbleu, Revoc, elmaoroflson, mrmonkeybiz231, Draco856, vvp109, MarqPhenex, hgarde, darthopper, Jmcgough, dantjensen, romuldkor, miruvors, KrayVinDark, Semnaj, Peregrine23, TedEBearNC, mrrauxa, Hektor, Wilson, keiran_pl, Elflako, TecnicStudios, MrRaoul, sosoba, Kova41, tobito, Castlemark, Ardiffaz, n01known, Warpus237, Sorba, Korabalus, ex-so, Andan, Kothec, TaleSale, TheRomanDJ, Weremir, ClockworkPenguin, shukei, Dray1986, 2qup2, Mev, Lasicano, vverdet, esteele, weffulf, Barlen, Luigi9201, wellmoren, crazytom, CptnHarkness, Sprengkobold, robinej, Arro, EG-MFs, Safo, Seafort, singultus, MadDridder, Metanoia, EverCurious, r0nin, Vastus, Fanatic, TowtonPoE, Achillios 0311, Encolpius, princeofcarthage, Drogith, Teru, bnmhjk47, Dnarim, Chiddy, xaxster, VideoPoopShoot, Skazz, Shadowwalker, TKDancer, Gluttony93, Michele7887, AdaSirin, vessey632@gmail.com, Finstairn, alpakalypse, spunz, dmr612, belsant, HBroward, Tesa92, Overlord187, waywrong, Shakalen, kylehumfeld, Gauntletto, kukuro, Dayard, Lothian Tam, AuthlimofXvim, yusu0427, twynyght, Cronis1, kmbogd, Gfted1, axefby, Tmoney, OscarArcane, DexGames, kilopek, Kazanets87, adamcatney@gmail.com, cjt012998, verycutedog, Clementtea, StaphY, ScarletLoss, rblasch, pillboy, handsomeatack, chas, multijoe, Failosipher, shrinweck, Hurlshot, jaredmiller, Rivets, LookingGlass91123, Sguancho, Flouride, Ithillien, ashington17, Octo1, ewe2, ScionofKresnik, Sanake, Flecha, Aatana, Etherealizer, Tobbertobbs, IanD967, Miffanya, Stijne, mooksterman, SSuser, Nina Williams, night4, Foksuh, Rafinad, Hrist, Smart, jaasa, Antillar, broderboy, hipsukaka, Ascaloth, ZyklonBeaArthur, andoli, SkySmoker, Kochuata, Autotroph, joodris, Phyrehawk, apatch, Swevik, repzwar, BurningSanta, Erebus1, IAmRane, almeys, TimurKhan, Tommy1984, Kikokage, Ьнфр, madjoki, Brutey, Jinno792, Lucklucas, cbas, Ridrith, Kousetsu, stjopa, Grid1010, Nobody1234, Khellian, TorbenPeter, Kaizernaut, jromankvcc, tyrcian, koukaburra, Mellitus, Jflaa, BlackGhost, Pollux, RanceJustice, Melhior, Whitewing, Shinno, Keren, Nyine, oideun, stwjester, Fearun39, n0cur3, kharag, yitan1001, Jest, Jurppa, Cassilda, jmwendt24, MsWilku, DosBuster, Ampheres, bigbosspizzasauce, MeloN89, Elopampero, Christian2506, Gilded Hand, Dudjam, j4nsen, Karanith, mph, Kenti, mtamarcelo, Sabernek, FlyingMuttley, tolgaozdemir, Kozgrim, Loki1211, snickersmcnoose, vitamin, aldieb, Berliner, Xykier, mustanggray, CommanderClaw, True_Spike, jjm43, zwodder, VinniV, KevinKN93, Lord_Scimitar, thorg666, diesteinn, claire.mackay, acschnurr, Promstar, gfh, Calendae, Elstal, victor5, Kselos, Koltrane, Emperor Hans, Korik, bbeecher, Wildarms1983, Rosbjerg, messyhairs, krazedirish@gmail.com, LockeMurdock, Umbaza, Wizard Styles, zparminter, blackgold465, Culack, Habardeen, Mereinid, Quote, snow0815, Gairnulf, orangespeaches, Bagraman, Shadewalk, pedrobborges, King Burgundy, Kynaeus, NeonSky, kurthectic, ninisnog, Hamzalj, Felbok, Reapius69, DeltaXIS, KaKTyC62, nocte_ex_mortis, rubedo, Ashjyr, Bluehippo, Firefighterbraun24, TheSlub, Crusnak, Ferenheit, Mad_Scientist22, BaronOfBarons, marugn, MocapDog, s0mni, THE-ABRAM, yeru, PSeeCO, Homer Morisson, meltho, sabrac1, Raven Kelder, Aurugorn, xxd, serg.rt, flazeo25, drlombar, GodLemon, metaphore128§, manzi, NM Amnesia, xauen, Shadeon, jhambre, Vuel937, SamOftheUels, Brwnipoundr, Leanansidhe, MikeDE, Mabruk, Arthicvalack, Abnormal
