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Everything posted by Bloemkool1
Glad to hear i could be of a little assistance. Yugioh who knew . The whole mystic thing screams monk to me though, getting an airbender vibe from it.
After reading your post and agreeing with you about the current (poor) state of paladin subclasses NocturnalTrance i will try to flesh them out. I decided to settle for using the old trickster template (again) to beef up the paladin orders. Here's what i came up with: Bleak Walkers Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Black Blade ~ Replaces Flames of Devotion, Corrode damage and life-drain 3) Death Coil ~ Minor Ninagauth's Killing Bolt 5) Animate Dead ~ Summons 3 vessels to fight for the caster (skeletons?) 7) Hatred ~ Minor Avatar and self damage buff. 9) Death and Decay ~ Big aoe renamed poisonbloom, life drain Penalty: No lay on hands Darcozzi Paladini 1) Sworn Vengeance ~ Sworn Enemy with both upgrades. 3) Berzerker Frenzy 5) Citzal's Spirit Lance 7) Avenging Wrath ~ Avenging Storm, but fire. 9) Citzal's Martial Power ~ deaths heal for 200. Penalty: No auras Kind Wayfayers Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Greater Lay on Hands ~ Direct heal + more healing over time 3) Withdraw 5) Consecration ~ Like moonwell 7) Barring Deaths Door 9) Salvation of Time ~ longer <duration>, heal aoe for <duration> Penalty: No Sworn Enemy The Shieldbearers of St. Elega Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Holy Shield ~ "Attack with Shield", cone aoe, fire / crush split damage, stun chance - 1 zeal 3) Holy Avenger ~ Sword and Shield summon, +1 engagement, sword has a fire lash 5) Pull of Eora ~ self immune to pull effect 7) Shield Charge ~ Charge with stun chance 9) Light of Pure Zeal Penalty: No Flames of Devotion Goldpact Knights Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Suppress Affliction 3) Golden Flame ~ Flame Shield + Spirit Shield 5) Abjuration 7) Weather the Storm 9) Arcane Cleanse Penalty: - The Voidsworn / Umbral Knights / The Dark Knights ( ) All Fire abilities do Frost damage instead. Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Horns of Rymrgand ~ Summon two stilettos with frost lash and save vs will or <blind> 3) Mistwalk ~ Escape 5) Mask of the Unseen ~ Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage 7) Rime Cloud ~ Smokescreen + Foe aoe Chill Fog 9) Shards of Conviction ~ Flurry of Blades, if killed summon shadow Penalty: - No fire spells and abilities (they do frost instead) - No commands / exhortations (work alone)
Cool idea Nocturnal Trance, but i fear that it will be way to powerful. Paladins, who are arguably the second best class in the game don't need very much to put them over the edge, this is the reason why pala multi is usually horrendously op and why pala subs more or less suck (read add very little and are not very focused). Your idea would add all the mobility of a rogue, hands down the best cc in the game and some core priest moves like "divine weapon" to the best defensive class in the game, its to much. Even with a condensed tree (5 abilities) it would still be to much. I see two options for an at least somewhat balanced implementation: 1) Make it a fighter or monk sub 2) Add considerable penalties, no lay on hands, no auras (effectively turning a pala into a defensive fighter) (Nobody who knows anything about the game uses more then pala passives, flames, auras, loh and brand, the rest just sucks and is way to circumstantial, you would not miss not having access to it, one of Obsidians gems of design...) Now please understand that i'm just trying to be helpful, if the goal is to add unbalanced and fun gameplay to the game despite existing game balance then by all means please go ahead, but if you want it to be at least somewhat in line with the options already available you need to take some action in order to make it fit.
