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About Macklin

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  1. Really good work here, great job to all those involved! There's still a few bugs mentioned in the last thread (the resolution switcher is still impossible to use, can't switch the monitor the game is on, etc. etc.), hoping we get more of these squashed with time. Here's another very minor issue I found: the in-game videos now have a black frame added to the end of them. This is fine for the resting videos since they fade to black and only play once, but is problematic for looping videos like in BeginWatcherMovie, as the black frame causes flicker on-screen which is kinda jarring. My guess is it's because they switched to VP8+WEBM (they were Theora+OGV in previous versions of Unity), and some encoders add a black frame, but who knows for sure.
  2. If you're on Steam you can still switch back to the legacy branch via the "Beta Participation" feature. Don't think there's an equivalent for other platforms though
  3. Some info on this: The tables are the same, it's just part of how the seed calculation - specifically how the player hashcode is calculated - differs from Unity 4.7 (.NET 3.5 equivalent) to Unity 2019 (.NET 4.x equivalent). Some versions of the game (Game Pass), may already use .NET 4.x that is now currently used with the Steam/Retail version.
  4. What's with the versioning btw, are we going back to 1.x? It's going to be even more confusing now... Minor thing, but I can't seem to change the screen that the Pillars window runs in anymore while in windowed mode. Dragging the window over to my other screen, or using Windows-Shift-Left/Right causes the game to snap back to the main monitor (and often resize itself wonkily). Starting the game on the other screen by moving Steam to that screen before opening the game, or by using the command line argument "-monitor 2" does the same thing. It's also impossible to pick my native screen resolution in the dropdown, since all supported refresh rates are shown in addition to each resolution, and the box overflows outside the screen to contain them all. Previously the dropdown only contained resolutions at the active refresh rate, so this wasn't an issue. Ngl, I think this one might have needed more time in the oven
  5. Few more minor suggestions for fixes, mainly around receiving multiple copies of unique items: Fix getting two Forgiveness during At All Costs, by making the contraceptive delivery for Verzano, dispatching Danna Doemenel at the Goose and Fox, returning to claiming the reward, then killing and looting Verzano. Fix getting two White Crest Armor during Regrets Worth Trading. This involves diving for the armor immediately after receiving the quest, then returning to Okrun to complete the quest, then going through the motions of talking to Lafda, listening at the temple window, following Qexetl to Russetwood, then returning to Ladfa and killing her for the chest key. You might even be able to do so earlier. Fix getting two Aila Braccia during The Sealed Missive, by returning the Sealed Missive to the monks, and then killing and looting them. Fix getting two Thy Clef during Sacrificial Bloodlines, by brewing the potion for Simoc, finishing the quest by giving him the potion, and then killing and looting him. Completing Songs of the Wild by speaking to Onwen, then convincing Delem that he's "chasing mere superstition" results in the wrong end state (2 instead of 1), whose journal entry mentions that you spoke to Llensi to obtain that info - even if you never actually speak to Llensi. @TheManager00 It's a big jump from 4.7.0f1 (2015) to 2019.4.11 (2020), so I'd imagine there might be some performance improvements just from that. Ditto on Wael's Boon as well, would be neat since it's a pretty niche route with seemingly no reward.
  6. Any chance of restoring Olivia Veras' missing commentary tracks (Endless Paths Level 10, 11, 15, Trumbel's Mill, Temple of Eothas Lower, Esternwood)?
  7. I noticed someone edited the wiki to mention this. This is just a bug with how the status effects for this item are shown in the UI. Lunar Heart will always be shown in the character sheet (even for non-Godlike characters), but otherwise the amulet functions fine and will apply the correct enchantment to the wearer without issues. The correct status effects (if any) are shown in the area next to the portrait in the bottom left and in the combat log (as mentioned earlier). Look at the StatusEffectManager on the associated character via ToggleObjectHierarchy to see the correct effects there too.
  8. As a Beguiler Cipher, Soul Whip gives 0.25 Focus per point of damage dealt to enemies and a +10% bonus to damage with weapons (half of a regular Cipher). If attacking a Sneak Attack vulnerable target (i.e. one that is Flanked or suffering from a Mind or Body Affliction), the full/regular bonus of +20% and 0.5 Focus should be given. I've tested this, and the Focus bonus works for targets with Flanked or Body/Mind Affliction keyword status effects, but the damage multiplier does not apply to those with Mind Afflictions. After checking the statuseffects bundle, the AttackTargetFilter for a Beguiler's Soul Whip damage effects (and it's upgraded abilities) has the Mind Inspiration keyword (ae8eaf9c-6fdc-4c63-9aac-8ee874082c0f) instead of the Mind Affliction keyword (4cb9e779-269f-42e3-8855-feabb837d50c), meaning a Beguiler Cipher will deal more damage to targets with Mind Inspirations instead of to targets with Mind Afflictions. I believe this is an oversight. This applies to the following status effects: Soul_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult Biting_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult Draining_Whip_Beguiler_SE_DamageMult Swapping out the keywords should fix this.
  9. During Seeker, Slayer, Survivor, the vendors in the temple (Caretta, Cook Corrin, Winge, and Neale) should offer a series of discounts based on the player's reputation with either of the Seeker/Slayer/Survivor factions - 5% for Good1, 10% for Good2, and 15% for Good3. However, the conditional logic for this in lax1_factions.gamedatabundle is such that the rate for first condition (5% discount depending on if the player has a Good 1 reputation with Seeker/Slayer/Survivor) will be selected even if the conditions that follow are met. This means that 5% is the highest discount achievable, regardless of if the player has a higher reputation to satisfy the conditions for a 10% or 15% discount. I assume fixing this is as simple as reversing the order of the ConditionalRates under each of the vendors in the above gamedatabundle, so that the logic can cascade correctly (first checking if the reputation is >= Good3, then Good2, then Good1). Testing with this change seems to cause the discounts to apply correctly based on reputation.
  10. Suuuuper minor... For the quest "A Vote of No Confidence", addendum 10002 in the string table has an extra space at the start of the line "Castol will probably have...". This is just barely noticeable in-game.
  11. In the quest "Lost Dues in Good Faith", addendum 1 for the first objective (string table ID 200002): The bold tags around the last word "armoire" are closed with </a> (should be </b>).
  12. In the quest "Family Pride", addendum 3 for the first objective (string table ID 20003): The bold tags around the word "Bardattos" aren't closed on the right hand side, causing all the text following it to be bold until the words "Zili Valera".
  13. The description for Slender Jim's Pet Party Wide Effect uses the non-american variant "Defence", where the rest of the game (to my knowledge) uses "Defenses". Not a typo, but it's good to be consistent.
  14. Weapon proficiency "Rushed Reload" shows as "Rapid Shot" in character sheet. Weapon proficiency "Savage Attack" shows as "Rending Smash" in character sheet. This might be a bug rather than a typo.
  15. The first level soulbound upgrade requirement to The Weyc's Wand (in The Forgotten Sanctum) reads "Find and read the Memories of Heldr in the Archives", should probably be "Memoirs of Heldr", instead (an item called "Memories of Heldr" doesn't exist)
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