Thanks I just want caster with high crit rate from ranger so I think Druid/ranger might be good. I don’t care about shifter . Just want strong magic plus high crit rate . (But Furry just look so cool when shifted > < :D )
I think I will cast from long range , and use arquebus to snipe them. Just my concept, not sure it will work or not.
I don’t want to be master of creatures, just want an animal companion that can tank and buy me some time when I cast magic that’s all, so I think ranger might be good ^^
Thanks for your advice . shifter/stalker sound fun ! .
But now I just played furry/helwalker and furry/sharpshooter and the helwalker one seem to deal more damage but he die a lot at the beginning compare to sharpshooter . Wonder how far can I go with beastmaster !