Casters in general are a weaker pick as opposed to melee builds, it kind of comes down to a number of issues, some of which are unavoidable duo to the way casters are set up and function in games in general 1) sucky early game Early game casters are usually set up with weak defences and a general lack of (casting) things to do, making them for the most part feel like dead weight until a certain lvl is reached. Double the penalty for multiclassing as it makes reaching these magical spots harder and you have a recipe for disaster. 2) lack of (spellcasting) actions Spells are to limited in both number of uses and utility. Proper casters should always be using vaporous (wonder why) and both druids and priest are just out of luck. In all cases class abilities do not make up for this, although spiritshift is a half hearted attempt. 3) lack of proper action economy With no proper metamagic and / or prebuffing in the game casters are forced to stand around for upwards of 10 seconds before actuallly being able to contribute to other functions / damage, all the while melee have already ended the encounter (this problem only increases as the game is not that demanding so most fights are over before casters are actually directly contributing.) Also chaining spells, placement of spells and general magical control does not get executed well by the ai, forcing the player to micro which makes having multiple (full) casters a workout instead of a gaming session. Add the fact that spells are by their nature exclusive, you can only cast so much per encounter, and having access to a wide array of spells becomes much less useful. Most non-casters suffer less because they have many instant abilities and are prone to spamming the same thing over and over, both options which the casting classes sorely lack. (part of the reason monks are the best class and can never get truly balanced sits in the fact that they have unlimited resources (wounds) next to a fixed resource) 4) general lack of utility No magic in dialogues, magic in encounters is usually a cheap trick. No metamagic, No invisibility, rope tricks, contingencies outside of combat etc etc. This world has magic but does not properly utilize it. 5) lack of proper itemization Some evocation / fire / lightning support AND..... that's it............ 6) improper scaling methods So i can meta (empower) my low lvl missiles and still do nothing useful or i can take my 9th missiles and auto-win, that is some award winning design right there.... Ps if i empower a non - damage spell i'm getting what exactly? 7) lack of casting passives Casters should have access to more passives then the singular "pick your color" passive, we need talents for increased duration / number of projectiles / aoe range / aoe into foe aoe (less ........ micro) / extra chaining etc etc, give us metamagic in passives. Next to that make casters work with empower more, and make it more interesting to use outside of damage. If i want to make a caster who uses ultra wide foe only fireballs i should be able to do so, or chain lightnings who jump across an entire room because i have magic chaining, extra chaining and ultra chaining. Hell, that signature spell i chose which i can spam to my hearts desire, or those auto defences that pop up when i get into combat (because i can cast in plate but it still makes me suck so why bother) And yes most of these issues get mitigated when using a non caster / caster combo, or just ignoring casters altogether but casters need quite a bit of help to become on par with kitted out melee in this game. This is not to say that you can not make it work or that it can't be fun, you can, if you're willing to jump through a lot of hoops, but in the end that fighter / monk guy in your party will still shred you a thousand times over.
Slightly off topic for this thread but still relevant I've been wondering how to make wizard "subclasses" more interesting and relevant. After getting some answers as to what is possible in regards to modding (sincere thanks Kilay) i decided to settle for using the old trickster template to beef up the wizard schools. Here's what i came up with: note: All penalties and such stay just the way they are. Subclasses keep their extra's unless noted otherwise. Conjurer Conjurers know that the best way to win a fight is by letting others do the dirty work for you, thus they specialize in summoning magical reinforcements to the battlefield. Having no qualms about using some of the more darker arts, they prefer to summon vessels, as most of them are considerably easier to control then sentient creatures (and hey it seems slightly more moral too) Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Conjure Familiar ~ Duration to 90 seconds, can be cast outside of combat 3) Kalakoth's Minor Blights 5) Animate Dead ~ Summons 3 vessels to fight for the caster (skeletons?) 7) Greater Animate Dead ~ Summons 2 random vessels to fight for the caster (Fampyr, Animat) 9) Gate ~ Summons 1 random incarnate to fight for the caster Evoker Evokers solve all problems by throwing enough magical force at it until nothing more remains then burned out husks. They can always cast Minoletta's Minor Missiles (even in their sleep) and have earlier access to more powerful evocation magic. Because of this they have more casts available for these signature spells, provided they use a grimoire which holds these spells, or select them at the appropriate time when leveling up. Burn baby burn, disco ... INFERNO.. Learns select spells at the following power level: 0) Minoletta's Minor Missiles ~ baseline, unlimited casts 2) Fireball 4) Hail Storm 6) Chain Lightning 8 ) Meteor Shower Enchanter Control, that's where its at. Whether its using the finest magical implements or tugging at someone's, some creatures hapless strings Enchanters seek to be the one true deciding force on the battlefield. In order to live up to this claim they clad themselves in spellbound arms and armor of the highest quality, all the while bedazzling their (former) opponents into fighting for them. After all, wouldn't you want to fight for someone so pretty? Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Sleep ~ Small aoe sleep 3) Charm ~ Charm a target for duration 5) Call to Slumber 7) Dominate ~ Dominate a target for duration 9) Enthrall ~ Dominate a target until end of combat, can be cast outside of combat Illusionist Now you see me, now you don't. Illusionists know that you can not fight that which you can not see, and use many types of mind altering magics in order to force their opponents into taking actions that might not be as beneficial as they are inclined to believe. Whether its futility trying to hit air or running from imaginary monsters, seeing a skilled illusionist at work is sure to bolster party morale with the comedy that will follow suit, that is if all comedy where to end in a grim, dark tales of misery and loss. Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Fear ~ Target is <terrified> for duration. 3) Invisibility ~ Self, Invisible, Untargetable for duration, break on damage dealt / received, can be cast outside of combat 5) Ryngrim's Enervating Terror 7) Greater Invisibility ~ Target, Invisible, Untargetable for duration, does not break on damage dealt / received 9) Weird ~ When target aoe = <terrified>, save Will or Die, else <terrified> Transmuter So what do you do when your opponent is bigger, stronger and faster then you? Well if you're a transmuter your opponent might be in for a huge surprise. Having mastered the magical art of changing shape, the transmuter alters his form to suit the occasion. So that puny wizard you're facing? Now an Ogre, a Troll, a Werewolf, a Dragon riding a Duo of Oozes, its cRAzY! Learns select spells at the following power level: 1) Form of the Fearsome Brute 3) Form of the Savage Beast ~ Self, transform into werewolf, has knockdown, for duration 5) Form of the Frigid Monster ~ Self, transform into ice troll, has constant recovery, for duration 7) Form of the Slimy Puddle ~ Self, transform into ooze, has % on being hit <Split> summon two other oozes to aid caster, for duration. 9) Form of the Fiery Wyrm ~ Self, transform into adult dragon, has flame breath, for duration
Kind of feels like a quick fix Kilay, and while appreciated i feel we need a more definitive solution modding wise. There are already several mods out there that either give specialist wizards more spells, just remove all penalties, give access to other schools by means of opening up the grimoires. It does not feel very useful to add another option in the sense of sort of sucky specialists next to true sucky specialists (base game) next to all the options we already have available. Another counterpoint would be that these are in fact all Major schools of magic, so arbitrarily dividing them into major / minor based on perceived usefulness in game right now is just us the players writing meta all over the wizard as a class, which is not really desirable.
Alright, it is time for another class theme write up. This class archetype is well known and much beloved, sitting right there in the space between druid / barbarian and priest, a much multi faceted class for sure, dealing with themes such as protection, healing, spirits and elements, soothsaying and providing guidance for the tribe. Often using song and dance as a means to connect to their source of power, all the while upholding rituals, honor and ancient traditions while being the fountain of wisdom for their tribes, the shaman is a natural fit for the Chanter class. SHAMAN The heart of your tribe, that's who you are. Ever since you've been selected at a young age to follow in your mentors footsteps you've been preparing for the day that the tribe will look to you for guidance. You are well groomed for such an event, you know the ancient rituals, customs and traditions of your people as well as you know yourself and can fill days upon days reciting the great deeds of the honored ancestors. While alone in meditation the spirits speak to you, the land murmurs with leaves, brooks and creeks and the sound of rolling thunder in the distance. You know it's almost time, time for you to venture out and fulfill your vision quest, beyond the warm embrace of your tribe, but you know you are ready, and never alone... Bonus: Empowering an Invocation returns 3 chanter phrases. Learns select spells/abilities at new Power Levels and may cast them as Invocations. 1) New: Stormstrike - Full Attack, Lightning Lash, return 3 phrases on crit. - cost 3 phrases 2) Bulwark against Elements 3) New: Feral Spirits - summons 3 spirit animals to aid the caster 4) Moonwell 5) Relentless Storm 6) New: Call Elements - summons 2 greater blights to aid the caster 7) Avenging Wrath 8 ) New: Lightning Charge - like charge, but full attacking all on the path and with lightning lash, returns all phrases on crit 9) Great Maelstrom Transcribed into Chanter Phrases: 1) Thunderous Fists Struck Hard And Fast 2) Tangaloa Kissed Her On The Brow 3) Echoing Howls Rolled Over The Plains 4) The Soothing Mists Soft Was Their Touch 5) The Skies Started Crying And Lightning Poured Forth 6) The Land Groaned And Roared For Vengeance 7) Amira Struck Him But Hurt He Was Not 8 ) Crashing Came He Down Like Thunder 9) Furious Elements Tore Earth From Limb Penalty: Lose access to all other Summon Invocations. Side-note to modders: I don't know how accessible the whole structure for Tekehu's Stormspeaker is but that seems like a good starting point for implementation.
