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About Mordred_Morghul

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. Well there's your problem. Man why so many Mac haters lol To be fair, I don't hate Macs, they have their very specialized uses. Macs are the best, hands down, for music composition and audio recording software. However, because of Steve Jobs' monopolistic fantasies, they don't play nice with other, non-Apple, technologies. They are designed that way on purpose. So, when you have software that needs to work with the most possible arrangement of hardware (video games as one example), Macs have a hard time. Developers have to go out of their way to design Mac friendly coding and programming to make a separate version of the game that will run on a Mac. Imagine Sony's stranglehold on their servers that prevents Playstation from having cross platform play. Now Imagine that paradigm being the whole company. Games set to release on all (or most) consoles would need a whole separate, designed from the ground up, version to even run decently on a Playstation, while the other versions could be practically identical (PC requires some additional work). Playstation would go out of business. Developers already have to contend with the special treatment games need to run well on a PC, and we've seen what happens when a port is mishandled again and again. Most developers, at the end of the day, do not have the resources and/or desire to design a wholly separate version of the game to work on a proprietary monopolistic platform not designed or popularly used for gaming. It is simply a huge money loss. So while my comment was admittedly sarcastic (sarcasm is my first language), It was also factual. If you are playing a game on a Mac and there are problems (especially problems that users on other platforms are not having), 99% of the time it is because you are using a Mac.
  2. I am not running windows. I use a Mac. Well there's your problem.
  3. I'm in Pahowane, on the same island as Nekataka, and Badema is not voiced at all. Is this a bug, or did the devs lie?
  4. This started happening when I was on Poko Kohara. I quick loaded and the right side of the screen filled with crew wages, food, and drink lost. I reloaded a second time and nothing happened and my inventory remained unchanged. This has happened several times since, but reloading a second time fixes it. It has not occured when loading a manual save, nor loading a quicksave on game launch.
  5. This debuff is from breaking your promise to Rymrgand in PoE 1. I've heard that it is bugged and sometimes gets applied to you even if you didn't. It is time based, not rest based, and it will go away eventually. Berath's debuff is way worse. I just sat around with the game on fast mode and watched some youtube on my phone. Looked up after a few videos and it was gone.
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