  8. His administration already leaked that we're withdrawing - hardly need to wait around to hear the official announcement. (edit): There you go, the moron announced it (after the WH publicly denied it an hour ago), and even went a step further - threatened sanctions against any country that takes Iran's side over ours. Hopefully, everybody does.
  9. At his own request. I guess he didn't feel like competing...or I guess he thought competing against our new guy was a longshot - he signed with the Browns to compete there instead.
  10. https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/309190/TakeTwo_plans_to_only_release_games_with_recurrent_consumer_spending_hooks.php - less than a year ago https://kotaku.com/in-gta-online-the-rich-are-ruining-games-with-expensiv-1821821192 - less than 6 months ago https://www.vg247.com/2017/06/14/popular-gta-mod-openiv-has-been-shut-down-by-rockstar-lawyers-after-10-years/ - less than a year ago
  11. luckily for me, it's easy to boycott rockstar because I don't like their style of games to begin with
  12. a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one etc.
  13. @Stalker progression: It's one of my favorite things about Stalker. Plays like an RPG, but doesn't have the stat silliness that all RPGs tend to have.
  14. Vogel had decent hang times, and that's pretty much it. His punting average was abysmal (31st, IIRC), but his net punting average was a little below average (22nd, I think) as a result of his decent hang times - lot of forced fair catches. JK Scott and Michael Dickson (who was taken a little before us) were two of the better punter prospects that have come out in some time, so I can sort of understand trying to shore up the position - field position is a pretty important (albeit somewhat hidden) stat. As for the cornerbacks...we'll see. I hope we're lucky in that one of them is ready to play at an at least average level immediately, but our previous CB picks don't inspire confidence. As always, the most important draft grades come 4 years after that draft is over.
  15. It's snowing outside, right now. It's nearly May.
  16. Interesting. Packers essentially traded back 4 spots and lost a 3rd and a 6th in exchange for another first round pick next year (Saints) and a fifth and a seventh this year. Can't argue with that.
  17. well, you got what you wanted
  18. Tabletop Simulator. Very cool. Have played a variety of games so far with some friends, including something called DungeonQuest and the original The Legend of Zelda board game.
  19. GPU prices have been falling a lot in the last couple of weeks, though RAM prices are still absurdly terrible.
  20. I woulda suggested Earthbound...of course, if Earthbound released today, I'm not sure it would even be considered a JRPG. I'm kidding, of course: I can only recommend one JRPG, and it's the one that took #1 in our recently conducted Obsidian's Top 100 Games list.
  21. If anything, I feel sort of the opposite about it: I wish I COULD get into video games like I once used to. I don't find myself as interested as I was when I was younger, and only very rarely fall in love with a game (...and they're usually indie).
  22. that's the worst thing I've ever seen alternatively: this is the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever
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