As i have explained earlier the whole Fampyr thing is a placeholder, it fits the right thematic space on the class, life / essence drinker but not the correct feel / theme. Also like the blood hunter "the controlled monster" and / or baelnorn "the good lich" this class has some elements that subvert its own tropes. In this case a druid trying to push the equilibrium into his own favor (balance for everything BUT me) Wheelbreakers hate undead / vessels not because of their undead nature, but because they are agents of the jailer (Berath). They don't really give a crap about subversion of the natural order, they actually actively seek to undo it (especially in regard to themselves) altogether. In fact they use the knowledge and insight they have as druids in order to set themselves apart, thus attempting to "break the wheel", free themselves. So while i understand that turning into a Fampyr is thematically out of flavor it is simply a choice made for the convenience of modders who might attempt to create this class, and if we had better / similar options available those would be just as valid. Side Note: There is a vast thematic space and potential behind this class concept that remains untapped not because I / we can not dream it up but simply because someone would eventually have to translate ideas into actual game code in order to be played. So the ideas have to be at least somewhat viable to be made within a reasonable time. This is the reason why, if you look at my other concepts, you see lots of renaming / reshuffleing of other classes existing assets, and only a small amount of actual truly new ideas / concepts. It also has some secondary benefits, using existing assets you mostly adhere to already existing game balance, keeping things in lock step and thus not leading to a situation all to common with mods where your ideas are power lvl > 9000 as compared to the rest of the game, and secondly its obviously easier to work with existing material then create something entirely new.
Like most other people in this thread i also believe that specialist wizards, including evoker, suck. The reason is simple, you give up a lot of versatility for little to no gain. Its also very sad to realize that the actual power of wizards lies in the use of the grimoires. The best wizard builds are built around using the "perfect" grimoire / set of grimoires so you have to select as little spells as possible during level up, using those points for other things. (like your multi class). It also does not help that grimoires hold some of the best special spells in the game, but those at least have to be offset with a little extra spell selection on your part. The game by design pushes you to try to create a spell less wizard relying on books whose contents you can not really control and requires players to heavily metagame in order to create the best possible wizard out of it, further making specialization undesirable as most grimoires contain spells of opposing schools (best example is Concelhauts grimoire, which does not let you cast all Concelhaut spells as a transmuter (all spells are transmute except for the missiles) So add lack of proper itemization to the list of why specialists suck as well. Now don't get me wrong, i actually like the idea of wizards being a book worm, but it does present some in game challenges the way it is implemented here. My solution for the wizard schools would be a simple one, give them the trickster treatment, a few choice spells at selected levels defining their role and gameplay. This should / could include full attack options for classes where that would be appropriate, and does allow for adding some "broken" stuff like for instance invisibility to illusion giving each school more of a specialist feel (unique tricks) while still being focused on casting. Also unique abilities should be both active and usable, so no more free mirror image (boring as hell) or Ogre why is this even still in the game level of suck, indulge the fantasy, if my lvl 20 transmuter can turn into a dragon who cares, its awesome and not worse then a single minoletta instagibbing the endboss of the game anyway. And with this i will slink back into the modders forum where i know someone will actually fix this instead of us arguing in circles and nothing happening whatsoever. ps. Why can we cast most damage spells outside of combat but any sort of prebuffing is disallowed? Makes no sense whatsoever.
