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Everything posted by Baldiedash
I have to say that I really don't know what to make of the per round mechanic either. It either prolongs desired effects or drastically shortens them, when contrasted with a RTwP based system. I played a psyblade and I tried to hit with an eyestrike -- so far so good -- it hit, and my enemy got afflicted with blindess for two rounds. One round of the affliction got taken out of the same round I casted it so I had one round to hit my afflicted enemy until the effect wore off. Contrast that with the three possible hits I could have gotten in on a similarly afflicted enemy in the RTwP system (with a 4 second action and a 12 second affliction). This might not make much difference in the long run as it might balance out, but it sure feels different.
Plucked Fruit...WHAT?
Baldiedash replied to Ildun's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
I think this particular quest annoyed the completionist in me. Now I can't finish all the quests in an agreeable manner, which is why Maia's quest disturbs me as well. Perhaps I can rationalise it to myself in the end, like I can when my goody-two-shoes paladin slaughters her way through any ship-like thing that might bring an extra copper coin or two -
If you could reduce casting times to the point of the casting happening in the action phase, most definitely. If you can't, and spells with casting times always gets resolved after you end your turn, then perhaps not so much. It might well be the same issue as with deflection, if you have enough so that no enemies can hit you then one or two points of deflection stacking can matter, but if you can't reach that level then it won't; i.e you will have to stack action speed and reduction to a sufficient point. Also worth pointing out is that more speed stacking might not matter depending on how initiative gets resolved in each round. I kind of get why they have casting times, presumably it's to make interrupts functional, but it seems wonky. As to retargeting, you can target an enemy and you will keep that target if he moves, but if you target a place then you won't have the option of retargeting.
I just tried the turn based version, and I have to say it feels a bit wonky. That might be just coming from RTwP screwing with my senses a bit, but I do have some experience with other turn based systems, and it still feels a bit off. I think the most trouble I had was with casting times. To my recollection in other turn based systems the casting mostly gets done during the action phase, in Deadfire only the quick-fire spells do, so it feels as if my aim is off. In a real time system you can predict -- to some degree -- the movement of all the targets, but since the casting gets resolved after the targets move (in the turn based variant) it feels difficult to predict who will be where when. This might not be an issue if you lock down all you targets quickly, but there is certainly a different order to things. Another thing is spamming powers like a Cipher's Mind Blades: with a speed freak build you could get some serious casting done (say one cast every two seconds, for arguments sake), but in the initiative turn based system we have at the moment the quickest you can cast is one action (4 initiative, for arguments sake), if one second would be one initiative then that would be double the casting speed, at least. I haven't tested enough to fully get the mechanics of initiative and rounds. There might be a way to cast more often depending on how initiative works, if, for instance, you have two initiative and you get placed higher in the round to cast again i.e you get an action every two initiative, and a four initiative character gets an action every four, then the spamming would happen again. It might be a balance issue, or that I have misunderstood the mechanics, which is entirely possible, but this might be a concern as well. There seem to be a slight bias toward the martial, melee and ranged, in comparison with the former system. That might just be a difference rather than a balance issue as such, since there seems to have been a bias toward spell casters in the other.
Plucked Fruit...WHAT?
Baldiedash replied to Ildun's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
Thanks, I had to pull out the Necrotelecomnicon search function for this one. But I just encountered the quest and after having tried a few solutions found that it irritated me more and more. I don't find it very mature mostly because I don't find the depictions of the societies, or the psychology of the characters, in the books of George Martin, or in Pillars of Eternity, that convincing. I can accept the greyness of the world but the absence of colour and sloppy shading doesn't make for a very good picture. I can usually smooth over the odd glitch and irrationality to keep the immersion going, but this, for some reason, just ticked me off. The absence of an actual moral solution just seems so pointless. I will try to return to a state of blissful ignorance but it will take some very wilful ignoring on my part. No, I have to pick up the fruit and hand it over, so it won't grow. And by the way, if you think about it, both Rongi's and Tamau's crime is to question authority, which makes the moral of this story that doing so will get you killed. Yes, perfect rationality is a bit much to ask, but you'd be surprised by just how many ancient rituals and social traditions have more or less unintended utility. In this case, if eating the koiki fruit with the seed and all is the ceremony I wouldn't be surprised to find that that is what it takes to make koiki fruit grow. Had the ritual included the Huana s***ing in neat furrows, i wouldn't be surprised by that either. But that utility, and effect, should not surprise Rongi, which would mean he wouldn't have to steal the fruits. And why, if he has money, can't he pay someone for the fruits anyway. Not doing so would imply profound stupidity of everyone involved. My point is that the dichotomy is forced, it is not a choice between one life or many, the problem is a failure of not envisioning any other solution than those two. And I can, and so should anyone, in the same situation, be able to. -
Plucked Fruit...WHAT?
