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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. What happens after men of the 501st Legion finally got a week off.
  2. This is not what I meant by a three way bipartisan agreement, advisor.
  3. We wanted the death star to look more like home.
  4. Male Stormtrooper:
  5. The president I am.
  6. I am the master chief!!
  7. Why leave Brittney alone? True she is only one of tens of thousands of cases same or worse as hers but shes a celebrity. She can fix her problems then **** up again and not skip a beat. As for "you sound like a youtube comment": WTF does that mean? What does this have to do with Han Sol- I mean Indiana Jones??? Anyway, is this movie or whatever out yet?
  8. Odd topic for Obsidian Forums, then again, of course the Way Off pages. I think the Constitution is 100% right and he is free to keep the password. If U.S. authorities want to maintain a smooth legal system (there hasn't been one in years) we need to re-write our Constitution. If this was Saudi Arabia I could expect the muslim FBI bustin down my door but I'm lucky.
  9. oh HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH *heavy breathing* I'm ok.
  10. you can't get a dvd (season 4) yet I think today, friday at 10EST/9 is the next show "Midway"
  11. take a star wars personality test at Star Wars Personality Test
  12. Star Wars Personality Test!! Test I was Qui-Gon- Jinn! Nooooooooooooo Darth Maul will kill me!!
  13. Kill all Star Trek fans!! I'm Qui-Gon Jinn Shoot the guy in the *** with a laser blast!
  14. I got a POS... I'd rather not.
  15. the bible sort of
  16. Halo 3 Mountain Dew Game Fuel Already out of stock 99.99% everywhere there was one left at the local grocery store!!! Higher caffeine content than regular Mountain Dew!!!
  17. did you go look at it? link to kissing bastilla:
  18. Give name, general time of airing, or brief description. I don't quite have a favorite myself but liked Tabula Rosa and The Seige 1,2,&3.
  19. Yes and all dark siders eventually fall by the hand of the light.
  20. I'd like to see BioWare take back KOTOR, but since they're unreliable about continuing popular franchises, likely any attempt will be by Obsidian. Wouldn't we be stunned if another company took KOTOR III such as Pandemic or Sony? Histoy of Lucas Arts (See why they could be unpredictable)
  21. The 2008 E3 Summit will take place from July 15
  22. Yes Ewoks are as/more powerful than jedi. I was playing Star Wars Battlefront and got speared by an Ewok which was instant pwnage! They also always take down 2 leg walkers with logs really easy! Star Wars: Attack of the Ewoks, Star Wars: Ewoks Strike Back, Star Wars: Revenge of the Ewok, Star Wars: Knights of Old Endor, Star Wars: Battlefront Ewok Squadron!
  23. make a halo RPG!
  24. Halo 2
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