Remember people, while the devs control the main direction of the game, they did open the game up to "easy" modding so after a while we could all possibly get the balance we want for our game regardless of what the devs decide. No need to be glum about a never ending balance war which will never play out exactly like everyone wants (impossible mind you)
Dunehunter the class is not an attempt at creating a true Fampyr / vampire class. Imho a actual Fampyr class would be a Cipher subclass in this game. It is a first attempt at a dark druid type class not focused on decay, but rather life-bonds and that which connect all. Thus in Eora a focus on the in- Between / soul essence and manipulation of both through pulling on the threads that bind us, and the world together. In a sense a Wheelbreaker is one who seeks immortality trough essence manipulation, more or less like animancy only through esoteric / soul related means. The Fampyr is just sort of a placeholder, considering the class is a druid and so needs a spiritshift. If the assets would be in place in game the class could probably shift into a Were - Bat, Raven, Owl etc etc, Something both death and animal related. The anti-vessel ability is sort of explained in the story of the class. Because the Wheelbreaker actively seeks to avoid the Wheel he is in direct opposition with Berath, and vessels are mostly minions of Berath and often found in ruins, which hold (could hold) the secrets this class is after, thus making them mortal enemies. (insofar as undead are not already mortal enemies of the living) And i guess there's also a form of jealousy in regard to sentient vessels, seeing as they've already archived what Wheelbreakers are after, albeit through other means (Berath).
I agree with everything said in this thread so far, especially with regard to rogue multi classing. I believe the answer to "fixing" rogues lies in accessibility. To "fix them i would propose the following: 1) More Sneak / Backstab Rework sneak attack to always require two or more effects in order to be active, in addition damage scales with # afflictions. Rogues should care about both positioning and # number of afflictions. Just being next to your fighter should not enable sneak attack, you need to work for it using actives. In addition to stealth backstab should also be enabled if a certain affliction threshold is reached, say # 5 different afflictions, giving rogues an in combat burst mechanic (finishing move). So harder to get going, more rewarding when you do. 2) More power in actives, less power in passives Shift the power balance of the class into the active abilities (Gouge etc), lower the power of passives, and turn both persistent distraction and riposte into actives ala barb steadfast. Rogues passives should act like puzzle pieces improving damage when condition xxx is met, when yyy is equipped, or similar. 3) Create dynamic links between actives A "combo" system where rogue skills play of each other, themselves or/and afflictions allowing you to chain rogue actives. Example Crippling Strike: Cost 3 Guile. When target is <sneakattackable> refund 1 Guile, and target has <affliction (hobbled)> refund 1 Guile. So when a target can be "rogued" up its cheap / free to act, if it cant, you suck, however rogues should always try to maneuver themselves into a position where they can "rogue" it out. This also makes guile much more important so it lowers multi class potential. Note that this is just an example, proof of concept, not a "balanced" take on a better Crippling Strikes. 4) Rogues should focus on action speed / recovery time. No more 2h greatsword rogues please. Dual wielding and "finesse" weapons should be the rogues thing. Should be reflected in passives. Ex. 30% action speed with daggers / stilettos. Quick flurries with light weaponry (No fists, monk territory) Ranged rogues should be possible and should focus around the "sneaky shot / sniper" idea so increased sneakattack / stealth attack range for ranged only etc etc, perhaps some extra benefits from using escape and smoke veil. So with above the rogue would get a better class identity while at the same time being less desirable as a multiclass option acting as just a straight up damage boost. Mind you that a rogue /fighter combo would still be great as long as the swashbuckler is actually using "dex" weapons and at least trying to get into sneak position, rather than just auto enable everything by just being there and swing for the win with a greatsword whilst backstabbing with it. (i guess its also fantasy but whose?)