Baldiedash replied to Ildun's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Stories (Spoiler Warning!)
I just had to blow some life into this thread to air my intense dissatisfaction with this quest/task (plucked Fruit). I hate these faux moral choices that 1, isn't really a choice and 2, isn't moral - it's just stupid. I blame George Martin (RR) for this s**t. Stop trying to break the role-play, and basic logic, by making me choose who has to die when any rational being should be able to figure out a better solution than what is on offer. If you don't care what the moral option is then fine, argue that the a**hole has it coming. But ponder this: anyone who makes that argument seems like an a**hole to me; should I have the right to kill you on trumped up charges? No, I would argue. And why do I, and my character, have to make that choice? Because some irritating s**t thought it "edgy" to subject people to moral dilemmas. Well, it is a moral dilemma only if you restrict the possible choices down to two, which is never actually the case. So the premiss is flawed: so flawed in fact that I feel quite justified in using harsh language, not that anybody will actually care enough to change these things. I guess that's the problem with having voiced all the dialogue, you can't make any changes. But here's my problem, what is the most important break in immersion; flawed quest design or a few missing lines of voiced dialog? Don't get me wrong, I like the game, quite a lot actually, but these things spoil an otherwise good experience as it completely breaks immersion for me. And what's worse is that it isn't a small bug, or even a big one, but something which is part of the design. So it won't be ever be changed. And I have to either not play the game, which actually is what I'm considering at the moment, or not let it effect me. But that ship has already sailed, it has effected me. I think the straw that broke the camels back was getting money (in the game, let's not get crazy here) for having perjured myself and getting a man wrongfully convicted for theft which resulted in his sentence of death. You might think that it doesn't make a difference, but it does, it means that the quest designer felt it necessary to "reward" my choice with money, and I have no way of turning it down by the way. So the designer was willing to break narrative so that I would get rewarded, but, somehow, to make an actual moral choice is too much? Why is it a break in narrative? If the NPC has 100 (or 400) cc's to reward me, and koiki fruits cost 7 cc's (or whatever) then I can go and buy the d**ned fruits for him to plant, and should he be executed for theft anyway he could go to his grave knowing that he saved, or at least tried to save, the village. That is just one of many possible solutions to the problem, which would have taken a couple of minutes in a word processor to correct. One of the reason this will never get adressed is that I'm the a**hole in this. I'm using bad language and criticising, so this will never be taken seriously, not that it would anyway. But what are my options? I've spent quite a lot of hours studying this game and waited until it was completed to the point where most of the bugs were ironed out to play it properly, and I did so without complaint, with an understanding of the need of the prolonged development cycle of crowdfunded games I might add, only to have my experience tainted by an easily remedied minor quest. Just remove it if you feel that you can't fix it. It adds nothin but aggravation. -
This might be obvious to others, but anyway, pets seem to be equipment so they stack - yes? That goes for Edér's pet as well, so there should be a bit more recovery stacking with that. Nalvi for the group, Cosmo for the watcher, or the other way around of course. I haven't tested the pet-splitter properly yet so I don't know if you can create two Nalvis or not, or whether that would stack if you could (you doctor Moreau wannabee, you ) Also @grasida if you take requests: I wonder how the damage reductions stack. Like the ones from Nerian's Ward and the Undying Burden. Would I be correct in guessing it adds like the hit-to-crit conversions. Cheers.
