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Everything posted by Seroster01

  1. Per topic title, I have been playing through the Forgotten Sanctum over the last few days & just started the Seeds of Deception a few hours ago, but upon killing the Oracle had the same issue that has been reported elsewhere: Llengrath immediately walked away & I had no option to finish the quest with her. My steam settings are currently set to update to the Beta patch for POE2, not sure if that could be related or not. My game is also heavily modded, but I'm not sure that ability/item mods would interact with anything that could mess this up. Any help?
  2. As per title, I would like to either have someone make a mod or give me some help on how to accomplish giving the imbue spells scaling penetration values. I understand the basics of modding & have done a few custom ones for myself, but I'm kinda vague on how to get the imbue effects to have power level scaling. First because IDK what to modify to change penetration scaling... Second because I'm not sure how the Imbues actually function. By that I mean their tooltips & some of their results imply they seem to function by "independently" casting the appropriate wizard spell when they hit a target. The tooltips for the spells cast on hit don't show any effects from character stats & while some of the effects seem to scale with the caster I can't really tell what does or doesnt other than it seems the # of missiles for imbue: missiles do scale & the penetration for all of the imbue-cast spells do not. Ultimately I'm not sure if they're casting the original wizard spell & this stuff isn't scaling because AAs aren't wizards, if they're casting some kind of knock-off duplicates that should be scaling but aren't, or if the issue is intentional. Could be something else entirely, IDK. Given that line of thought, I'm not sure I'm familiar enough with the chain of abilities->attacks->status effects to hunt this down properly. Any advice would be welcome here.
  3. I swear I saw a larger thread about Arcane Archer a day or 2 ago, but I can't manually locate or google find it now & I can't figure out how to search the Obsidian forums directly. It may also have been on the reddit, I'm not sure... In any event, it said in the thread I read somewhere that only certain weapons are "compatible" with Arcane Archers in that they have the proper tag to not get the -acc hit from the class passive. They had a short list of ones that people had confirmed working, and that's basically what I was looking for. The only one of those I could remember was the Thundercrack Pistol, and I'm trying to determine if there's other or more viable options. If anyone knows the list, that'd be great! Thanks.
  4. Well near as I can tell the issues were resolved with a little hand jamming, copying the Workshop mod files into the override folder. My assumption is that the game has some type of either/or switch for which folder it loads mods from; if there's something in the normal override folder it ignores the Workshop folder. In any event, all of my mods are on the list now & seem to be functioning.
  5. Does Gog have workshop-like functionality?Basic reason I was using both was because there were some things only on one or the other that I wanted to use. I use Vortex for things because it usually makes things easy. I have no real opinion on Steam vs. GOG or doing it myself, as I've done all of those at different times. I'm just not sure any of that is terribly applicable to the situation. In any event, I'll have to try & hunt down the Workshop file locations at least.
  6. I guess I'm out of the loop on POE2 modding, since last I was messing with it we were still basically doing it by hand. In any event, I've had a series of confounding issues today. I assumed that all the mods from everywhere still just went into the override folder, so I picked some Nexus mods (via their new Vortex client) to go w/ some Workshop mods & assumed they'd all cooperate (as long as they didn't conflict obviously). Well when I got em all ready to go & checked my mod manager in-game there were only 3 mods listed, which was less than I had from either source individually. The 3 mods listed all seemed to come from the Nexus half of things so I tried to troubleshoot some & deleted the Override folder to see what would happen, the result was all of the mods from the Workshop suddenly appearing in the list. So now IDK what to do, almost all of the Nexus mods were missing even when it seemed to be "in charge", and IDK the source location for either set of mods base files to just throw them in the override folder together. Any help would be appreciated.
  7. From what I've seen modding the files, I don't think it is possible to use an ability that consumes a class resource you don't have, as the resource pool it uses is built into the ability bundles. Now, maybe you can somehow add a Mortification pool to your character? But IDK how or even if it's possible without having a level of the class in question. Seems unlikely, in any event.
  8. I don't ever remember having a character in a game end up evil that I didn't intend to from the start. And in most CRPGs I've played since cross-sequel continuity became the norm, there have been as many or more benefits for being good as for being evil in the vast m as majority of them.
  9. The questions about the wheel have been asked before on these forums, and someone brought up a bit from Sawyer that basically said "We have all the answers to this and in the original script it was explained in the final Eothas dialogue. But then we felt like that was too long/too much of an info dump so we cut out all the parts you're asking questions about". May be added back in later? May be filled in during the xpacs? Who knows?
  10. It feelsbadman that your bonuses for doing good things & finding peaceful resolutions are thrown out the window. But being a selfish, homicidal asshat? THAT'LL GET YOU SOME POWERUPS! Edit: to follow up, do the negative decisions involved have any actual effect in Deadfire? Other than pooling a companion that would've been in both? I haven't seen or heard anything about such, so really irritates me that rewards for being good are removed, while rewards for being evil are carried over with no real repercussions.
  11. No one except yourself has argued that everyone is a mage or that wizards aren't special. So you've effectively won an argument against yourself, with arguments you made but no one else has. If I could like this post more than once, I would.