Bloemkool1 replied to omgFIREBALLS's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Guys as you can tell i like making up builds and tying disparate abilities, ideas and concepts into a whole in order to create some fun classes, that you guys, the modders, can then turn into the real deal. However i don't know how much of what i make up is actually possible to be realized in game, which leaves me with a few questions. 1) Are all abilities we see in game freely interchangeable between classes? 2) Are all game assets able to be turned into abilities? (summoning NEMNOK would be one such example) 3) Can we give attribute points to characters at certain points / during lvling, or can we tie them to skills as passives?(mgt, dex, etc) 4) Can we give skill points to characters at certain points / during lvling, or can we tie them to skills as passives? (alch, atle, diplo, etc) 5) I've seen a mod (bard class) implementing a new class / abilities, so i know that its sort of possible, but can we create more classes like say the trickster rogue, but for fighters, ciphers, barbarians etc etc, or the opposite martial abilities for wizards (as in full attacks) etc etc. This would open up so much design space, but possibly take some power away from multi-classing (which is very very strong compared to single class atm) This is all what comes to mind right now, i'm sure ill think of some more questions later
Bloemkool1 replied to omgFIREBALLS's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Bloemkool1 replied to omgFIREBALLS's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Thanks a bundle, that's great news! Glad you like my ideas. Priest of NEMNOK VERI GUD, NEMNOK MIGHTY.. NEMNOK GODD, ALL HAIL ... NEM..NO...KK..KKK ...EH .......EH UH.. Kidding aside, the priest of NEMNOK should be all about getting that POWER LEVEL over 9000! Core tenets of the NEMNOKian fate would be amassing great power, stealing, borrowing -reacquiring- lost power, outsmarting and beguiling / duping followers into getting you even more power, REVENGE on Arkemyr, CUZ NEMNOK GOD HATES ARKEMYR BETRAYER .. EH, TALKING ALL CAPS CUZ .. EH Which leads me to: Priest of NEMNOK MIGHTY NEMNOK IS GOD OF POWER..EH. ALL FOLLOW NEMNOK, NO FOLLOW NEMNOK NO EXIST..EH. NEMNOK IS ALL, NEMNOK IS LIFE, NEMNOK IS LOVE, PRAISE NEMNOK. NEMNOK PRIEST FOLLOW NEMNOK. GOOD. NEMNOK SHOW WAY TO POWER..EH. NEMNOK SHOW, PRIEST GIVE, GOOD..EH. NOW GO FETCH MY SLIPPERS ...EH.. Bonus: 1) Slicken > NEMNOK ..... 2) Infuse with Vital Essence > ...... OF NEMNOK 3) Ryngrim's Repulsive Visage > NEMNOK PRETTY 4) Minor Grimoire Imprint > GIVE THAT BACK! 5) Ringleader > ALL HAIL NEMNOK 6) Borrowed Instinct > YOU SO STUPID YU 7) Minor Avatar > TINY NEMNOK .. EH 8 ) X OF NEMNOK - X marks the spot, no seriously, same as Symbol of Magran. 9) KANGAXX, NEMNOK BEST FRIEND - renamed Concelhaut skull summon with spells. Special Spells: 1) Spiritual Weapon: dual wield WAND OF UTTER DOOM and STICK OF TRUTH 2) Incarnate: BLESSED FORM OF MOST HOLY NEMNOK.. EH
As a token of thanks and in celebration of almost completing the full priest roster representing all of the gods by NocturnalTrance here's my take on the last of the Mohicans; Priest of Galawain Galawain is patron of the hunt in all its forms, and he is honored by those whose occupations are concerned with pursuit and discovery. His faithful include frontiersmen, constables, treasure-seekers, explorers, and even scholars, many of whom wear his carved symbol – a dog's head – around their wrist or neck. He is also protector of wild places and untamed wilderness, where the hunt manifests in its purest form as a daily struggle for survival. Priests of Galawain are found in the wild and untamed places of the world, sometimes on the fringes of society, where they teach survival of the fittest by leading in example, as the god of the hunt does not suffer those who sit idle in lieu of others doing their work for them. Harsh but fair, for all can advance if given the right opportunity under the watchful gaze of Galawain. Bonus: Automatically learns following spells: 1) Nature's Mark 2) Taste of the Hunt 3) Arcane Dampener (no cheating the hunt) 4) Devotions for the Faithfull 5) Form of the Helpless beast 6) Spiritual Ally (spirit animal) 7) Caedebald's Blackbow 8 ) Symbol of Galawain (same as Symbol of Skaen) 9) new: Galawains Chosen: Summons 3 champions of Galawain (spirit animals) to aid the caster in combat. Special Spells: 1) Spiritual Weapon = Spiritual Transformation: Priests of Galawain can spiritshift into a wolf. Killing an enemy while spiritshifted extends the duration of the shift. The wolf has access to the knockdown ability. 2) Incarnate = Aspect of Galawain Ps: I am fully aware this places the Blackbow within multi-class territory, this is intended in order to make ranger / priest of Galawain able to use it, as i feel pure-classed Galawain priests would be exceedingly rare. Edit: Brought concept more in line with other priests.
