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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. Just trying to get an actual date out there. Click ^ July 11 premier of Stargate Atlantis S5 appears to be on the schedule now. Yay!
  2. KOTOR Republic Soldier Search with Google resulted in a FAIL. I tried to search for you to no avail. I found these clones, however.
  3. :facepalmri6: No. Palpatine style. Good idea. Level 50 Sith, not so much. That or a variation could be for the LS character as well. The Two People Fighting idea isn't so good. Barrel jump would be insanely awesome though. :happy0203: First off, what? Is that not enough medpacks for you? Would you be happier if I said like a million medpacks would get you by better, hmm? Secondly, insted of Two People fighting, how does Multi-People Fighting sound? You get to block of any attack no matter where the enemy is (as long as the're at close range). Sounds like more **** feats. We don't need magical thinking here. Also, pre-set medpacs? Are we an army with our own supply lines now? PS And if anything :xxxxx: (ie ) isn't appearing in your posts please PM Fionavar ASAP. Those new smileys arent appearing in your reply, so I can only assume.
  4. K1=Kid K2=Adult K1=Simple K2=**** Makes sense. K2 beats K1, at least when you imagine it in its completedness.
  5. I mean the blaster bolts still hit sometimes at least vs the movies or something. @Hummelgumpf:
  6. Vrook was K1 K2 he was Dumb, arrogant, Jedi imbecile.
  7. there or here? if you're talking about there, then this
  8. Malachor V Never thought of Korriban cave as Dagobah cave, huh. Also, about Star Maps, I doubt the metal can rebuild itself, Im pretty sure it can just recover from data loss, not an orbital bombardmnet, though possible...
  9. I'd say the crystals that come from are magicaly appearing.
  10. Really? :facepalmri6:
  11. probably thats why hes no longer here
  12. This may be an obvious answer, but have you tried shields and stims? They help me if I get in a bind. And use offensive force powers, like horror or stasis, if you have them. That way you won't be fighting them all at once. Horror = :icon_FIREdevil: & For the Republic = so =/= Correct? Algebra 101. Use babydol's other advice though. Always stims and shields for tough spots. Remember that. Swxpert, its not a glitch, and FTR has the advice they need. Geez.
  13. No it works. It just doesn't. Its nothing like that. A hardware problem likely. I haven't gotten the chance to test it on my PC, but I'll probably just be getting it replaced; I'll be mailing the faulty one out today.
  14. Uh, ok. Spies. I haven't been logged out for a while...
  15. Distractions? Ok. I'll more formally introduce my characters in some fanfic. When I've got a good amount I'll PM you. :thum^:

  16. Thats not funny. How could love such a beast? :shifty:

  17. KOTOR has thus far proven blasters have a chance of effectiveness against saber wielders. I'd rather not take the risks, however.
  18. Bastila might have been possible for K2, but after her role in K2, she could never be the playable, main character. Some of those feats are pure crap, like Battle Meditation. Yay! Now everyone can be like Bastila! I think the entire structure should be rebuilt save for the essential basics which are fine as they are. (Armor Proficiency, Attacks, Skill Bonuses) So thats an idea for if your PC tells whoever that Revan was male (like Exile telling Atton). What about the other possibilities? We must romance Revan? That would be a major story changer. ^^^ Everyone has different ideas of how to implement a battle system. How about playing around with the idea of Dark Alliance/Drake's Fortune kind of system. Seems like more and more RPGs are going that way (AP, right?) :facepalmri6: No. Palpatine style. Good idea. Level 50 Sith, not so much. That or a variation could be for the LS character as well. The Two People Fighting idea isn't so good. Barrel jump would be insanely awesome though. :happy0203: KotoR 3: Ideas, Suggestions, Discussion, Part 24 This has been around forever. The incumbents are just tired of it. Actually, this is the first time this thread has become awesome. Thank you Darth_Revan1990, thank you. Apparently this incumbent disagrees with that statement.
  19. I've heard both titles. I think from Yoda at the very least, calling him Master Obi-Wan.
  20. I can't believe the stuff people put on their CDs. Peanut butter? @DN: I'll try that.
  21. I'll stare at your sig...
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