  12. On the actual subject of the thread: 1.) Put in a tooltip or something similar so that we can see bare-fist attack speed & recovery time. Same for movespeed/stride. 2.) Decrease all recovery times by about 1/4. Cast times are already long enough, doubling most of them with huge recovery times feels bad. 3.) Give Ciphers a very thorough re-do. The poe2 changes to the CC system resulted in debuffs & CC being a lot weaker. This is then compounded by the POE2 changes of giving casters long cast & recovery times. And THEN you add in the targeting restrictions & general lack of self-buffs carried over from PoE1, and the result is ciphers have turned into basically a 1-trick pony for charm/dominate. Which they are really good at, and is a very strong effect. But not what I liked about the cipher in the first game.
  13. This is very true, for whatever reason piercing immunity seems to be the most common physical immunity. This feels odd to me since ranged physical weapons all do piercing, so your stereotypical ranger is boned on a lot of encounters. But still, up to +5 penetration on everything you do is pretty awesome.
  14. Well last I heard, hippos kill more people anually than lions do. So we know they have the ability to maul our enemies!
  15. https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Mohorā_Tanga That's a very strong one, because one of the available enchants is "Harpooning", which increases Penetration based on your Survival skill. The kicker is it seems to increase your BASE penetration, similar to the cipher T9 ability that gives a flat +8 pen. This means it increases penetration for BOTH weapons when DW, and according to tooltips affects at least some abilities that aren't full/primary attacks as well. This seems like it was probably unintended/bugged, but that's how it functions currently. Spears are pretty solid with the +acc, and the per-rest abilities are pretty solid as well. Overall it's a really good weapon for a DW melee dps char.
  16. But then we'd need crew members named Badger & Mushroom. https://youtu.be/NL6CDFn2i3I Going oooooooold school for that reference. I wonder how many people have actually seen it at this point that didn't just watch it?
  17. You've hit upon the correct formula. Which is why the tooltips for attack/recovery speed when you view your weapons is never the #s they give in their base descriptions. About the only thing that seems to be 1:1 is armor reducing recovery time, -35% recovery time from your armor is always listed as that in the tooltip. But then you get into the Armored Grace effect and things get squirrely again. Ultimately it's like I said, things function the way they are supposed to. But the descriptions don't reflect the actual things in the attack speed/recovery tooltips because of the formulas involved.
  18. All of your questions are answered here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98679-mechanics-attack-speed-recovery-time-reload-time/ The short answer? Everything works the way it's supposed to, and almost every description is technically correct. But none of the descriptions mean what you think they mean on paper. The formulas as they exist function in different ways than you expect, and on top of that are structured to to prevent 0/negative results for any of them.
  19. That's because that's what actually happens, not what OP thinks happens. Rogues also have an ability to vanish, teleport around a group of mobs, attack all of them instantly, and then re-appear back in front of their target. Warriors also have Heroic Leap, which is essentially identical to POE Barbarian Leap. I have played WOW off & on since launch, and last played a rogue & warrior and personally used all of these abilities about 3 mo. ago. Anyway, I'm just going to re-iterate my previous post & leave this here:
  20. So in that link you just posted it talks about Totem Warriors using spirits to, among other things, "fly a limited distance in short bursts". That doesn't sound like POE barbarians to you? Edit: I just realized what time it was, I'll check back in on this thread tomorrow if it's still going.
  21. I'm not sure who comprises "this generation" you're talking about? I'm older than most folks who play video games as much as I do. I remember the 90s & early 2000s fantasy RPGs and I liked them when they were new. But for the most part, I like modern games more. Especially modern CRPGs compared to older ones. The writing was typically a bit better but not exceptionally so, and the gameplay was much, much worse.
  22. I, uh, hate to break it to you... but the vast majority of people who pick ANY class do it for either the RP implications I mentioned (which are still there). OR, much more commonly: the min/max potential. Especially in PNP-inspired games like this, a large & varied toolbox is typically more useful for an MC than being ultra-gifted specifically at killing people.
  23. Well, the Elder Scrolls is a setting where basically anyone can be a mage if they want, and martial fighters frequently have Restoration powers if nothing else. Essentially any game with classless character progression is this in concept. Shadowrun comes to mind. As I mentioned previously, Barbarians in D&D 5e have the ability to call down lighting/fire storms on their targets & grant seemingly magic buffs to their allies, depending on their subclass. It's relatively common these days really.
  24. I put a lot of thought into "how can I make the character I want to play & have it feel awesome while considering the RP implications?" For this reason, I will probably never have a paladin MC. The subclass options (which are mandatory) limit your RP choices vs. your gameplay power. There's several subclasses that I like the abilities for, but not the favored dispositions that go with them. I try to think about what my Barbarian would do in the situations that I come across. But no, I don't have long contemplation sessions about where my powers come from, or whether I am too similar to a wizard and thus should start wearing robes and only cast my Fireball weapon toss spell (it's not even that good, too expensive.)
  25. So we've established that the setting makes logical sense internally, classes are relatively balanced for gameplay purposes, and are thematically very different. But you don't like how it all comes together? We come back to my point from a few posts ago: you don't like the POE setting. That's OK. There are other games out there that you might like better. Why not just admit the POE setting is not to your tastes & move on? For most of this thread you have acted like those of us who disagree with you are intellectually inferior beings. Can't people just have different tastes?
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