Just like to say that I'm also a hideous save-scummer. I'm trying to get over it. Not because of some weird anti-cheating scruples, but because it actually takes some enjoyment out of my gaming. Since enjoyment is why I play games it is a bit stupid to do stuff to diminish that enjoyment to the point of tedium. And, that is the actual reason why it might be a good idea to use consumables: it might make the game a bit more fun and spontaneous. To be quite serious though, it might also be a good idea to not go to wiki's and forums, because figuring stuff out for yourself really is more fun. So perhaps just try switching off some of the meta-gaming stuff except the fact that limited use items doesn't need to be kept forever, and just dive into the game without too any preconceptions (or conceptions (if that's an applicable word)). So relax and allow yourself to ****-up once-in-awhile. Your run doesn't have to be perfect and figuring out how consumables might be useful after all might be just as fun as trying to do without. At this point I really don't know if this is adressed to anyone else but myself though
I keep telling myself that consumables are a part of the game mechanic, and that I should at least use them in Boss fights, but somehow I never seem to get in the habit. So things pile up, but I still keep scrounging. I look in every container, steal anything I can get away with, and I keep hoarding supplies to the point where had there been a weight mechanic in this game I would have rendered my party immovable with paper weight alone (you can never get enough scrolls). I plan my equipment to reduce unnecessary enchantment expenditure. I plan my character builds to be efficient enough to take on anything the game throws at them and more. To be able to do that I've spent hours upon hours in forums and wiki's (Hi Boeroer and MaxQuest! Your work has been invaluable). And to what end? To end up with a ship so loaded in unused detritus that had it been real I would worry it would spontaneously combust (at some point all that magic has to reach critical mass). It not actually being real is quite possibly the thing that hurts the most. It's one thing if the effort of hoarding and planning had gone into something productive, but no, it had to be effort which goes entirely unrecognised, since I don't share my results or builds (there are probably already "better ones" out there), and therefore is ultimately a giant waste. But then again, what isn't, ultimately? So I cheer myself up by playing the ending sequence of Life of Brian, and after a period of humming and whistling my life has meaning again. Going through all that, I just wish that I would learn to use consumables appropriately. But that will probably never happen. Because -- when it comes down to it -- if you have gone though the entire game, and cleared all the hardest boss fights, without using parts of the games mechanics, you obviously didn't need those parts. For you it is non-essential. And the reward? It's all of Eora's loot in one ship. And bragging rights. That's what the challenges are for. So I guess all I can say is: brag away, and make all that hoarding meaningful Or, do as I do, hum along and all will be well again
True, i guess. Well, but i hope now that Obsidian will be satisfyed. They get to play with ships and big bad pirates, in a setting that strongly remind us of " Pirates of the Carribean ". (We only need Jack Sparrow and his ship...) That said, now that Obsidian is satisfyed, i strongly hope that in the future things will be more classic. I do really hope a PoE 3 closer to its roots. More similar to Icewind Dale, Baldur's Gate, Pillars of Eternity 1. Let's leave these strange settings and mechanics (like moving around various isles on a ship, for a whole game) for another time. Well, since the allure of pirates went away for me at about the age of six, I didn't find a roleplaying game set in the a fictional counterpart of the Caribbean circa 1700 all that impressive. It's a fun game nonetheless, don't get me wrong, I just find pirates to be a bit - meh. Going by the usual trajectory, tough, Pillars 3 will be set somewhere with a lot of snow. Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Night and so on... But then again, it might just be set in a desert to get around convention.
Since you didn't address your question to anyone, I guess it was to the OP, but since I had similar ideas I feel no real compunction answering your post. Also your post kind of bummed me out being essentially one long whine about not liking change. I get that, which is why I proposed any changes to the resting mechanic be included as a challenge (which could be includes as a difficulty setting). Changes to resting wouldn't change the battle mechanics much as it would only make it a bit more difficult being an all-powerful immortal. If you think that you're not all-powerful, or immortal, it's probably because you're not abusing the resting mechanic to make all per-rest abilities, per-encounter abilities instead, as well as make you have enough empower to spam abilities to near infinitum and make any injury meaningless outside the immediate battle. Sure you could say that enforcing limits would make the game harder, and more tedious, but it's not arbitrary to say that the current resting mechanic is slightly flawed since it makes other mechanical features like injuries, per-rest abilities and empower redundant or overpowered. So, I guess what I'm saying is that not all your recourses are supposed to be per-battle, but the current resting mechanic can make them so. Any game that include a resting as a roleplaying feature, usually also include some restrictions, although, admittedly, they are often not very strong. It seems strange to me to say that resting isn't a part of the game because the game isn't only about resting, though. Also, included in any changes, at least to me, is to remove the possibility of being a insomniac super-buffer. And criticism isn't necessarily negative, there is positive criticism and constructive criticism as well. Any changes I propose is to make the game better to me, and should not be taken to mean that I dislike the game, on the contrary, I like it a lot and I like PoE:D better than PoE, especially the combat.
