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uuuhhii last won the day on July 15 2024

uuuhhii had the most liked content!


505 Excellent

About uuuhhii

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    (6) Magician
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  1. light novel are pure garbage as usual for isekai
  2. remove punctuation make nonsense language like english far more coherent but that post wouldn't make sense either way
  3. vice signalling
  4. owlcat game certainly have better graphic than before
  5. foolish peasant always need some distraction while the lord squeeze them dry outrage are cheaper than bread and circus
  6. so some target are acceptable and anything else is with in negotiating territory how is the problem not obvious enough
  7. either act of terror matter or they don't obviously they don't matter as proven by last century of history
  8. does dune prophecy end with 6 episode still doesn't get why everyone is killing eachother with super power and sword couldn't any of them get a gun
  9. more naked old school colonialism would obviously appeal to authoritarian than softer neo colonialism
  10. every ytube converter website stop working for some reason really hope this is temporary
  11. kraven certainly deserve the overwhelmingly terrible review the dialogue are impressively terrible not bland or redundant but embarrassingly terrible
  12. it has been happening for 70 year and got much worse for 1 year things can always be worse as long as one is alive
  13. act of terror make war worse just like those pager bomb make entire year of missle exchange worse there isn't much to understand here
  14. assassination using disguised bomb are act of terror guess the only thing can stop bad guy with bomb is good guy with bomb
  15. witcher 3 are 9 year old most player wouldn't remember much more than gwent
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