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Everything posted by handsomenat

  1. Well sometimes Serafen gets on her nerves but overall they have pretty non-confrontational banters? Oth she and Maia didn't seem to get along; Maia was always like "hey vailian i bet i could beat your ass". I didn't have them very long in the party so I don't know if that's how all of their banters look lile.
  2. What's your take on Vatnir? When Ydwin derided him for never trying to escape WtW by taking a boat like anyone else I was kinda with her. He is kind of pathetic but at the same time I have sympathy for him. He is very much trapped by his circumstances. And seems to be really deterministic too. He's kind of a foil to Tekehu, is some ways? He says that his people expect leadership from Endings Godlikes and Huana have high expectations of Ngati's chosen as well. But unlike Tekehu's Vatnir's life isn't all sweet and easy but heavily marked by physical pain and hardships of life in the Land. It also makes him quite grumpy. Before Vatnir became part of the game I would vote for Ydwin to get a companion treatment but now I feel like I could choose Vatnir instead... He's kinda fascinating. He isn't a true believer but still his overall outlook on life is influenced by Rymrgand and I think it could be interesting in a companion, especially once you learn about Eothas' plans. On the other hand Ydwin is much more pro-active than him. But then it's always interesting to have more godlikes' experiences in game.
  3. Interesting. I googled "red rice wine" and it turns out there is a thing like this in real life. The color comes from "red yeast rice". But I don't know if it would leave purple stains like grape wine. Wines can be also made from different fruit than grapes. Like berries and whatnot. Does the draft say that all wine is rice based or just says that grapes aren't a thing?
  4. His guilt probably? It's hinted that he didn't choose to be on the ship but it was a punishment for the arson he committed? So I guess maybe that?
  5. Flaune Elette and her animancy team were working on a teleportation technology using adra pillars so maybe the next game could have this technology established and we would travel across the world, hah. In most endings storms of Ondra's Mortar are turned off. This is a major change for Rauatai. Even if they're kicked out from Deadfire, they now have their whole mainland more stable. This also means that route to Yezuha is open. Eothas also brought change to the world and I think the whole world would get more dynamic from there. Maybe next game would be about new lands. I don't know.
  6. I brought Tekehu with me to the Ukaizo part and he didn't have that much to say, just few lines like "anything's possible, this could be Ukaizo" and then I could offer him as a gift to the king. Rekke also didn't have any lines and he was listed as a recommended companion. Anyone got anything interesting from that part?
  7. She says that the experiment dislodged her soul from her body as well so I guess she's technically dead. Has to sustain herself on luminous adra and flesh of animals, like she used to in her previous life. Her wording.
  8. Aloth pronounces it once in a banter. Can be heard at ~15:57. Not Vampire, more like Vampyr? I guess? (Turns out it's very similar to how you pronounce wampir in my own language).
  9. Northern White that Wends established trading posts. From Ydwin: "You'd find the Land much transformed, gandhur. Settlements exist across the coast, trading as much in culture as goods."
  10. Character's background shouldn't be the only thing determining their personality. You can always play against the type. Just use lore as a jumping point or to simply know where they're coming from. Another thing that I learned after re-playing the dialogue with Rynhaedr (the guardian from way back) is that the Land changed. The coastal White that Wends has seen influence from Vailians and other cultures and their way of life changed as well. There are settlements on the coast. Clans from inland are still mostly traditional. Another thing I missed out at first is that priests traditionally were clan leaders. There are no marriages either. Region as a whole seems very poor and life there is hard. Both Vatnir and Ydwin seem to hate this place; Ydwin managed to escape and assimilate into Vailian culture, Vatnir... I don't know how much should I tell without spoiling. Also pale elves you meet have a whole range of personalities, your Watcher could really display whatever dispositions you pick for them. I myself played as a mostly stoic and benevolent character.
  11. Pardon me but I'm not sure what you're asking here? Which companions leave? Like I wrote, Pallegina, Maia and Tekehu... Am I missing something? I'm not sure if Eder really leaves but the whole situation is kinda weird. If you play as an orlan and ask him if he has feelings for you he'll give you a pretty racist reason ("but you're an orlan... you know what they say about orlans... but you're not like one of them") and I guess Watcher reacting with rage would be understandable. But if you are a guy or a not-an-orlan-gal (what happens if you play as an orlan guy?) and Eder just tells you that his life was kinda ****ed and he never got closure with Elafa and then you respond with "get out!!!" that's kinda??? Undeserved and overblown really. I went to wikia to check Serafen's ending and apparently he can also leave due to "low reputation". i think it could also be linked to Crookspur when he confronts you about slavery (when you buy Handsome Eliam). I remember you can either try to placate him or be aggressive about it so maybe that's the moment where he can leave?