Fair point, I guess, but shouldn't the Deadfire telemetry tell a tale of innumerable hordes of immortal insomniacs by now? Proposing a change to resting is more a suggestion so that breaking the game by using an inherent feature would be more difficult. No wrenches need to be thrown, nor is there really a suggestion that any have been, but some kind of tool to tighten the games mechanics could be used to great effect. Also, if tedium is the concern then add proposed changes to resting, or anyones Obsidian actually would like, as a challenge feature, a triple crown merit badge is not won by people who have a problem with tedium. Fallout: New Vegas, had a hardcore feature that insure more tedium and micromanagement by messing with the food and resting, I always played with that on. Besides removing resting buffs when boarding your ship just seems sensible. A minor change that would be quite easy to implement. I think, even though I'm not a programmer.
People are allowed to have different opinions. I respect that, but i admit that i become supergrumpy too, when others tells me that i'm ranting or flamebaiting, and such. On the net being polite is such a difficult thing, a lot of people talk to others as if they are friends hanging around in a bar... I would just like to wish you good luck on your non-pirate adventure. It seems to be possible to have one even in Deadfire. I guess one argument would be - why would you want one Good roleplaying games will alway have the temptation to do bad things, the real challenge is constructing a game that accurately conveys what a bastard you are for stealing everything that isn't nailed down.
Yeah, I know that's why I wrote that it would be tedious if nothing else, but I guess you could have dungeon re-spawn and diminishing xp rewards. If you wanted to be real nasty you could re-spawn more low-level minions, just to annoy players. Like a call-to-arms penalty for going back and forth your ship - you cowardly bastard!
Sure, why not just have a fatigue injury? Run it on a timer so you have to rest or die eventually. Integrates well with my previous idea, I think. The combination would essentially force you to rest and eat, you know like in real life, and in much the same way you would die if you don't and didn't. EDIT: If you wanted to be extra mean you could scale timers and food stack sizes with difficulty level.
Well, I kind of like the rest mechanics and the different kinds of food, so resting isn't all bad, it just makes the game a bit easier than perhaps it should be. You could certainly limit the resting and therefore empowerment as well, two features that many complain make the game too easy. My idea was to limit access to your infinite party chest. If you limited the party chest to be accessible only at the ship (and possibly within cities) and forced you to bring along food for resting (with reasonable stack sizes), and added injuries when resting without food, you would have a fairly effective limit to the amount of resting you could do. I think these would be realistic changes, enhancing role-play immersion as well. Sure you could return to your ship, and you would perhaps have to select loot with more care, but returning all the time instead of using better tactics would undeniably be more difficult and tedious, as well as immersive. Now I recognise that this sort of feature would not be liked by the nerf police who complains whenever they get disadvantaged, but perhaps adding changes to party chest accessibility and resting mechanics could be a challenge feature?
Patch Notes for 2.0.0
Baldiedash replied to David Benefield's topic in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Announcements & News
I really hope it wasn't intentional and always hated the fact that they didn't show in POE, which completely ruined expert mode for me. Simply put, I don't feel like to having indicators divorced from expert increases difficulty like at all. Not having them visible makes the process of combats tedious and not fun to the point I will never run expert mode ever vs I would play expert mode 100% of the time if indicators were there. Seconding (thirding?) this. Removing AoE indicators doesn't make the game tactically deeper or more difficult, except in the sense that you need to eyeball things that you have no reasonable way of guessing. Every time a CRPG says, "this has a 15-foot radius" and doesn't give me a rangefinder for what a fifteen foot radius actually is, I feel a wave of anti-nostalgia. Well, let me fifth this. Honestly with the fixed 15-fooot radius you had at least a sporting chance of eyeballing it, because, in Baldur's Gate at least, a lot of spells had the same radius so you kind of learned how to put on a mental template. That is definitely much more difficult to do in Pillars, with all the different areas and area size increase effects. I didn't like to play on expert mode because of it.