Awesome release , guess I'm going to loose sleep over this tonight.
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Here's my take on the Twilight Druid discussed earlier in this thread; Twilight Druid / Wheelbreaker / Scion of Eora Whereas most Kith are contented to be churned amongst the ever turning Wheel of Berath the Wheelbreaker finds no solace in this fate. The land itself whispers of ancient betrayals, and of forgotten knowledge pertaining the natural order of things. Highly attuned to these flickers upon the shadows of leaves, Wheelbreakers try to seek out these hidden truths, oft finding themselves in dark, damp and foreboding places, an eerie forest, a dark cave or yawning chasm, an overgrown tomb or a forgotten Engwithian ruin. However as oft is the case for those who seek answers in the dark shadows seem to move at an unnatural pace, and the wind carries the sound of creaking bones drawing ever closer. Luckily you came well prepared to face down your eternal foe, and with a soft incantation your magic springs to life in your hands, ready to swiftly equalize the balance of essence in your favor. These coveted secrets will be yours, but at what price? Bonus: Instead of an animal form, Wheelbreakers spiritshift into a Fampyr. While in Fampyr form they have access to the Dominating Gaze ability. Killing an enemy while spiritshifted extends the duration of the shift, double if the enemy is a vessel. Penalty: cannot cast elemental spells Automatically learns following spells: 1) Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff > Blackthorn's Cane 2) Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon > Blackthorn's Succor 3) Concelhaut's Draining Touch > Blackthorn's Grasp / Fampyric Grasp 4) Concelhaut's Draining Missiles > Blackthorn's Vile Splinters 5) Barring Deaths Door 6) Triumph of the Crusaders > Death is Life 7) Concelhaut's Crushing Doom > Blackthorn's Judgement 8 ) Regenerate 9) Cloak of Death
First of let me thank all mod creators in this thread for letting us muggles sprout ideas so they might eventually find their way into the game. Next let me share my delight with the amount of love druids seem to be getting in this thread, just great . Its great that we already have the Defiler / Blighter druid incoming, as well as a concept for the Sun druid (Radiant Soul), I did also see a shout out for a plant druid, something i would adore, and imho could easily be implemented in game because its already 80% prebuilt by the devs, simply needs to be codified into a sub thats all. So without further ado, i present here the: Leaflord / Silvan / Greenweaver The Leaflord is a druid who is highly attuned to the green places of Eora, may they be the single pine on the windswept tundra, the steaming vibrant jungle or the emerald kelp forests beneath the waves, all are under his sway. From his connection to soul of the land most, if not all, greenweaving powers spring forth, skin as tough as bark, vines twisting and turning on but a whisper, the very forest itself coming to life with but a single command. It is said that those to be counted among the followers of this ancient way are things more of leaf, branch and bark, rather then Kith of flesh and bone, and even more silent whispers tell of those whom have, like their beloved green, seen ancient empires rise and fall, but surely those stories are just anything but conjecture and myths.. Bonus: Instead of an animal form, Leaflords spiritshift into a Lurker. All plant druid spells are Foe Only. Killing an enemy while spiritshifted extends the duration of the shift. Penalty: cannot cast fire spells Automatically learns following spells: 1) Tanglefoot 2) Woodskin 3) new: Call Sporelings: Summons three Sporelings to aid the druid in combat 4) Wicked Brairs 5) Wall of Thorns 6) Venombloom 7) Lashing Vine 8 ) new: Call Lurkers: Summons two Lurkers to aid the druid in combat 9) Pollen Patch