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Everything posted by Luvsucklonewolf

  1. Thanks I just want caster with high crit rate from ranger so I think Druid/ranger might be good. I don’t care about shifter . Just want strong magic plus high crit rate . (But Furry just look so cool when shifted > < :D ) I think I will cast from long range , and use arquebus to snipe them. Just my concept, not sure it will work or not. I don’t want to be master of creatures, just want an animal companion that can tank and buy me some time when I cast magic that’s all, so I think ranger might be good ^^ Thanks for your advice . shifter/stalker sound fun ! . But now I just played furry/helwalker and furry/sharpshooter and the helwalker one seem to deal more damage but he die a lot at the beginning compare to sharpshooter . Wonder how far can I go with beastmaster !
  2. I want to try something new, and notice that there aren’t any beastmaster build, so I just want to know if anyone have tried it before , especially after patch 1.1? Can it become damage dealer ?
  3. Now I am playing firegodlike with paladin (shieldbearer)/zerker Max int , perception , will tell you the progression .
  4. Plan to build a fire godlike melee damage dealer with immortal buff like bar death door/ lay on hand (shield paladin) multiclass with zerker or Helwalker. Don’t know if this build have enough dps ? Had anyone tried similar build ?
  5. Hi Voltron! I really love your builds, sword singer and burn baby burn ! I wonder which one provide more dps , I guess the burn baby ? I am now play the burn baby but I still miss the flashy spells and AOE damage of a wizard.(I did not have the flail yet). Can you suggest any fun and most dps wizard plusxxx multiclass?
  6. Just check “ whisper of the endless path” !! Very suit this build. Thanks ) can’t wait to try it!
  7. Thanks a lot ^^ I never complete this game. But I guess there a a lot of items as you described will make up for my dump stat. Will try it
  8. @vastrus thanks for your information !! What about your attrib ? Max might , max per? it sounds like a fun build xD I plan to play with few party members, may be I will get talking sword to fix frenzy ?
  9. I plan to dump int and use missiles and other spells that did not require int. (As somebody suggested in this topic) https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/98670-a-magic-using-meele-class/?p=2026036 Not sure it will work, will start new character now.
  10. Any ideas about wizard/berserker? Stat, items and strategies? Thanks I want to have a battle mate character but I think fighter is too boring.
  11. Great build!! It seems well-balanced ! Use FOD to clean the remaing mobs after fireball sound great ! I will try your build today ! I wanted to play as battle mage /dark knight for a long time , seems like your build can make it happen. I used to play wizard/chanter (skald ) but I died a lot. Thanks for very detail build ! PS. Do you think it will be viable if I add more into int/per and lower con and resolve to 6-7?
  12. I played as a wizard and accidentally kill eder in the first fight with fire spell ! When the ship wrecked and i regain consciousness at the beach ,eder is gone !! Is it a bug ? Because after fight he should be resurrected ?No?
  13. Hi, I did not play solo but very interested in bar/chanter which one cause more dps end game between fighter/chanter or bar/chanter? Today I try two handed sword and love the damage output when crit . Is it possible to use two handed in these build? Thanks for great build !! I will modify some attrib to suit my party
  14. What about fighter/chanter vs barbarian/chanter ? Which one do you like the most or which can generate more dps end-game ?
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