  12. I wish there was an option to ask everyone to leave the party forever. Some companions like Maia, Pallegina and Tekehu will leave the party if you take drastic actions against their factions. You can tell Eder to leave after he tells you that he doesn't love you. I think... according to what I read either on this forum or elsewhere you can sell Serafen? (yikes). I don't know if anyone would ever leave just because their rep with the Watcher is -2. At this point I just never recruit some companions because I don't have a way of parting ways non-lethally.
  13. I didn't know that Fassina had extra content as well, that's cool! I've also replayed today a small portion of the dlc where you talk with Rynhaedr so I could take some screenshots and it looks like I missed some info the first time. That question about pale elf lore got me thinking that maybe i should make a compilation. Preferably after a second playthrough.
  14. Rymrgand is such a bastard. If you're from White that Wends, he greets you with this: Like an abusive father or something. Or when he says to Vatnir that life is suffering and what he offers is the end to it... He's the reason Vatnir suffers more in the first place. (But we've seen this bs from Hylea too, just dressed differently). --- Some pale elf lore tidbits: Their language has nordic influences and you'll hear even full sentences sometimes. They call White that Wends simply the Land. They live in clans and travel together, children are brought up communally. Seems that Rymrgand worship is dominant. Generally you learn more about them when you speak to a doomsday cult, a spirit of a Rymrgand's chosen guardian who lived centuries ago, Vatnir and when Ydwin interjects. Ydwin contests their religious beliefs and philosophy. It's a mixed bag of sources, one is a cult that isn't representative of the whole people (and it's suggested that there are regional differences when your Watcher frow WtW doesn't recognize a type of alcohol), other is a religious figure from way back who really loves WtW and accepts Rymrgand, there's also a perspective of a godlike and of a person who escaped the land and is anti-religious.
  15. Soul ally didn't help me either (I got only the king and decided to free others...). As for the difficulty, I was rather impatient and went there at level 9 and played on lower difficulty just so I could keep going. I can't really give any feedback on that, sorry.
  16. I wanted to start this topic to say that for me Beast of Winter pretty much delivered everything I wanted after playing PoE games. At least in terms of ideas and lore. It had: pale elf lore! Back when playing PoE1 I specifically picked a pale elf for my second Watcher hoping for some unique reactivity that would give me a better understanding of the weird elves of the setting but I was really disappointed. And now they delivered :D weird stuff related to being a Watcher - exploring the Beyond, talking to spirits. Expanding on what makes the Watcher unique (not their renown or relative power in the world) is always good in my book. new hot godlike new content for companions, including sidekicks like Ydwin and Rekke (although I didn't get that much Rekke content, perhaps if I picked different dialogue paths?) exploration of already established major events - it was a new dlc with new locations but instead of just focusing on introducing brand new unrelated stuff it expanded on Waidwen and Ukaizo and also Rymrgand. It fits in the main game pretty well imo. It had some comedic moments too... like roleplaying Durance. Also hats off to the environment artists! Minor thing I didn't like: I didn't like that Eder's only reactions to animals and wilder was "can i pet them" like yeah I know Eder's been like this but at this point it's like a tired joke. For example in White March he has a scene where he helps an injured wolf... it showed his affection for animals in a different way than just the brainless "must pet". What I also kinda missed - although this doesn't have to be about the DLC, could be about the main game too - was the lack of conversation with your companions where you could just asked them how they feel about what happened. You see a vision of Ukaizo but can't talk about it with Tekehu. With meeting Waidwen Eder consistently interjects, so that felt okay, but in other cases... I really wanted to hear more from Vatnir as well. Those are my impressions I wanted to share. So far I don't feel confident enough to talk about themes etc. Perhaps after another playthrough. But overall I was really excited for this DLC and I wasn't disappointed.
  17. You can't avoid assassinating the Queen. This is the final quest for RDC. If Tekehu is present when you receive the quest, he will leave. I didn't romance him when going for RDC so I don't know if that prevents him from leaving. Also Queen never tries to kill you. If you fail every quest for her and then just decline her final offer to join her she gets very angry but that's it. The self-defense option is only for RDC - before giving you the quest to assassinate the queen, hazanui asks for your loyalty, then reveals the plan and then if you reject it, she will try to kill you.
  18. Don't be afraid of using custom portraits, it's the easiest and most straightforward way of modding the game. If you make a typo the game just won't recognize the file and nothing terrible will happen. I ignore the portrait. I like the one I picked for my wild orlan Watcher (has two braids and reddish fur) but there's simply no way to replicate it in game. I try to make my own portraits by painting them digitally with varied success. I recognize that matching the model with the portrait could be kinda fun, like solving a puzzle but that would hardly work for any race other than humans, in most cases.
  19. I just started it and there's already lots of lore. Lots of reactivity for a Pale Elf Watcher from White that Wends. Bring Ydwin too, she offers some counter points to the cult's mainstream culture. Though I still don't know just how representative the cult is for the culture of White that Wends. Also your personal philosphy and beliefs are one thing, you personality is another. I think she still can be passionate. Just look at the varied NPCs in the new area.
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